Jan 072017

I’m still buried in chores, and I was feeling quite tired, so after doing my research this morning, I took an upside down cat nap, that Lona had sent from Oz.  As a result, I’m running way late and hurrying.  Today and tomorrow are holy days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos are done for the season, but if your team is still meditating, may they bask in the Orb’s blessed light.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:59 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Still Supporting Donald Trump? This Message Is For You | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


For the first time in this series I have to disagree with Keith. If the vast majority deplorable Trump goose-steppers saw Keith’s video, they would roar at Keith with rage, because the things about Trump that Keith calls "illness" are the same things about him that Republicans love. RESIST!!

From YouTube (TYT Channel): Bernie Sanders Destroys Trump From The Senate Floor


If course Trump was lying, and I said he was at the time he twitted those tweets. He’ll never admit it. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: An alarming report issued by heads of the U.S. intelligence agencies on Friday asserts that the Twitter account of President-elect Donald Trump was successfully hacked by a four-year-old child.

Profilers and cryptologists who studied Trump’s Twitter feed believe that the account was first hacked during the 2016 campaign, when the child was three.

“The hacker would often wake up in the middle of the night, in an addled and cranky state, and start tweeting,” an intelligence source said. “This disrupted sleep pattern is consistent with a suspect in the three-to-four-year-old age range.”

Sorry, Andy, I don’t buy it. The garbage that floods the nation from the Fuhrer’s Twitter feed is way below the emotional maturity level of the most socially inept four year old. RESIST!!



Monica!!  Go visit Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten!!


  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/7/2017”

  1. 5:12  I must just not like bullies.

    YT/GQ – He did a pretty good job of not yelling, though.  I don't know, there might be some who are reachable.  Of course getting them to watch is a problem.  But I think he had to try.

    YT/TYT – I love Bernie, and of course the headline is not his fault.  But it will take more than being caught in a lie to destroy Trump.  He gets caught in a lie about as frequently as he goes to the bathroom, and it goes right over his head.

    TNY – It's a little dificult to get a smile out of me today.  (Although the last few days, Lona has said something that got not just a smile but a chuckle – not what she said, but the way she said it.  Mayhap that will happen again.)

    Cartoon – Have a Heart, TC!  She had a tremendous crush on Clinton because he was attractive.  The Cheeto-faced ferret-wearing youknowwhat was never attractive, but is even less so now.  Maybe his new pick for the SEC, the blonde plagiarist, could step in.

    RESIST !!!

  2. YT: Good video, he speaks the truth.

    YT: Love Bernie! How refreshing in speaking the TRUTH!

    NYer: LOL, Andy! I hope all 4 year olds are offended by being compared to this weak, mean spirited 'man'? with tweeting.

    My guys are playing well, got the family over for chili cheese fries, (lots of heat here) to watch the game. 4th quarter. Hope you have a good evening, stay warm, and get some rest. Best to your team too. Thanks, Tom.

  3. I forgot this, did anyone see Ms. Obama's final speech yesterday? Gawd, I almost bawled….

    Michelle Obama in final speech: 'I hope I've made you proud'''

    • That is what class looks like.

      Not something we will see much of in the next four years.

    • You are not alone, Pat.  Even Michelle was holding back tears, and I doubt whether there was a dry eye in the room.

      Yes, Mrs. Obama, you have made me very proud indeed.  I will miss you terribly.  crying

  4. TYT: Sanders is great, but Trump gives not a damn about what he may have promised!  I've signed petitions asking him to "keep his word," but only to show support for the idea, and the organization putting out the petition…I DO NOT EXPECT him to keep anything but the profits!

    UT-GQ: Rumpy is a sick bastard, but, his supporters are not going to care.  The entire leadership of the GOPig party is made up of sick bastards, for that matter, just of  different type.  

    Cartoon: Monica, whatever else her failings might be, became a tool for the manipulation of that bimbo Linda Someshit, who used her story to blow out Clinton's presidency!


  5. I can send you a few more upside-down catnaps if they do the trick for you, TomCat. I've got five more days left here and gather some eucalyptus scented naps to make you dream of better and warmer days.

    I thought this comment would be a quickie with two videos, but I've read an article on DK explaining what Bernie Sanders is doing in the YouTube video posted here. And while Bernie is doing what each and every one of the Democratic or Independent senators and representatives should do at every opportunity the get, or create, and that is show the country Drumpf's lies and how he breaks every promise he's ever made, this is hardly "Destroying Trump". It is however a start and it Bernie show us how to


    TNY: No, Drumpf's account was abused by an old man who is "revisiting" his "terrible twos", Andy.

  6. Puzzle — 3:31  You must have slid right along Puddy Tat!

    Youtube — "He is not well."  This part I agree with and for many of the same reasons.  But I doubt any of his followers would watch Keith because there is not enough razzle dazzle for them.  Trump must be held accountable for what he says, what he writes, what he does, and what he tweets.  I doubt Republicans will do that because too often they don't hold themselves accountable.


    Youtube — Go Bernie!  It would not surprise me at all if Drumpf buried his lies of not cutting SS, Medicare and Medicaid in vague tweets too numerous to count as John outlined.  OMG, doesn't "Drumpf" sound like a social disease?!


    The New Yorker — "The garbage that floods the nation from the Fuhrer’s Twitter feed is way below the emotional maturity level of the most socially inept four year old." — AMEN!!!


    Cartoon — Unfortunately, Lewinsky is too smart to get caught in that again . . . and I must say she was and still is too curvaceous to get any positive attention from Trump.

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