Nov 112015

I planned to watch the excrement flow, last night, but providence intervened.  Just as clowns were about to take the stage, I fell asleep and stayed that way for several hours.  While that’s great for my peace of mind, it leaves me having to rely on  others  reporting.

1111debateAfter weeks of personal sniping, the Republican presidential candidates clashed sharply over immigration and other policies in their debate here on Tuesday, with Gov. John Kasich of Ohio and former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida trying to energize their campaigns by heaping scorn on Donald J. Trump’s plan to deport unauthorized immigrants.

In the most substantive Republican debate so far, Mr. Kasich and Mr. Bush, who have been fading in polls, presented themselves as experienced chief executives who had practical solutions to deal with national challenges like immigration. Yet Mr. Trump and another candidate, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, inveighed against what they called amnesty and argued that undocumented workers were driving down Americans’ wages.

The splintering over immigration, in a campaign dominated so far by the personas, speeches and backgrounds of the candidates, illuminated the brightest dividing line between Republican hopefuls like Mr. Bush and Mr. Kasich, who favor a comprehensive immigration overhaul, and the many primary voters who have embraced Mr. Trump’s harsh language about immigrants in the country illegally.

While several other candidates, like Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and the retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, received a pass from the moderators on immigration, Mr. Kasich took on the issue directly after Mr. Trump defended his plan to build a wall along the Mexican border and to identify and deport some 11 million people..

Inserted from <NY Times>

Lets not forget that what Strike Three Bush and KKK Kasich consider “comprehensive” reform includes no path to citizenship.  The rest are just as bad as Hairball and Uncle Token.  They are just better at disguising their intent.

There was a lot for Democrats to like, also.

1111demlogoRepublicans weren’t the only ones watching Tuesday’s night Republican presidential debate on the Fox Business Network. Democrats were too, eager to find fodder to attack whomever emerges as the GOP nominee next year. “Sometimes I think that the Republican candidates forget it’s not just Republicans who are watching these debates,” said Democratic National Committee chairwomen Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, saying the candidates were exposed “pander[ing] to their Tea Party base.”

Here are six moments from last night’s debate most likely to end up in a Democratic attack ad next year:

No one wants to raise the minimum wage

Raising the minimum wage is widely popular, but all three Republican presidential candidates asked about it Tuesday night said they oppose raising the level. “Wages [are] too high,” Donald Trump said, suggesting wages actually needed to be lowered to create jobs. Dr. Ben Carson agreed, saying the current minimum wage hurts African Americans by limiting the number of entry-level jobs…

Inserted from <MSNBC>

Click through for the other five examples.

As expected, the clowns often made claims that were based on lies  .MSNBC’s Olivia Sterns breaks down the GOP reaction to issues such as taxes, immigration, minimum wage, jobs and health care during the debate.

Here’s another fact checking report.


Lying is what Republicans do beat..

The Young Turks gave us a excellent critique of the moderators.


All things considered, if  you watched it, I offer my profound sympathy.  If you believe what   they said, I strongly suggest that you get psychiatric care.


  10 Responses to “Clown Car Destruction Derby IV”

  1. I had run out of barf bags so didn't watch the mess either.

    • Thus I am especially glad for these highlights and lowlights.

      • A side note I got in a Russ email with a petition (like all DEM petitions finishing by landing at Act Blue) was the ad run during the debate to smear Warren and the CFSB who are currently investigating them for violating the rights of student borrowers:

        "Lobbyists use GOP debate ads to smear agency investigating their client," The Intercept, N‌ov. 1‌0, 20‌15. ht‌tps‌://th‌einte‌rcept‌.co‌m/20‌15‌/11/‌1‌0/navien‌t-f‌ox-de‌bate/

  2. The only way in which they were pandering to their Tea Party base was by excluding all serious onsideration of economic issues – an area in which much of the Tea Party feels a lot like we do.  If they ever were to pander to their Tea Party base on economic ponts, we would really have to shake in our boots, because they would stand a good chance of overwhelming us at the ballot box in ways not previously dreamed of.  Of course, they would also lose all big donor support, and, fortunately for us, they will do almost anything to avoid that.

    Robert Reich has given us some very good information on how to talk to them.  I hope we take it to heart.

  3. I didn't watch the debate, thankfully.

    Carson, Nope. Rubio, Nope. Trump, Nope. Cruz, Nope.

    Truth and Honesty from the debate? Nope.

    Young Turks video, awesome.


  4. didn't watch, but listened until couldn't stand it any more

  5. I didn't even know there was a new Republican debate, that's how much I care, but it reminded me of a point that was left unfinished for me after the last debate, when the candidates turned the tables on the moderators and the media and said they wouldn't answer "gotcha" questions any longer, and in fact didn't want the debates run/influenced by the Republican Party any longer. And they wanted Hanittee and Limbaugh and their comrades from Faux News. I never heard anything about how this was resolved. From the articles here, I can't tell who organized this debate in Milwaukee, nor can I find who the mediators were. The attack of the Clowns on the media and on their own party seemed very serious last time how come this has completely off the radar?

    I liked the video of the Young Turks best, most of all because it addressed the issue that the Democrats allow them to be attacked and driven in the defense while nobody ever attacks the blatant lies the Republican candidates tell and tell it like it really is. Even the fact checkers stay away from the big lies. That's neither positive nor hope giving.

  6. It doesn't matter who presents the sanest arguments in these debates. The base is too low minded to understand common sense and decency.

  7. Thanks all.

    Lynn, when you cross post, would you please not my authorship in the description?  Thank you.

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