Apr 152018

Yesterday I twisted George’s foot, when I hit a snag crossing a street.  I shall have to go in for emergency repairs.  Pardon my rush.  Wendy is coming, and I overslept.  It’s later, and Wendy overslept too.  Tomorrow I’m meeting two prison volunteers and a former prisoner for a working lunch, so please e3xpect no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:56 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Think Progress: “I guarantee you somewhere in Kentucky today a child was sexually assaulted that was left at home because there was nobody there to watch them,” Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin (R) said to a reporter Friday. He claimed “hundreds of thousands” of children were left home alone as the result of statewide teacher walkouts, and that predators would have used this knowledge to attack unattended children.

He also “guaranteed” that a child ingested poison because their teachers were attending a protest and the child’s parent wouldn’t have enough money to take care of them. Bevin, who offered no evidence for his claims, said he was offended that caretakers would so “cavalierly… skip work” to attend the protest.

It is considerably more likely that children were assaulted, because they had the misfortune to be born to Republican perverts. RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Meet the Parents Cold Open


That was not credible. The real Cohen would have broken the polygraph machine. RESIST!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Liz Crokin Knows That ‘A Video Of Hillary Clinton Sexually Abusing A Child Exists’

Barf Bag Alert!!


If the accusation were that Hillary had gone after Slick Willie’s butt with a hot poker, I might have believed it, but this is so absurd that it’s positively Republican. RESIST!!



  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/15/2018”

  1. 4:13 My, what big eyes you have.

    The OTHER SNL video – New Laura Ingraham sponsors

    Incidentally, Ace Hardware, which did pull out, is back in again.

    TP – Imagine Matt Bevin caring about a child getting assaulted or poisoned. He’s just trying – very badly at that – to speak our language. Old saying: he may have the words, but the music just isn’t there.

    SNL – This almost makes me want to see “Meet the Parents.’ But not quite. (Side note – who does “Mike Pence” think he is fooling by referring to himsalf as “normal”?)

    RWW – But not a REAL one. I wouldn’t put it past someone – in fact, I wouldn’t put it past this witch – to make a FAKE one. She sounds like she is paving the way for a fake, in fact.

    Cartoon – this year, you have until Tuesday (the 17th).

    • Well, you’re piqued my curiosity – what do you have against “Meet the Parents”?

      I LOVED “Meet the Parents”

      • Then I would assume you recognized the parody of it  in this skit.  Everyone who saw the film is talking about it.  I don’t have anything against it – I just am not good at watching movies.  Any movies.  So my comment was actually high praise for it.

    • I almost used that instead of the other SNL! 04

  2. TP: What a horrible thing to say. Where in the sam hill did THAT crap come from??

    SNL: Great skit, it was nice seeing DeNiro (who looks alot like Mueller), and Stiller as Cohen. Maybe the paper jammed with all the lies that Cohen is spewing out. lol.

    RWW: Got to 0:47, that was it for me. ICK!!

    Cartoon: Yep, mine are done.

    Hope the repair is quick for George. Sounds like you have a busy evening and day tomorrow. Best to you, and take good care, Tom.
    *BTW, family folks living in WI, temp right now is 29, snowfall from late Friday afternoon to this evening will total about a foot. Can’t say that I miss the northern weather, here it’s 68.

  3. If we could designate where our tax money goes, maybe there wouldn’t be as much grumbling or cheating. I don’t mind paying my fair share; what irks me is when the ultra-rich don’t pay theirs, or when so much of what we all pay is squandered on “defense.”

  4. Is Liz Kook-in for real? The only people who will believe even a hundredth of what she spews out of her face anus are those who have room-temperature IQs – in Celsius. I could go on and on and on and on and on about videos floating around that prove all kinds of crazy [excrement].

  5. TP: Republicans are really taking their cue from Drumpf now, aren’t they? Blowing off on some completely made up, and therefore never to be verified, horror scenarios, blaming teachers on strike for those non-existent scenarios and then calling them “cavalier”, when these teachers take no notice of Matt Bevin’s wild imaginings. It’s by now very obvious that many Republicans in office are fearing for their jobs and will do anything to hang in there, copying their idol.

    SNL: Sessions in cahoots with Pence to throw Drumpf under the bus by delivering Cahen to Mueller; that’s just too credible, isn’t it? “…in a couple of months the president will be back to normal…cause it’ll be me [Pence]” Yikes indeed! Great parody though, despite the high reality content.

    RWW: After 48 seconds I gave up on these ravings of a Republican lunatic. I’m sorry I made the mistake of actually viewing it, because the higher the number of times their insanity is viewed, the more it pushes these certified crazies to make another video for YouTube. The deluded crave their 10 minutes of fame too, you know.

    Cartoon: If all have to pay the IRS as much as you do, TomCat, there will be few to bend over. The 1% of course never bends over.

    Sounds you were too hasty celebrating Friday 13th was such an uneventful day, TomCat. It seems to have now spread itself over the 14th and the 15th. Let’s hope it stops here and your working lunch is a great success. It must be such a joy to see one of your boys outside those prison walls!

  6. TP: Hey, in Kentucky one of the criteria to be met in running for governor is the uncanny ability to predict anything that will support the GOPIG platform!
    SNL: Priceless!
    RWW: Anything tDump can be accused of…Hillary can too…Is that the tactic?  People like this are the reason that Fux NotNews has made such an impact in the US.

  7. Thanks all.  Hurried hugs.12

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