Nov 122016

Do you really think that Melania Drumpf taking up the cause of cyberbullying as FLOTUS is going to make a difference when after only 3 days we're seeing criminal behaviour like that which follows?  Please read to the end of this seemingly long article.  I have added comments after it.


First Lady-elect Melania Trump wants to stop bullying, but children all over America are being bullied because of her husband. "We must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media," Mrs. Trump said at a Pennsylvania rally last week. "It will be one of the main focuses…

















"I cried because my country declared war on me and my loved ones.  I cried because I did not feel strong enough to face it.  But most of all, I cried because so many people I've cared for and loved, so many people I have considered friends, willfully cast ballots for bigotry, fear, racism, oppression to assuage insecurities and pacify anger about a world quickly leaving them behind." — Janae Cummings

I wept as I read through this list of atrocities.  'Atrocities' might seem like an overly strong word to some, but to me it is not.  I hold Drumpf personally and directly responsible for every one of these racist actions, actions that even if they stop, will be remembered by their victims for a lifetime.

Drumpf campaigned on a platform of fear and hatred.  He fed this fetid pabulum to his followers until they were satiated, and they still cried for more!  Has Drumpf repudiated any of this?  No!  He sits on 5th Avenue with his blackened soul and his blackened soul friends planning more fear and despair.

I remember as a child, a white child in the 50s and 60s in Canada, I was taught that all people are God's children . . . the race, religion, creed, ethnicity did not matter.  At that time, sexual orientation was never spoken about, but for me, it is equally important now.  My mother's father lived in an "Archie Bunker" neighbourhood in Buffalo, NY.  One day, while we were visiting him, he took me to the corner store to buy a bottle of Squirt.  There were young African American men standing outside the store.  My grandfather grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and pulled me in close, saying "Come here girl or the n****rs are going to get you."  I was repulsed by his words and actions and never spoke to him again after that visit nor forgave him.  That was about 55 years ago and it is as fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday.

We cannot accept Drumpf's fear and hate.  We must fight back wherever we find it.  We must educate children to tolerance.  Lord knows many of them will not get the right education from their parents.  BTW, if anyone tells you that Drumpf is a Christian, he is NOT!  And his followers are not Christian either.  I don't even think he could be classified as a pseudo-Christian.


  10 Responses to “Welcome to Trump’s America: 58 Reports of People Bullied by Emboldened Bigots—and the List Is Growing”

  1. And so many more they can't keep up with them.  AlterNet reprinted this from Raw Story, which is continuing to add updates.  I don't believe AlterNet can keep up.

    Did the people who voted for Trump as a protest, or because they drank the Kool-Aid about Hillary being corrupt, not realize this was going to happen?  How do they feel now?  I know I am ashamed to have white skin.

    I also can't help but wonder how many of those who are threatening to deport people they know nothing about actually have been in the United States fewer generations than the people they want to "deport."  I know my family, for instance, has been here less time than anyone descended from slaves.  I had one ancestor who fought in the Civil War (for the Union, yes).  He was first generation, and everyone else is newer. 

    I also was wondering if Melania taking up bullying was Drumpf's idea – someone talking about it, but someone whose influence is already dismissed because she is only a woman.

  2. AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!  So many awful, horrendous, unspeakable things (yet they still spoke them) – so many seriously sick people now feeling free to vomit their sickness and try to infect others.  God bless and protect all those who don't descend to their level. 

    If Melania wanted to stop bullying she'd have to stop the source – which is her husband and his cronies.  I bet she couldn't care less, or she'd not have married someone like that – her call to 'stop bullying'  is just PR and not even skin deep.   

    Thanks Lynn.


  3. .
    And so it begins… the deepening schism of its people in USA. 

  4. Frightening, and downright awful. I'm sickened by this.

    Our worst nightmare has commenced !!!!

    Thanks, Lynn for post.


  5. Looking for that silver lining: it's all out in the open now, no more covering up and denying it exists. These are not a few minor incidents, this is all the bile and senseless hatred, that has been building up and was made to grow, coming out. These are not all Americans, but a very large part of America speaking. And as Sam Bee told us: If you make all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few, then all Americans need to feel responsible for this bigotry and hate. It's not enough to say: That's not me, that's not my America. Sadly, it is. Don't push it away or ignore it. Acknowledge it and then start fighting it every way you can. Don't let it grow any further.

  6. Excellent piece, Lynn.

    I suggest that when we embed from RepubHub that we should  leave it black.  Since blue is the color you and I use for out own writing, it's less confusing when we leave theirs black.

    I have no doubt that my Last Week's… and Parade series will be covering atrocities that exceed our nightmares.

    • I agree about the colour thing, but I did not see where I could change it.  And since it comes up as an iframe before I publish or preview, I don't think I can change the colour there either.  Any suggestions?

  7. Lynn, I couldn't read all these posts, they were in turn, heart breaking, sickening and enraging.  Such a sad place for our country to be! 🙁

  8. I am amused that Melania Trump can pose nude or almost nude, and the Republicans say nothing. Yet Michelle Obama, who is a stunning real woman, is seen with partially bare shoulders and the Republicans are apoplectic . Some family values!

    This cancer of racism, bigotry and discrimination is only going to get worse. I am afraid it has metastasised and has spread to Canada.

    Argh!!! Thanks all.

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