Poll Result – 4/2/2018

 Posted by at 12:07 pm  Blog News, Politics
Apr 022018

Here are the results of our β€œDump Trump” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments. (The site changed what they were doing)

Showing comments 19 of 9.

Posted by Rixar13  16 hours ago.


Impeach and convict


Posted by Terry S.  March 16, 2018 at 8:59 pm.


Voted I have no idea, because it will probably depend on how deep the


is that Mueller finds, and which way the rethugs think will come closest to saving their asses. Hopefully, they won’t find any way TO save them.


Posted by SoINeedAName  March 4, 2018 at 12:05 pm.


I voted "No Idea" – but that’s because I think it’s almost a trick question.

Recalling the uproar Comey created by re-opening the Hillary email boondoggle just days before the election, it wouldn’t surprise me if Mueller holds off any announcement until after the 2018 election.

And since the new Congress (now controlled by Democrats in BOTH chambers) is not seated until noon on the 3rd day of January, 2019 – it impeachment will not occur "this year".

BUT I also think it’s quite possible that Trump will be so certifiably CRAZY that Mueller will act soon and with dispatch to quite literally save our nation and Constitution.

And yes, I think that Trump is under so much pressure he may actually go off the deep-end and pull a Queeg scenario just like in "Caine Mutiny".

It’s THAT BAD now.


Posted by Vivian B.   March 2, 2018 at 3:18 pm.


I have NO idea. The repukkklican have no guts and will probably stay with this crazy bunch until the wheels fall off! But you can never tell about them.


Posted by gene  March 2, 2018 at 2:43 am.


Am voting have no idea because so much depends on what Mueller finds. I read this morning that some on the Republican side, have suddenly realized that Mueller have EVIDENCE of Americans who were complicit in working with those 13 indicted Russians. From other things I’ve read, those could include McConnell, Ryan and others high up in the party chain. If that’s true, that changes the whole matter and we have a constitutional crisis on our hands because if convicted in a criminal trial, i don’t think any of them, Trump/Pence included could continue to hold office. That throws the whole government into disarray that will need be resolved by the Supreme Court – somehow, with no actual precedent. It is going to be an extremely interesting 18-24 months I think.


Posted by Katie and Bill  March 1, 2018 at 3:37 pm.


TRUMPY’S day is coming!

I agree with Lona

TURTLEMAN is looking more Crappy Faced every day!

Get them all!



Posted by Lona Goudswaard  March 1, 2018 at 12:21 pm.


Standing with Drumpf is like most of the things the GOP are paid to stand behind; climate change denial or tax cuts to enrich the rich, their greed and stupidity prohibits them from seeing the consequences let alone acknowledge they have past a point of no return. They will doggedly continue to destroy the country and ultimately themselves. They’ll follow their FΓΌhrer into his bunker.


Posted by Mitch D.  March 1, 2018 at 10:09 am.


I believe that the GOPIGS will just double down, will more loudly insist that it’s all nothing but a politically motivated scam. Faux News will spontaneously combust, as Hannity and ilk try to outdo one another with inflamatory oratory.


Posted by dave c  March 1, 2018 at 8:59 am.


I have no clue how republicans think once you get over their selfishness, greed, fear, and lying

I voted with the majority.  A few will make noise, but they love the way Trump keeps attention focused on his antics, leaving them free to pillage the country at will.



  16 Responses to “Poll Result – 4/2/2018”

  1. I’m pretty sure I voted “neither” for all the reasions that Nameless included in his explanation. But I honestly don’t remember. I might have voted “no idea.”

  2. All good comments there. 
    I think I voted for ‘Impeach & convict’. 

  3. Who the Hello Kitty are the 46% who said “Neither impeach nor convict”? Or did a bunch of tRump chumps vote on this one? Or maybe they had something else in mind – maybe something best left unwritten.

    • As one of the 46%, I can tell you we WANT him gone at least as much as you do and maybe more.  But that wasn’t the question.  The question was whether we believed that REPUBLICANS would do it.  You don’t really believe they would, do you?  No matter what?

  4. There are a lot of signs that Republicans won’t impeach or convict Drumpf, no matter what Mueller or anyone else comes up with, Freya. If they had any intention so far, they could have done so already, but until now they’ve only backed Drumpf and echoed his “leftist witch hunt”.

    Democrats is of course another matter. They’ve been trying to impeach him as soon as Drumpf was inaugurated, but as a minority there’s no hope of ever succeeding. So you know what to do: vote, vote and vote again and have a Democratic majority in Congress by the time Mueller finishes his investigations.

  5. I am with the 46% because I do not believe that the Republicans have the balls to impeach and convict, and after all, they dominate the Congress.  They are too busy saving their own asses (amazing what power and greed do!) to save the country.

    • BTW, I lost this comment with the message “name, email are required fields” when I clicked submit.  This is also what happened the other day on the first comment loss.  My Annie was responsible for the second (obviously, she is a great mouser . . . just the wrong kind of mouse!).  In both cases, my name and email was there.  Any ideas?

      • That’s interesting.  I make a point of being logged in so it never asks for mine.  When I was less careful it would ask for them if I wasn’t logged in.  (Since I first type into Notepad on my own computer, except if my comment is very short, I don’t lose the content of the comments.)

      • Squatch, that has never happened to me, but I always log in before I comment.  Could Annie have altered your email on the fly? ?

        • Or logged you out …

        • I always log in before commenting, if I am not already logged in, because I can do so much more.  And as to Annie, she was the 3rd lost comment so I know she did not screw up the first two.
          I have occasionally had other comments with the same problem over the years.  Very frustrating when the info is there.
          Maybe Republicans are responsible because they don’t like my comments.

          • Having read the monthly report, I’d also consider Russian bots as a culprit.

          • I’m at a loss, unless JD is on the right track.  But the Yandex  referrals could not have been bots, which register as not viewed hits.  Perhaps Russian operatives are trying to hijack Canada’s premiere resource, the Squatch. 12

  6. Thanks and Hugs! 04

    A lot of you misread the poll and answered what you or Democrats would do.  The subject was what Republicans would do.

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