May 162016

You may tell me that I sound like a broken record, but this message is so important, that I’ll be hammering on it until I see plausible evidence that it has sunk-in.  Nobody wants Bernie to win more than I do, but the more time passes, the more that looks like pie in the sky.  "Bernie or Bust" people say that they don’t have to be loyal to The Democratic Party.  I agree. but loyalty is not the reason that voting Blue is imperative.


Michael Moore loudly endorsed Bernie on the eve of Iowa caucuses and continues to have plenty of differences with Hillary. But when it comes to the general election, it’s a no-brainer:

Michael Moore is an avowed Bernie Sanders supporter and has been for years. But while the outspoken filmmaker and liberal activist says he’s with Sanders till the end, he quickly notes he’ll support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she’s the nominee.

“Oh absolutely. She’s better than the alternative and she will do some good,"Moore said in an interview on Sunday.

Then there’s this philosophical giant who uses the same a-word when it comes to his support in November:

Noam Chomsky would “absolutely” choose Hillary Clinton over the Republican nominee if he lived in a swing state, but her primary challenger, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, “doesn’t have much of a chance," the MIT professor and intellectual said in a recent interview…

“Oh absolutely…my vote would be against the Republican candidate,” Chomsky told Al Jazeera English’s Mehdi Hasan…

Chomsky cited “enormous differences” between the two major political parties.“Every Republican candidate is either a climate change denier or a skeptic who says we can’t do it,” Chomsky said. “What they are saying is, ‘Let’s destroy the world.’ Is that worth voting against? Yeah.”

Bill Maher has also repeatedly made clear that he supports Sanders for the nomination, but he can see the writing on the wall and used a different a-word regarding the choice in November.

Last week on Real Time with Bill Maher, the brazenly liberal host tore into Sanders supporters who claim they’d rather vote for Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton. After outlining key differences between a Trump and Clinton presidency, Maher proclaimed,“That’s your choice. Don’t be assholes about it.”

These are just three examples, but there’s plenty more where that came from and much more on the way shortly. All you have to do is listen.

Bernie or bust? Are you sure about that? Because what it really means is that you’re fine with our entire country going "bust" in every way imaginable (economically, morally, judicially…you name it) for many years to come under the disastrous rule of *shudder* President Donald J. Trump.

If you care about what Bernie Sanders has stood for his whole life and what he continues to fight for to this day, "bust" is simply not an option… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Like I said, loyalty is not the reason that voting Blue is imperative.  Saving your way of life, the nation and the planet is the reason.  Bernie said that, if he did not win the nomination, he would do everything he could to keep a Republican out of the White House.  Bernie said the on her worst day, Hillary is infinitely better than any Republican.

Sadly, some Bernie or bust folks are actually saying Trump is no worse than Hillary.  I even saw one comment that maybe Hillary and Rump Dump are in collusion.  We are disrespectful to Bernie, if we spout wild conspiracy theories, with zero supporting evidence.  That’s what Republicans do.  Lets not imitate them.

Listen to me!  Listen to Michael Moore!  Listen to Noam Chomsky! Listen to Bill Maher!  And most of all, listen to Bernie!!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who!


  14 Responses to “Bernie or Bust Means Busted!”

  1. I still see enough reputable investigations happening in the Clinton arena that I hold some doubts of her remaining a viable candidate until Nov.-and that scares me when so many insist we should promise to vote for her no matter what.

  2. Honey, it isn't you that is the broken record – they are.  It's great that Bernie brough so many people into the political process who have never been part of it before.  It's not so great that, since they are unfamiliar with the political process, they can't see the consequences of being so high-minded you can't see the ground.

    I have quoted Noam Chomsky, Michael Moore, Bill Maher, Bernie himself, and even Ivan Hernandez (Twitter 2/26/16 "I support Bernie but would vote for Hillary because I am a one issue voter and that one issue is not opening the seventh seal and ushering in the apocalypse") and I get responses like (Michael Moore and Chomsky) haven't felt the pain of neo-liberalism,"  "(Moore, Chomsky and Maher) are entitled to their opinion and I am entitled to mine," and "I think for myself."  Yeah, dummy, you can think yourself right into the ground.

    I can only hope the message of this cartoon may speak to some, but I am not terribly optimistic.

  3. Chomsky on Supporting Sanders & Why He Would Vote for Clinton Against Trump in a Swing State

    Video(CC) & Text

    Other videos with Chomsky are available including "Noam Chomsky: Climate Change & Nuclear Proliferation Pose the Worst Threat Ever Faced by Humans"

    "Chomsky on Trump’s Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species"

  4. There will be two viable choices for President on Tuesday, November 8, 2016.

    One will have an "R" behind their name and one will have a "D".

    I have NO doubts or qualms whatever that I'll be punching my ballot for the one with the "D"!

  5. *Joanne, Kudos.
    Thank YOU for the link from your comment.

    GREAT cartoon! Says it all. 😉

  6. VOTE BLUE, NO MATTER WHO! That should be the rallying call to ALL PEOPLE that want to save our way of life and Mother Earth! ANY chance of Rump Dump Drumpf is a disaster for America and the World! 

    I am a Bernie supporter, but it's not his time right now. We need to keep the U.S. together for NEXT TIME! There won't be a next time if HumptyDrumpf gets in the White House! What will you tell your grandchildren if HumptyDrumpf is elected? Sorry! I was blinded by stupidity!!! NO!!! VOTE BLUE !!!

  7. Voting Blue is a matter of survival for all that Bernie values!

    I remain dumbfounded at those who would allow the right wing nuts back into the White House!

  8. "Bernie or bust" . . . any Republican nominee in the chops with a vote for Hillary!

    Anybody that is a "no one but Bernie" voter has no connection to reality.  There is no doubt in my mind that no candidate is perfect.  But weighing the options, if I could vote in the US, I'd be



  9. I will vote Blue, no matter who.  I am pro Bernie and will vote for him tomorrow, but if Clinton gets the nomination, I will vote for her.  We are just barely recovering from 8 years of a Republican in the White House, we cannot afford another one.

  10. " If you care about what Bernie Sanders has stood for his whole life and what he continues to fight for to this day, "bust" is simply not an option… "

    If Drumpf is the next president of America it won't be down to Republicans but to Democrats.

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