Mar 282016

Lu made it.  I’m about to leave for an Ophthalmologist  appointment (routine, but years past due).  I hope that, when I return this afternoon, my vision is not too blurry to post this.  Later…  I’m back and can barely see.  The Ophthalmologist told ne I have cataracts in both eyes so I have two minor surgeries in store.  Possibly worse, I have Chotroidal Nevi, that I need to have evaluated by a retinal specialist to make certain they are benign.  I’ve scheduled that on the 15th.  Prayers, please.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

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  8 Responses to “Personal Update–3/28/2016”

  1. I've been in support of a couple of family members with cataract removals that proved far less of an impact than they anticipated–hope yours go as easy and smooth.

    You've got my prayers and assurance that the statistical odds are significantly against the choroidal nevi proving to be cancer.

  2. Oh, Three Mile Island. Remember it all too well. In high school when that happened. A little busy sowing wild oats, but who could forget that?

    Glad Lu made it. I think I need to go see one of them there Optomologism kind of docs. 

  3. Healing Prayers are on for your surgeries, and that your ophthalmoscopy (and tests appointment), all come back benign.

    Hope a friend is going to help you w/your appointments…take care, Tom. Kitty Hugs!!

  4. TC, I have had cataract surgery on both eyes, and it was easier than anything else I have had done, plus, I got rid of my glasses after the second surgery. Prayers for the other condition.

    Cartoon:  And the people in the area are still in danger.

  5. 3:08  This is what it looked like at the park today — sunny skies, calm water, benches to sit on and a pleasant breeze.

    Cartoon — The TMI accident was a series of screw ups, stupidity and incompetence that continued for some time, and only 7 years later, a more catastrophic accident occurred at Chernobyl in Ukraine (then part of the USSR).

    Puddy Tat, know that there are daily prayers for you.  I have also asked for healing prayers for you at church. Take care.

  6. Quite understandably you're not a happy pussycat right now, TomCat. Two diagnoses on top of each other for someone who depends on his eyes so much is hard to take. I mean, we all depend on eyes more and more as we get older and less mobile perhaps, but you live and breathe your website and bad news in regard to your vision must be most unwelcome.

    It's not all as bad as it sounds, though. Taking your cataracts away is very routine indeed and minor at that for ophthalmologist nowadays and because they do one eye at the time, the impact is minimal. True, you won't be able to sit behind a computer screen for a few days, but your vision will improve, making it worth while. But you're probably more worried about the choroidal nevi (apparently you have several in one eye or both your eyes are affected)  Choroidal nevus is "the most common intraocular tumor, occurring in about seven percent of adults." Essentially it is benign but "carries a slight potential to evolve into melanoma, so these lesions need to be continually monitored for any signs of change." I'm sure you're not looking forward to cataract removal nor to more monitoring. But if that's the end of it, I'm also sure you'll take it in your stride as you always do, TomCat.

    Try not to worry too much, keep taking good care of yourself and remember that many prayers and thoughts are with you.

  7. Thanks so much, everyone.  Once I could finally see again, I could tell what JL said is correct.

  8. My best wishes for/to you.

    I accompanied my then 95 year old Mother-in-Law to a cataract surgery, some years ago,which went completely smoothly.  May you live to SEE 95 clearly!

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