Justice Democrats

 Posted by at 12:25 pm  Politics
Jan 302017

In my wanderings today, I came across something new, that at first glance, left me quite impressed.  It’s an organization called Justice Democrats, and their intent is something I’ve been advocating for over ten years.  The fastest way for progressives to take power is to take over the Democratic Party and transform it from within into the party we want.  Here is an excerpt from their platform.


It’s time to face the facts: the Democratic Party is broken and the corporate, establishment wing of the party is responsible. Republicans now hold most state legislatures, most governorships, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the presidency. So in 2018, hundreds of Justice Democrats will run a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress and rebuild the party from scratch. This is our plan.

Pass a constitutional amendment to put an end to Washington corruption and bring about election reform. Super PACs should be banned, private donations to politicians and campaigns should be banned, and a clean public financing system should be implemented to end the takeover of our government by corporations and billionaires. Americans deserve free and fair elections – free from the corruption of big money donors. The Supreme Court has effectively legalized bribery. It’s time for an Article 5 convention to take our democracy back from the brink of oligarchy. Prior to passing this amendment, all members of the Justice Party should reject billionaire and corporate donations when running for office to show the American people we don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Ranked choice voting should also be implemented to make smaller parties a viable option. All provisions of the voting rights act should be reinstated, and gerrymandering for partisan gain should be banned.

Re-regulate Wall Street and hold white-collar criminals accountable. Despite engaging in systemic fraud and causing a subprime mortgage meltdown and the great recession, you can count the people from Wall Street who are in prison for their crimes on one hand. It’s time to prosecute the criminals, bring back Glass-Steagall, and re-regulate Wall Street to prevent another crash. Prison is not just for the poor and the middle class anymore. We will have cops on Wall Street, not just Main Street.

End billionaire and corporate tax dodging, fix the system to benefit middle-class and poor people. Corporations dodge $450 billion a year in taxes by using offshore tax havens. We should end this injustice, as well as chain the capital gains tax to the income tax, increase the estate tax, and implement the Buffet rule so that no millionaire CEO pays less in taxes than his or her secretary. It’s time for a tax system that benefits the middle-class and the poor, and makes the top 1% and multinational corporations pay their fair share.

Defend free speech and expression. We support the right to express unpopular opinions without fear of censorship. We support free speech on college campuses. The marketplace of ideas should be embraced. A vibrant debate is healthy for democracy, and we should cherish our first amendment. We also support net neutrality for a free and open internet.

Oppose bigotry. We must speak out against racism, sexism, xenophobia, and all forms of bigotry. Non-discrimination protections that currently apply to race, religion, and gender should be expanded to include the LGBTQ community and the atheist community. Making all Americans equal is not asking for special privileges, it’s asking for the rule of law – justice and equality for all as outlined in the United States Constitution… [emphasis original]

From <Justice Democrats>

Please click through for much more.

Cenk Uygur explained Justice Democrats.

Frankly, it’s about time someone with far more resources that I took on this idea, and I encourage you to visit their site and check it out. 


  6 Responses to “Justice Democrats”

  1. It is good to see people coming together to promote the true ideas and ideals of the Democratic Party – and to RUN CANDIDATES!  Imagine that! 

    I signed up for emails and will be back when I can to tell them about my district.  Sadly.

  2. Awesome!! "Actual Hope!!"
    I signed up.
    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Sounds good, the video does, but I am taking a cautionary stance, as it also sounds rather over the top. The hyperbolic statements sound too much like Rumplefuckie!  

  4. Justice Democrats sounds very good – hooray for them, as the Democratic Party is demonstrably broken. Let's hope this can provide hope and a voice to many.

    I also found this article in The Guardian


    entitled "To defeat Trump will take an extraordinatry popular resitance' by Owen Jones – it is very good and shows how people are banding together peacefully and forcefully in the US to get their voices heard.


  5. Agree with Mitch, sounds a bit over the top and hyperbolic to me too. I think many Americans would welcome a thorough shake-up and rebuild of the Democratic party and the Democratic party's principles. And there are many good ideas in this manifest, but the main thing that needs to be changed within the party is the overload of excellent rhetoric followed by no action at all. I do hope Justice Democrats can rise beyond that. However, Bernie's appeal lies in the fact that he has a lot of plans for action, based on very similar ideas to those of the Justice Democrats, so I'm wondering if these two are in competition now. Chenk is very elusive about that  I hope they're not, that would be disastrous for the party.

    On a more personal not-an-American note: movements like these always lose me when nationalistic rhetoric takes over and when their motivation is based on 'America will be the leader of the world…in sustainable energy – we can't leave that to Germany or China.' and "be number one in health care"'.  If your main motivation to have the Democratic party clean up its act is to be the leader of the world (again) and not to be fair and livable country for ALL Americans without exception and do your bit to save this planet too, regardless of your position in the world, then it is as Mitch said: "sound[s] too much like Rumplefuckie!"

  6. Thanks all.  I'm just hoping they will actually do something more than others that just send me a dozen emails day to tell me they need my money to stop Trump from ___________.

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