Feb 242016

A Crying Mother Nature Iceberg

Yesterday, Judi’s “Terse Tuesday Tidbits” inclusion of “Incredible Glacier Art Pays Homage to Our Disappearing Ice” reminded me of an incredible photo of a “Crying Mother Nature Iceberg” that you would SWEAR had to be Photoshopped.


But it’s NOT!

The forlorn-looking 'Mother Nature' figure appeared to locals during a thaw, with the melting ice and snow falling towards the sea below.

The striking image … would seem certain to be heavily used by environmentalists protesting against climate change.  Rising sea levels caused by melting ice caps are one of the most worrying effects of global warming and experts warn swathes of low-lying countries will be left under water.

The picture was captured by marine photographer and environmental lecturer Michael Nolan while on an annual voyage to observe the glacier and its surrounding wildlife.

The photo and story are from the “Daily Mail”

SCOTUS Nominee Obstruction – A Few Facts

For the record, and in case you want to arm yourself against the mendacious claims of Rethuglicans that they are well within “precedent” for their obstructing the President from carrying out his Constitutional duties of appointing a Supreme Court Justice (with their advice and consent), just share with them these quotes from St. Ronny Reagan and Mitch “McTurtle” McConnell:


“The Federal judiciary is too important to be made a political football. I would hope, and the American people should expect … for the Senate to get to work and act.”



Every day that passes with the Supreme Court below full strength impairs the people’s business in that crucially important body.


Mitch McConnell wrote in a 1970-71 law journal article that politics should play no role in Senate confirmations of Supreme Court appointments and that the Senate should defer to the president.

“The president is presumably elected by the people to carry out a program and altering the ideological directions of the court would seem to be a perfectly legitimate part of a presidential platform,” wrote McConnell.

Let’s Boogie!

And to end on a lighter note, how about the utter and absolute unbridled joy of 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin fulfilling her lifelong dream of visiting the White House and meeting (not to mention dancing with) President and Michelle Obama in celebration of ‎Black History Month!

I’m sure we’ve all seen it, but it’s worth another look-see.

And a GIF so you can copy it for your own smile-inducement whenever you want:




  10 Responses to ““Hump Day” Odds & Ends …”

  1. Thanks for this marvelous trio of gems for the day Nameless!

    • I can't add to your assessment of "incredible."  I mean, I could say "absolutely amazing," but that would not really be an addition, just a chorus.

      Much as I loathe Mitch McConnell, who is all too aware that this obstruction will get lots of publicity and may actually lead to Republicans losing the Senate, he is only doing what he has been told by the Big Dogs.  They have been explicitly clear that it is the supreme Court, not the senate, that has given them their most important vistories lo these many years, and they have told him the Senate is not important ut the Supreme Court is.  Please note that they are not on the least worried about another Democrat becoming President; else it would have occurred to them that a Democratic President with a Democratic Senate could undo all of this hard work doing nothing.  I hope they are wrong, but, right or wrong, they are not stupid , and they have reasons.

      Virginia reminds me I saw Gloria Steinem on "Finding Your Roots" last night, and she quoted Emma Goldman: "If I Can't Dance, I Don't Want To Be Part of Your Revolution."  (Gloria as a girl only wanted to be a dancer )

    • Thanks JD!

  2. Since this is a potpourri, I hope no one will mind my sharing this article –

    See Why Obama's Nominee for Librarian of Congress Is a Game Changer

    and adding a hanky warning.

  3. A crying Mother Nature Iceberg:  Every environmental group should be using this picture, it says it all.

    Scotus Nominee Obstruction:  It will be interesting to see  how McConnell back tracks from his words of 1970.

    Let's Boogie:  I have seen the vidio several times and loved it.  She is a great lady.

    Dr. Carla Hayden:  Still having pc problems so I couldn't watch the videos.

  4. Thanks for posting for Hump Day, Nameless, although by the time I got to it it was already Thursday afternoon 😉

    For lack of a better word, "loved" the crying iceberg, even though I wanted to weep with her as she dissolves into tears too quickly.

    What better way than to beat that old turtle around its ears than with the words of his own Saint Reagan AND his own words. But then McConnel is an old pro in pulling back his head in his shell and ignoring something that doesn't suit him. I'm all for banning turtle soup (mok turtle soup is just as good), but I'd like to make an exception for this one. Put him in a pot and simmer him until he comes to his senses. Better start now, it could take a while.

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