Oct 252015

Almost every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, they push the envelope on just how nutty InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

1. Don’t worry, President Ben Carson would only crack down on liberal speech on college campuses.

Ben Carson, who now leads the polls in Iowa (apparently because Muslim-bashing and comparing Obamacare to slavery is wildly popular among Republican voters there), had some comforting words for his fellow conservatives this week. He will preserve their free-speech rights on college campuses, but monitor those with more left-leaning views.

Whew! That is a relief. For a minute there, we thought when he told radio host Dana Loesch he would charge the Department of Education with monitoring and punishing examples of “extreme political bias” at colleges and universities that he was going to threaten people’s First Amendment rights. But it turns out, he only means people with whom he disagrees.

“There are some who would say that it’s kind of like monitoring political speech,” Loesch said. “Do you agree with their assessment of that?”

“No, I don’t," Carson replied. “I think it’s a very big difference. But, of course, that would be the first thing that the left would claim because they want to be able to continue to do this, and it’s not appropriate for public funding to be used to indoctrinate students in one direction.”

The highly educated neurosurgeon perceives neither the irony nor the hypocrisy of this position because, apparently, he missed that day in school.

It seems to me that the Republicans have their very own scarecrow, one that is decidedly in need of a brain!  Isn't it interesting how the Republicans call out Mr Obama and Democrats for not following the Constitution, yet here is a Republican presidential nominee candidate who advocates taking away first amendment rights from liberals.  

This is just one of the absurdities of right wing America.  To be sure, there are more than five, but publishing space is limited.  Read about the other four enumerated in Alternet.


  7 Responses to “5 Ridiculous Right-Wing Moments This Week”

  1. 1.  It's too bad we can't figure what part of the brain is involved when people who are busily working on privatizing schools particularly so they can indoctrinate students in one direction brazenly claim that it is liberals who are indoctrinating students in one direction.  It's also to bad that when it is found it will prabably be a deficiency and we probably won't be able to do anything about it.  Best case scenario would be if it were a tumor which could be removed.  Of course I am assuming they are delusional rather than hypocritical.  No, dummies, no one on the left is indoctrinating anything but the TRUTH, which happens to have a liberal bias and makes your heads explode.

    2.  Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ann Coulter.  Forgive me, but it sounds like a cast for new remakes of the old "Road to" movies.  Now if Mark Fiore did a cartoon based on that premise, I'd watch it.

    3.  Well, of course he does.  Because – well, just because.  (BTW is that Staples founder the guy that Mitt lied in court for to help him screw his ex-wife?  Or was that his son?  I would like to know so I would know whether I can shop at Staples again.)

    4.  Representative Brooks, being President while black, or a woman, or just a Democrat is not a high crime or a misdemeanor.  It is the will of the people.  And while there is legal debate about the meaning of "high crimes and misdemeanors," if you go back to Alexander Hamilton and the Federalist papers, impeachable offenses kind of have to be committed while serving in the office for which one is being impeached.  Trying to prove an impeachable offense was committed on one's first day in office, after taking the oath, wouls just make you look stupid.  Not that you don't already.

    5.  James Comey must be channeling J. Edgar Hoover.

  2. It looks like Uncle Token goose steps to Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity.

  3. He also wants to eliminate Medicare–far more damaging than privitizing or becoming a voucher system…oops–gag reflex gotta go

  4. 1. Ben Carson: Delusional speechmaker.

    2. Donald Trump: Fascist three. 

    3. Mitt Romney: 47% loser.

    4. Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks: Moronic idiot. 

    5. FBI director James Comey: Factually incorrect.

  5. 1. There was a time in Europe when Carson's utterances were considered Fascist. As a matter of fact, in a lot of countries curbing free speech for the left is still called exactly that.

    2. There's only one thing equally horrid to POTUS Trump joined by VP Carson and that is POTUS Carson joined by VP Trump, which is given the polls a likelier outcome, but will never happen given Trump's outlandish ego. Neither will happen if Democratic voters come out to vote.

    3. Contorting until they're blue in the face is one of the things Republicans pick up in summer camp. It's a basic course for all GOP politicians, and most , like Romney have through years of training perfected it to a fine art. Still, you'd think with so many contortions under his belt, Romney would be better at it. I don't think his heart is in it nowadays.

    4. Just quoting Hillary at Mo Brooks, she just said, “Isn’t that pathetic? It’s just laughable. It’s so totally ridiculous.”

    5. FBI director James Comey's theory that viral cell phone videos of police misconduct are responsible for the increase in violent crime in several large cities is not only unreasonable, it is disgusting.

  6. 1 ~ Ben Carson must not know that the constitution guarantees Frredom of Speech.

    2 ~ Perfect!!!

    3 ~ Mr. Etch-A-Sketch strikes again.

    4 ~ It is laughable.

    5 ~ What is in the water he is drinking?

  7. Thanks everyone.

    Carson, and all the Republicans for that matter, display such levels of moral turpitude that it is hard to believe that they ever were elected, or in the case of Carson, Trump and Fiorini, that anybody should deign to vote for them.

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