Jun 092017

It has been a busy week and next week looks the same.  It rained most of yesterday and a bit last night, but today has been dry with some sunshine.  Earlier this week, Wendy said that she expected TC would go home Friday or Saturday.  So far, I think he is still in the hospital as he still has pain and did not outright say he was home.  However I know he is very relieved that the liver spots are benign.  Please say prayers or keep healing thoughts for TC front and centre.  I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Jigsaw Puzzle

Yesterday’s took me 3:32 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do? No, I'm not barkin' mad!

Today’s took me 4:27 (average 5:46).  To do it, click here.  How did you do? 

Short Takes

Politico — House Republicans on Thursday united to pass a comprehensive bill that would dismantle the landmark banking regulations enacted after the 2008 financial crisis.

The legislation, approved without a single Democratic vote, represents the GOP's opening salvo in the debate over easing the rules on the financial system, a move sparked by the election of President Donald Trump and Republican control of Congress. 

Hensarling argues that the economy and consumers would benefit from his vision in which market forces rather than government regulation would keep the financial system in check.

Among the bill's most controversial measures is the elimination of most of the powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the independent regulatory agency that is Democrats' crown jewel in Dodd-Frank.

The legislation would rename the weakened CFPB the Consumer Law Enforcement Agency and make it more beholden to Congress and the president. 

The bill would also repeal a pillar of Dodd-Frank that allows regulators to manage the failure of a major financial institution, replacing that power with an updated version of the bankruptcy code.

While people were distracted by the Comey testimony, Lyin' Ryan and the Republicans rammed through a piece of legislation designed to all but kill the CFPB.  Not good at all!

Raw Story — A former Republican congressman who voted to impeach former President Bill Clinton called out House Speaker Paul Ryan as a hypocrite.

Ryan argued Thursday that congressional Republicans would not be calling for the impeachment of a Democratic president accused of the same activity as President Donald Trump — but former representative Bob Inglis dismissed those claims as nonsense.

“You know this isn’t true,” Inglis tweeted to Ryan. “You know that you would be inquiring into impeachment if this were a D.”

There have been 2 attempts to impeach sitting presidents in modern times: Richard Nixon — the Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment in July 1974 but Nixon resigned in August 1974 before the whole House could vote on the impeachment; and Bill Clinton — the Judiciary Committee approved Articles of Impeachment in December 1998 but he was acquitted in the Senate.  I won't go into detail on the charges but both presidents were charged with obstruction of justice as well as other charges.  See Nixon charges here and Clinton charges here.  In my non legal mind, it is apparent that Drumpf has obstructed justice and I hope that Mueller's investigation will bear that out at the very least.  It is a long process which will hamper Drumpf to do his job effectively.

YouTube — What We Now Know From James Comey | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ              

As the days proceed, I am sure that Mueller's investigation will raise more questions and hopefully some answers.  Comey has not heard the end of the public testimony and I dare say there will be all manner of speculation about the closed session.  Truth win out!

The New Yorker — The White House was on lockdown Thursday morning after a television was hurled out of a window, the Secret Service reported.

The incident, which occurred shortly after 10 A.M. E.S.T., caught the attention of the Secret Service after agents heard the sound of smashing glass emanating from the Oval Office.

“The sound was consistent with that of a large object, such as a television set, being thrown through a closed window,” a Secret Service spokesman said.

The television, which crashed to the ground outside the Oval Office, injured no one, the Secret Service confirmed.

I think Andy is back to straight reporting again.  I can quite imagine that the pResident was really foaming at the mouth listening to Comey's testimony.  His staff tried to keep him away from Twitter, but when they could contain no more, he let loose with this tweet "Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication … and WOW, Comey is a leaker!" .  

My Universe

I particularly like #3. 

Reminds me of my Annie who is almost 9 years old now.


  14 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 09 June 2017”

  1. Wed 4:02 (5:15)  Probably no one feels like eating a horse today.
    Thu 4:29 (5:14)  He looks very serious.
    Fri 5:12 (5:46)  Symmetry strikes again.

    Politico – Yeah, I knew it was on the table, and have been signing against it – clearly to no avail.

    Raw Story – Of course Inglis is right.  It scares me that Ryan expects anyone to believe him – and it scares me more that there probably are some.

    Keith #85 – I won't offend anyone here by quoting the email I received from Doug Lamborn, but I will say it completely justifies Keith's scron for Republicans who thnk Comey somehow "vindicated" Trump.  Whe I read it, I thought Lamborn obviously wasn't alawyer, but I looked him up and he has a JD from U of KS Law School, which must be as competent as the state's governor.  Instead of leather folios, they probably hand out the JD's in boxes of CrackerJack.

    TNY – Well, it's pretty sure he is furious, and could well be throwing things – but does anyone think he has the strength and stamina to throw a TV the size he likely uses out of a bulletproof window and break it?

    UNIVERSE – Adorable indeed

    • Interesting isn't it that Drumpf thinks that Comey somehow vindicated him.  That was all about being investigated by the FBI, but at the time Comey confirmed Drumpf was not under investigation was back in March.  Drumpf makes no accounting for things changing between March and May when Comey was fired.  Drumpf is such a loser . . . and this is who has control of the nuclear launch codes?!

  2. It scares me that Ryan would even TRY to pass off such Grade A blatant BS.  Especially given their crucifixion of Hillary – AND  the fact that they had announced plans for "Years of Investigation" of a Pres. Hillary



  3. Nice to hear the good news about TC!!!!

    Politico, and Raw Story: Outside of the Empty Orange, Ryan is probably the mosr obsessive liar in congress, just a bit more than McConnell an some of the other "usual suspects!"

    Keith: Trump's lawyer will do Trump's bidding, until, and unless, trummp, himself, compromises the jackass!  The Republicans will dodge and weave, and lie, and twist the truth as only they know so well how to do.  George Orwell could take lessons from them!

    New Yorker: He probably threw it out the window, certain that Comey, or someone else hwo does not think he is a god, planted a fake TV, with fake news on it!

    Cats and kittens are just some of the best people!

    • Apparently 4 lawyers turned down Drumpf as a client.  Smart people!  The one he has now also has a long list of Russians as clients, some with close ties to Putin.  Something smells funny!

  4. Thanks for the update and another great post, Lynn. I hope your week will be a bit less busy for you.

    Politico: OMG, you can't take your eyes of Republicans even for one minute. Republicans are too brainless to have anything as complex as a well-thought-out conspiracy going, but the deviousness with which they brought this bill quickly to the vote when all American eyes were on the Comey hearing would make you think otherwise. This new bill to dismantle banking regulations and turn the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau into a toothless lapdog is almost as bad as repealing Obamacare. It will only enrich the filthy rich at the cost of everyone else. And they have the gall to rename the bureau to the Consumer Law Enforcement Agency, knowing full well that they've stripped all the laws protecting consumers away and there's no law left to enforce. The run to the bottom and financial (and moral) bankruptcy has accelerated with this new bill. It looks like Republicans are afraid of a future after Drumpf and are lining their masters' and their own pockets as fast as they can before a new recession hits. The way they rammed this bill through also makes clear why Republicans won't ditch Drumpf yet: he's the best lightening-rod they could want until they've ticked the last item on their dastardly agenda.

    RS: Yes, the natives are getting a bit restless, but note that Bob Inglis is a former native congressman. Unless Republicans in Congress stop emulating their Orange leader with lies and deceit and develop a conscience, tweets by former Republicans will roll off them like water off a duck's back. Meanwhile they love all the diversion Drumpf creates for them.

    Keith Olbermann: Keith, and the Resistance, of course interprets Comey's testimony exactly as Comey had intended it to be: Drumpf obstructed justice by "hoping" Comey would let the Flynn investigation go and although Comey had to confirm Drumpf's assumption that he was not under investigation (at that time) for colluding with Russia, he would not go public with that because he had to revoke that as soon as Drumpf would be investigated for that. That was something Drumpf took care of by firing Comey at which point Comey felt free to leaking his memos which helped to put a special commission under Mueller in place. As you say, Lynn, we'll now have to wait what Mueller comes up with and what comes out of the closed session.

    TNY: Apparently Drump's staff had managed to fill his agenda to the brim during Comey's hearing, so that hurling might have been done by either Drumpf jr. who took to tweeting BS during the hearing for his father or by one of his staff who saw the end of his or her career approach. Of course after he got back "home" Drumpf twittered himself a hand injury. The head injury causing these inane "vindicated" tweets was something going back to his childhood.

    MU: After all that political brouhaha those kittens were a breath of fresh air, especially #2 and #10: the innocence of sleeping kittens…

  5. Politico: Dire news, to say the least.

    RS: Lyin' Ryan. The nickname alone, bears the truth of what this man says, and does. And yes, he's a hypocrite. A pretender, and NOT for the people of this country.

    KO: Dark days…indeed. Lordy!!!

    NYer: Yes, I can see him having a hissy fit over the hearing. What an A–Hat!

    MU: I know they're older, but I still like 1 and 2, but they are All adorable!!

    Glad that the biopsy came back benign. Hope that TC rests, and takes good care when coming home, hope he gets pain medication to take home too.  (My spouse had an open cholecystectomy a few years ago, and he recuperated for about a month.  (The laparoscopic wasn't an option for him.)

    Continued prayers for his recovery!

    Thanks, Lynn for post.

  6. Thanks Squatch1  Great jpb!!

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