Nov 172017

As this is the last Friday before Thanksgiving, I thought it’d be fun to view how a San Francisco-based artist has interpreted how she believes famous artists might plate their Thanksgiving feasts in their very own signature artistic style – but using their plates as palettes with turkey, mash potatoes, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, etc. as their mediums.

And to add a little spice to it, let’s do it as a “Pop Quiz” – but you can be thankful I’m going to stuff in some hints to help out.

First, I’ll show you the dinner plate conceived as how various artists would serve their TGD meals in their own artistic style.  And if you guess the artist just from that – give yourself two (2) points.

Then below it will be a “Hint Link” to an actual representative work by the famous artist to jar your memory.  They most likely won’t match the subject matter on the plate, but be representative of their style.  If you need to use the link to figure out the artist, give yourself one (1) point.

(You have no idea how hard it is to find a representative work of art at least somewhat like the meal – BUT that does NOT have the name of the artist in the link.)

AND I won’t give the answers to the Quiz until Saturday – so go ahead and put your answers & points in the Comments section.

Some of them are artists I’ve never heard of.  But most of them are fairly familiar names from the art world such that if you have to wait for the answers tomorrow you’ll go, “Oh my gourd – how could I have not remembered him/her?!?” 

Just remember that if you get angry because you can’t figure some of them out, we will not tolerate any fowl language.  But I actually think you’ll be a-maized at how many you get correct!

And no fair cheating –  like Googling, using Ouija boards or calling on spirits and poultrygeists to help out!  It’s just a game … and there are NO prizes.

So let’s feast our eyes on the plated palettes …










Mimic Hint:

More Familiar Work Hint:



Everyone can give themselves two points, because this is MY Thanksgiving Day Dinner Plate rendition:

… Because my Turkey Day Motto is:

“Leftovers Are For LOSERS!”


I’ll be heading up to Illinois again this Wednesday to enjoy a TGD feast with my Mom and aunt – consequently no “Friday Fun” next week.   So to all you fine folks enjoying my favorite holiday with your family, friends and critters, I raise my wine gobble-t in a toast to you!  (But not too much wine – I don’t want you people to get basted.)

(Yeah, I know … I know.  My puns tend to be really corny – but I just can’t give them up cold turkey.)


  13 Responses to “Friday Fun: Thanksgiving Plates As Palettes”

  1. This is my score.  So I hope you’ll feel free to do something like this (but w/ the name of the artist inserted) for the Pop Quiz:

    1] 2

    2] 2

    3] 2

    4] 2

    5] 2

    6] 2

    7] 2

    8] 1

    9] 1 (And I would have had to use both Hints to get it) 

    10] 0 (Never even heard of this one – and didn’t recognize it even w/ the Hint)

    • OK, thirteen with the bonus points.  I have included two wrong answers which were my two-point thoughts but which, whan I checked the hints, wwere wrong (but I still think they were good guesses.)

      1  (2) Mondrian
      2  (2)  Jackson Pollock
      3  (1) George Seurat 
      4  (1) Vincent Van Gogh
      5  (1) Christo
      6  (1) Edvard Munch no, Salvador Dali
      7  (0) recognize the work but can’t remember the name
      8  (1) Judy Chicago no, Georgia O’Keefe
      9  (2) Rene Magritte (a giveaway if one’s read “Gödel, Escher, Bach – an Eternal Golden Braid”)
      10 (0) don’t recognize the work either
      11 (2) Bonus – Nameless

      Very clever – thank you!

  2. Remember, it isn’t Thanksgiving until you feel as stuffed as Trigger.


  3. I’ve been out of touch with the art world for many years but some of them were recognizable at first glance especially Van Gogh & Dali (loved the shaped dish plate). The dishes themselves did offer some clues but linking them to a second clue helped lots to jar the old memory cells. #1: Mondrian, #2: Pollock, #3: Seurat, #4: Van Gogh, #5: Christo & Jeanne-Claude, #6: Dali, #7: Haring (pop artist), #8: O’Keeffe, #9: Magritte, #10: Silhouette artworks, Walker, #11: Bonus: NoName.

    Leftovers are not for “losers”. Sometimes it is best not to get overloaded, stuffed to the wattles, to the point of needing to the loosening of one’s belt or even groaning “I ate the whole thing”. By the way, leftover turkey meat lathered with a bit of mayo and a slice of cheese make great quick cold sandwiches.

    Nameless: Have fun with your Family and to all the PP & C2 commenters too on their Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23. Hugzzz, Jim.

  4. 1] (2) Paul Mondriaan

    2] (2) Jackson Pollock

    3] (1) One of those French pointillists, Seurat I guess

    4] (2) Vincent van Gogh

    5] (2) Christo, on a small scale this time

    6] (2) Salvador Dali

    7] (2) Keith Haring

    8] (0) Haven’t a clue even with the clue

    9] (2) René Magritte

    10] (0) A woman no doubt, but again clueless. Perhaps the artist herself?

    11 (2) That looked really nice, Nameless. But didn’t it get cold because you had to take a picture every few minutes?

    Thanks, I really enjoyed that,Nameless, but again realized I probably now more about Western European art than art from anywhere else. Have to catch up on that.

    Have a good trip and a wonderful Thanksgiving with your Mom and aunt. Prepare some turkey beforehand to entice your cat with should the vents not work this time.

  5. I got a couple names correct, but, I sure did enjoy the designs on the plates.
    I love the plate in #6!

    #6 reminds me of a teacher years ago, (at the school Thanksgiving luncheon for staff), who got her plate exactly like the picture, with no other foods touching each other, nor eating stuffing because of the texture. I found that odd, as her reasoning was that there are too many ‘ingredients’ in it, and she didn’t eat gravy either. She is OCD and has brumotactillophobia. Lovely and fantastic teacher though.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving with your loved ones too.
    Great post, and tons of info on this page.

    Thank you, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross-posting.

  6. Enjoy a safe trip! 04

    Score me at zero.  What I lack in arts, I’ll recoup in farts! 25

  7. 1 – Mondrian

    2 – I know the style but damned if I can recall the name

    3 – Georges Seurat

    4 – Vincent Van Gogh

    5 – no idea

    6 – Salvador Dali

    7 – no idea

    8 – no idea

    9 – no idea

    10 – no idea

    Bonus — me!  No leftovers here!

    Rather bad score especially considering I was a fine arts major.  I was particularly fond of Georges Seurat and patterned my style after his mainly in colour which was the whole point, but also monochromatic pieces too.

    In honour of the American Thanksgiving, I think I’ll have a turkey dinner tomorrow.

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