Only Four!

 Posted by at 12:05 pm  Politics
Jul 112018

When the High Priest of Hatred, aka Donald Trump, went into the business of stealing children from desperate Latinos, he either had no intention of reuniting them, heads a Republican Party too incompetent to reunite them, or both.  Fortunately judges put the Republican Reich under court order to reunite all 102 children five are less by yesterday.  When the deadline had come and gone yesterday, only four kids were back with their families.


As an initial deadline for the Trump administration to reunify separated migrant families arrived Tuesday, desperate parents said they still had no idea when they would see their kids again.

The federal government on Tuesday said that only four — out of 102 — migrant children under 5 years old had been reunited with their parents before the July 10 deadline, according to a court filing from government lawyers. Another 34 could potentially be back with at least one parent by the end of the day, according to federal officials.

"Why was it so easy for them to take our children but so hard to give them back?" asked Digna, a 37-year-old Salvadoran mother who has been separated from her two children since crossing the border in May. "It was traumatic for someone to tell these children they were going to be ripped from their mother’s arms."…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NBC News> 

It turns out that one of the children may actually be a US citizen.  Lawrence O’Donnell has that story and more from the families.

There  is no excuse for this abuse of power by the Racist Republican Reich!  Why racist?  They aren’t abusing people at the northern border, are they?




  17 Responses to “Only Four!”

  1. I already commented why they could not possibly meet the deadline. Did I also mention the condition in which they are being returned? Filth and lice and ticks? And citizenship – he doesn’t see that as a problem – he’ll just rescind citizenship. So far it’s just naturalized citizens, but don’t worry, he’ll get to birthright citizenship too.

    • Incidentally, in 2001, while on a trip in West Africa, this kind of separation happened to Alan Grayson.  It appears to have been not much more than an hour, if that, but —

      In November 2001, I took my family on a trip to West Africa.  We had a six-year-old (my daughter Skye), a three-year-old and a one-year-old with us.  We landed in Nigeria, and crossed overland to Benin, Togo and Ghana.

      When we arrived at the border between Togo and Ghana, it was late – past 9 pm – and it was dark.  I got out of the taxi with our passports, and I went inside the border post.  Inside, the border guard captain clearly was annoyed that I already had visas, which meant that he couldn’t “sell” them to me.  He told me to bring my ex- into the building.  I explained to him that she was watching three young children.  He pointed his gun at me, made a racist remark, and clearly wasn’t going to take “no” for an answer.  So I went out and brought her in.

      While we were inside, the captain said something in a local language to his assistant, who went outside.  He then made a great show of looking through every page of every passport.  After his assistant returned, he smiled, handed me the passports, and waived his hand for me to leave.  We left.

      The taxi was gone.  I asked the nearest guard where the taxi went.  He pointed down the road.

      I ran down the road.  And I heard Skye screaming, “Daddy!  Daddy!”

      The car was a mile down the road.  When I caught up to it, Skye jumped out of it, into my arms.  She was sobbing uncontrollably.

      The driver apologized.  He said that the border guard who had left the building pointed a gun at him, and ordered him to drive away.

      The two younger children were in the car, safe and sound.  They had slept through the whole thing.  But Skye continued to cry, long into the night.

      I have heard that children can recover quickly from a bad experience.  That’s not what happened.  For years afterward, Skye refused to be alone – even when she was sleeping.  Her separation anxiety was palpable.

      • Frightening story, and yes, children remember. 
        Years ago, I lost my toddler at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, for about 15 minutes. It’s a frightening experience, with the heart throbbing minutes that go by of not knowing. A guide found her by a bridge, PTL, that had chicken wire on the slats, (thankfully), and she was feeding the ducks. I remember. 
        My heart goes out to all the families who are going through this nightmare, and hope that this will be fixed quickly. (tho’ probably not, as I have no confidence in this administration).
        America will remember this for generations to come. We will remember.  

        Thanks, Joanne for posting your story. 

      • Great post.  Thank you.

  2. Gawd….this is horribly depressingly insane. One of the stories I read this a.m., was about a distraught mother at the border who was told that her child was sent to Michigan, (how in the sam hell can one send a child up there w/o the parent’s approval??!), and she was told that she’d have to PAY (airfare) to get her child back!!! wth?? can’t remember link as to where the story was though. sorry 
    From VOX: ICE has now released a flyer for parents separated from their children at the border. A flyer. And it’s in English. 
    Here’s more:

  3. TDump is creating enemies, in the parents, and in the children.  He has caused I do not know how to count how much trauma for all, and neither he, nor the pseudo-Christians give a rotten rat’s behind!  

  4. Oh, at the gym, earlier, on the Faux horse poo channel, someone was interviewing “Trump’s spiritual adviser, who was quoted as saying “Jesus never broke immigration laws!”  More horse poo!!!!!!!!  Besides, he has no use for a “Spiritual advisor,” just for a propaganda coach.

    • I’m pretty confident there were no immigration laws in that time and place, certainly not as we understand them.  The Roman Empire had citizenship laws including a form of birthright citizenship (I think it was more based on TO WHOM than on WHERE you were born, though) and if you didn’t have that you could buy it, and it was quite pricey.  (Maybe I shouldn’t have brought that up.  Republicans would LOVE selling citizenship.)  But there were no border stations between Israel and Egypt when the Holy Family went there as refugees.

      • AMEN!!!  In addition, Jesus treated everyone with respect and equally — example the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:4-26). Samaritans were regarded as much less than Jews at the time, as well as “foreigners”, yet Jesus accepted a drink of water from her and engaged her, something not done in Jewish society.  

        Also Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt 14:19).  Jesus would never have done or supported a policy of separation of children from their parents in the first place.

        It is truly amazing that this spiritual adviser, indeed the whole evangelical community that support Drumpf and his policies, dare even call themselves Christian when they bear to ressemblance to Jesus and his teachings.  They truly are twisted.

        Sorry, did not want to get into a long Biblical discussion, but I’ll call it as I see it — this spiritual adviser, Drumpf and pseudo Christians are full of horse shit . . . or is it elephant shit!

  5. This is not sheer incompetence of this administration, this is intentionally disobeying the court because they know they can get away with it. We don’t hear Republicans screaming blue murder about this, do we? Especially not now Drumpf has thrown them their Kavanaugh bone and he’s creating havoc in the UN and Europe before returning to his master for more instructions how to disrupt global politics and economy.

  6. These people are truly EVIL!

    The only comfort – and it ain’t much – we can take is that …

  7. We need to get rid of those at the top that hold anti-ethnic sentiments.
    This fear and hatred of others has caused our country to be split apart.Some may argue that the Confederate South has never given up nor given in.I can not count the number of times that I have heard it said that “the South shall rise again.”Personally, I find this to be anti-American and I am disgusted by it.

  8. Thanks, hot hugs and Amen! ?

  9. This entire situation is unacceptable!!!  I don’t think Drumpf ever intended to re-unite the families and is only going through some motions to deceive the courts and the world.  The incompetence of the people carrying out Drumpf’s orders for the separation and now re-unification of the families is mind boggling.  Undoubtedly, they can tell if they ordered too many pencils in their last stationery request but they cannot say where the children or parents are located.

    This is a big global human rights abuse and I would love to see Drumpf, Sessions and the entire Republican party which allowed this to happen, to stand trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity.

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