The Next Anti-Fuhrer

 Posted by at 1:09 pm  Politics
Sep 032017

It seems awfully early for Campaign 2020 to begin, but apparently several members of the Democratic Party are already jockeying for pole position in the race for the Democratic Nomination.  It’s critically important that Democrats have a nominee with a solid progressive agenda, because we cannot afford another situation in which personal purity mavens dupe so many progressive voters into voting for a can’t-win third party nominee, instead of a less progressive Democrat.  Look how Putin’s other puppet, Jill Stein, handed the election to Trump.  We can’t afford to let the pie-in-the-sky set hand the election to another monster like ___________ (insert any Republican here).


Aides to Senator Kamala Harris of California say that her fund-raisers in Martha’s Vineyard and the Hamptons this summer have been all about helping Democrats in 2018. Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s allies say his new political group is building an email list so he can communicate directly with his supporters about the future of the party and the country. And Representative Tim Ryan of Ohio says he has been traveling to Iowa and New Hampshire in part because “I like being out around the country.”

But the packed fund-raising calendars, brisk political spending and trips to early primary states suggest that in fact a shadow campaign for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination is already well underway.

In interviews, more than three dozen leading Democratic donors, fund-raisers and operatives agreed that it was the earliest start they had ever seen to the jockeying that typically precedes the official kickoff to the campaign for the party’s presidential nomination. It is a reflection of the deep antipathy toward President Trump among Democrats, and the widespread belief that the right candidate could defeat him, but also of the likelihood that the contest for the nomination could be the longest, most crowded and most expensive in history…

Inserted from <NY Times>

Of the candidates mentioned, my favorite is Kamala Harris, but if I could choose the Democratic nominee, it would be Elizabeth Warren.  Nevertheless…




  11 Responses to “The Next Anti-Fuhrer”

  1. Vote Blue…….

    Voting red is voting for more debt, more war, more violence, and more “isms” (racism, sexism, etc)

  2. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Joe Kennedy III, (who may or may not run)…All worthy candidates.Yes, VOTE BLUE WHATEVER YOU DO, VOTE BLUE!!!

  3. Personally, I feel that it was more important in 2016 that we had a candidate who had been slandered so persistently for so long that the mind of the country was full of s**t about her – and we never really confronted that dragon.  Of course, it’s possible that we would not have been able to slay it anyway, but we didn’t seem to be trying to.  And, athough I don’t feel that third party voters actually had much effect in 2016, that’s not to say they might not have a HUGE effect in 2020.  Comparable to John Anderson.  And that’s terrifying.

    The list may in fact be long, but the list of names they actually print is not.  And it doesn’t include anyone who would be in my top few choices.  Sherrod Brown.  Adam Schiff.  Jeff Merkley.  Daniel Webster – no, wait – he’s dead.  But we could stand to have him or someone like him – based on the legend that he got a New England farmer out of a contract with the devil.  Because, given what we are up against, we need to be that good.

    As far as early – I guess I would say, it’s not too early to think about it.  It’s far too early to make any commitments.

  4. The Rethugs will probably help fund the campaigns of more than one Democrat, in order to sow disarray, and use their old “divide and conquer,” strategy.  As much as I can value perspectives that are outside the “standard” DNC picture, we can not allow Stein, Johnson, Nader, or anyone else to hand the election to the Rethugs, whatever small-brained imbecile they nominate.  And, if you think back to the field of Rethugs from 2016, each and every one of them was a loosing proposition for the country.  
    Of course, the MOST heinously sick of them was able to play to the media and some 62,000,000 grasping, deluded fools.

  5. “Vote blue no matter who.” Noble words, but they do not address the problem of the Democratic Party creeping slowly to the right. We need REAL progressives in charge, and as candidates. The lesser of two evils is still evil. Democrats need to regroup and return to their progressive roots – otherwise, they will be indistinguishable from Republicans, just as the pigs were indistinguishable from the humans at the end of Animal Farm.

    • Although Hillary Clinton was my last choice of potential Democratic candidates, I hope you are not suggesting that she was indistinguishable from the best Republican candidate, let alone Putin’s Puppet.  That was the lie that the Russians and Jill Stein kept telling.

  6. How about first making sure all Congresses are filled with as many progressive Democrats as possible in 2018 and raise money for this vital midterm to counteract all that money the Kochs et al have been pumping into it? And what about regenerating the Democratic party, i.e. making it more progressive, as it promised their voters? Focusing on a presidential candidate before strengthening the base seems a waste of time and money if that is not what voters on the left are looking for right now.

    • The DLCC is actually working on that, and has had some success in special elections, and built up some momentum.  And, yes, you are right.  Now is the time to be thinking about what state legislatures and governors will look like in 2020 – the next census.

  7. Waaaaay to early to start thinking about the 2020 Presidential Election. Just because Drumpf has already started on his campaign is no reason that the Demos should start and play catch-up. I would like to see a “law” that presidential campaigns start one (1) year prior to the election itself. Like many of you, I am tired of the constant mailings for donations and a barrage of numerous emails.

    Who are these 20 Demo candidates running for presidential office. The NYT only mentions a few names. Does anyone have knowledge of the 20 candidates, please list them. Never mind. I found links to potential candidates as googled below.

    The 43 people who might run against Trump in 2020

    Top 15 Democratic presidential candidates in 2020

    What the Demos should be doing is concentrating on its root and basic platform, a la Bernie style, and concentrate on the 2018 mid-term elections. The Demos need to get back the House and Senate to counter-act Drumpf. WE Demos need to elect progressives in all elected positions from the cat catcher on up to board of education, city & town councils and in all state offices.


  8. “… I [Wall Street billionaire Marc Lasry, a major political donor] tell them all that it’s way too early, and that they need a clearer message about what they want to do, not just about opposing Trump.””

    The Democrats need to do some serious planning starting now if they are to wrest some control of Congress from Republicans in 2018 and the White House in 2020.  They need to get their platform straight and listen to their constituents.  They need to leave the hostility at the door and as Lasry said, produce a clear message of what they want to do.  Look at what Bernie did in 2016.

    Drumpf has already announced he is running in 2020 on which hopefully Robert Mueller will put the kibosh.  But even without Drumpf, there is a whole cabal of Republicans and other right wing nuts that want to keep control of the Congress and destroy the nation.

    Another big part of coming back is laying groundwork at the municipal, county and state level.  Build the Democratic organisation from the bottom up, taking a page out of the Republican play book.  

    Vote blue no matter who!!!

    Resist, Persist and Remove!!!

    It seems my comment from last night disappeared.  Here it is as copied from Care2.

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