Sep 272015

The first part of the day was steady with trying to finish some research and work on a more involved article.  Then it was off to see my mother who lives in a care centre.  She needs 24/7 care as she is in the late stages of dementia.  I fed her dinner which smelled really good.  There was an extra dinner at the table which staff said I should eat, so I did and it tasted even better than it smelled.  As a member of the Family Council advocating for family members, I will be able to report back on the quality of food.  Again this evening, I was breaking up fisticuffs between several women — I wonder if the full moon has anything to do with it.  In addition to sitting with my mother and rubbing her back and shoulders which she really likes, I am an extra pair of eyes and hands to help staff.  When I arrived home, I was exhausted but also anxious.  It is hard to watch a parent die a little bit every day.  So now I am calm again and I am off to bed.  My three cats will be soothing to me, their gentle breathing and purring.  Good night all.

Puzzle — Today’s took me 3:13 (average 4:34). To do it, click here. How did you do? For those that don't know, we always do the 48 piece classic.

Short Takes

CBC — A U.S. drug company is taking the Canadian government to court for its attempt to lower the price of what has been called the world's most expensive drug.

Alexion Pharmaceuticals has filed a motion in Federal Court, arguing that Canada's drug price watchdog has no authority to force the company to lower its price for Soliris.

A University of Ottawa professor who specializes in health law said he was shocked that Alexion would challenge Canada's authority to regulate drug prices. If Alexion's case is successful, it could end Ottawa's ability to control the cost of patented drugs, Amir Attaran told CBC News.

"This is the single greatest threat to pricing of drugs in Canada ever," he said Thursday.

The provincial governments in Canada negotiate drug prices directly. Medical associations are currently pushing the federal government to do this nationally.  In the past, some Americans have also arranged to get their medications from Canadian pharmacies to take advantage of our lower prices.  So, if Alexion Pharmaceuticals wins this case, the whole idea of affordable medicines goes out the door.  For Alexion, this is all about their profits.  For Canada, this is all about healthcare for 33 million Canadians.  Watch also the rise in such things should the TPP come to fruition.

Daily Kos — Each week, TIME Magazine designs covers for four markets: the U.S., Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. Often, America's cover is quite, well – different. This week offers a stark example.

time magazine

How much does this contribute to the "dumbing down" of the US population (and Canada's since we get the same US cover)?  In general, the US population is wildly ignorant on international events, and often ignorant on domestic issues.  Have a look at the current political rhetoric, particularly from the Republican side.  It's a lot of marketing by fear . . . fear of diversity, fear of Iran, fear of Islam, and the list goes on.  Faux Noise aka Fox (I refuse to call Fox news because it is at best, opinion) is a prime example, but not the only one by far.  The author asks "do these moments of marketing (through a choice in covers) reveal more about Americans, or about the state of American journalism?"  I think both because the magazine in this case is pandering to make more money and increase its market share.  But it also serves to increase American xenophodia.

The Nation — Not content with alienating single women, Latinos and the LGBT community, the two front-runners for the Republican nomination indulged in some naked Islamophobia this past week.

Then Ben Carson appeared on Meet The Press, where he told Chuck Todd that Islam was inconsistent with the Constitution and said that he “would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.” 

…and there’s no evidence that they embrace extremism at a higher rate than Christians or Jews. 

It’s time for this to stop. After 400 years in the Americas, and having helped build and defend this country, we need to accept that American Muslims are just as American—and just as loyal—as anyone else. 

An excellent piece from The Natiion which I hope you'll read in its entirety. No one people or religion has a lock on extremism.  Timothy McVeigh, a white Anglo Saxon Roman Catholic, blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK where 168 were killed and over 680 were wounded.  

My Universe — The Box!


  26 Responses to “Squatch’s Open Thread 27/09/2015”

  1. 4:47  Going down for the third time, I hope someone will save me.  Squatch – help!

    CBC – All I can say is, "Good luck!"

    Daily Kos – It's an interesting choice because the dynamics of anxiety is not per se a subject for dumb people; it requires a certain amount of intelligence to grasp.  I don't know that I would say dumbing down so much as pandering to narcissism and politically to isolationism.  Nothing matters but us!  Of course using one's intelligence for the wrong things does cause some dumb choices in areas where the intelligence has not been used.  As Governor Brown said to Dr. Carson, "please utilize your considerable intelligence" (to consider climate change evidence).

    Nation – No one and no group has a lock on extremism – Amen!  Islamophobia is a concet which survives because people WILL NOT use their intelligence to understand Islam – that might cause some soul searching, and God forbid they search their own souls!

    Universe – Glad you and Simon are in the same universe LOL.

    • Excellent nuanced distinctions that are important to recognize to cope and respond appropriately when elements intrude in our lives.

    • Soul searching?  I am inclined to think that they can't find their souls because of all the dirt and muck.

  2. The bigotry and ignorance exhibited by the right wing candidates is truly frightening.  The attempts to vilify "the other", including women, is disgusting and brutal.  We MUST mobilize the voters to elect a more intelligent and  progressive majority. 

    And I can truly empathize with losing a beloved parent to dementia.  My own mother died as a sufferer.  I truly do feel your pain.  Caring for yourself is vital, too.  You are in my thoughts always.



    • Thanks Beth.  Dementia is so hard on the sufferer.  There are times when I look in my mother's eyes and I see a person struggling to be heard etc.  But most of the time now, I see a blank slate.

  3. I like what Keith Ellison's press release response said"

    Rep. Ellison Statement on Comments By GOP Presidential Candidates

    Sep 21, 2015


    Press Release


    Washington DC – Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) released the following statement after recent comments made by several GOP Presidential Candidates: 

    "The freedom of religion is a founding principle of our nation. Our Constitution gives this right to all Americans – including elected officials. For Ben Carson, Donald Trump, or any other Republican politician to suggest that someone of any faith is unfit for office is out of touch with who we are as a people. It’s unimaginable that the leading GOP presidential candidates are resorting to fear mongering to benefit their campaigns, and every American should be disturbed that these national figures are engaging in and tolerating blatant acts of religious bigotry.”

  4. CBC: That's horrible, and unbelievable at the cost of some meds! So unfortunate for those that need meds. Here in Texas, I know of several people who go to Mexico to get their pills, and dental work done. One retired man even got his dentures there. (Looks nice too, btw).

    DK: I agree, I don't watch CNN anymore because of their dumbing down in the early morning. I to read the paper though, more information in there.

    The Nation: Their bigotry and hatred knows no bounds. It's disgusting/sickening.

    My Universe: I think most cats like boxes, I know, like Simon, mine does.

    Sor sorry about your mother, I can't imagine breaking up fights in a care centre. I hope no one got injured. Take time out for yourself, and rest. Have a good day, thanks, Lynn.

    Thank you, JL for putting Keith Ellison's Press Release statement on here too. WTG, Mr. Ellison!!

  5. You're doing a great job, Lynn, looking after your mother so well and with such great devotion and also keeping TomCats blog up and running together with Nameless, JL and Joanne. Thanks, you guys. Taking care of your mother – and some other ladies in the house too, I gather – may be physically exhausting sometimes, but it is the psychological strain that really gets to you. My mother died two years ago before she entered the last stages of dementia, but long before that it was really painful to look into her eyes on her bad days and see them blank, the personality that was there once long gone. She wasn't dying physically, but the person she used to be was withering away; that what made her HER was dead and gone long before her body gave up. Be content that you can comfort your mother's body and her needs are taken care of so well, and she gets to eat  good and appetizing meals. Not many homes offer that. O yes, and the fisticuffs must have been due to the Blood Moon and its full eclipse tonight.

    CBC: Of all the greedy money grabbing companies, pharmaceutical companies are the worst. Their CEOs know that the health and even the lives of people depend on their drug prices, but they have no conscience that stops them from starting a court case against the government of another country to hold on to their ill-gained profits no matter the consequence. It doesn't matter if Alexion wins the case or not, the very fact they do this should be in all the media and all their products should be boycotted worldwide as much as possible. There's damn little else that can be done if people's lives depend on their drugs.

    Daily Kos: The examples given by Daily Kos of the difference between American Time MAGAZINE covers (and content, I presume) and those of the rest of the world are no less than shocking. The American version of Time MAGAZINE has been reduced to a Reader's Digest with more pictures.The perfect illustration of the "dumbing down" of America, as you say, Lynn, and bitterly ironic at the same time, Because those covers and articles of the external market magazines often display the protests and even revolutions against governments who have tried to keep their people dumb, fearful  and cut of from world politics and events, and who have failed miserably. Young people in China, the Middle East, even North Korea, and everywhere else, do know what is going on in the rest of the world AND their own country through (often illegal) (social) media. Only those brainwashed in thinking that their country is the best, the greatest, the most rightful,,, have no interest in others, but fear them as they were taught.

    The Nation: The article really speaks for itself and there's little that can be added, except for the observation that Islamophobia is rampant among all right-wing governments/countries all over the world. The naked, raw hate that the right-wing now openly expresses towards Muslims is terribly reminiscent of the 1930s and sadly the right-wing ideology is straight from those years too.

    But thank goodness there is My Universe with Simon's Cat to cheer me up a bit. Thanks Lynn.

  6. EXCELLENT post, Lynn. I am so sick of the "frontrunners" say that about other religions!! If I remember my history class right, the Pilgrims came here to get AWAY from the Church of England because they wanted to be able to worship the way they wanted! Not be told they had to follow the Church of England! And the Constitution has a little to say about " religious freedom", doesn't it? 

    In a totally different subject, I need a little help on the Fantasy Football thing, if anyone is available. I am stuck trying to cover "bye weeks" and don't know what to do. If anyone can help, can someone shoot me a message on C2? I would really appreciate it! I don't know who owns what team and who is available to be picked up. 

    Thanks for all the great posts! Tell TC that we all miss him and hope he gets better, ASAP!

  7. Agreed!

    Kitty cats … the go-to source for comfort!

  8. CBC:  I certainly hope the drug company is not successful in court.  Big Pharma is as greedy as the Arms manufacturers. 

    Daily Kos:  What a sad indictment of us, that we are only interested in  personal matters while other people in the world want real news.  You are right, Lynn, the dumbing down has worked too well.

    The Nation:  The only Muslims I know are all medical professionals and are all fine people.  Isamaphobia is alive and well here, too, and has been since 9/11.  Al Queada and Isis keep people afraid and even though the fear is unreasonable at times, it is still there.  A good many of the Christians that I know here are extremists, and each sect believes theirs is the only correct one and that everyone else should be forced to believe that.  Kim Davis is a prime example.

    My Universe:  Oh yes, the box, the precious box.  They love a box better than any expensive cat toy.

    Thanks, Lynn, for your hard work.   I wonder how you find the time to do all that you do.


  9. CBC – this kind of thing will get infinitely worse under TPP/TTIP – please research this then protest it to every government possible!

    Daily Kos – sadly I would have to agree – not that we over here can pat ourselves on our backs – UKIP got about 12% of the vote in our last election, which surely argues that we are dumbing down most successfully, alas!  We must all beware of it.

    My Universe – Simon's Cat – hours of fun – lovely, thanks Lynn!

    The Nation – oh dear, what can I say, aren't the Repugs demonstrating a full range of stupidity and sectarianism – who'd have thought it!  (I didn't realise that Timothy McVeigh was RC…. – but every branch of religion has someone like that – most sadly).

    Thanks Lynn for this and everything ….  on the subject of full moons and odd behaviour, hospital staff etc have said for many years that people's behaviour gets more extreme around the full moon – so statisticians measured the numbers of people attending casualty and found no difference, not surprising since that was not what was reported – it was the increased angst and emotionality and sometimes violence that they were reporting, not an increase in the number of cases.  I'm very glad that you can break up these disturbances without getting hurt.

  10. Look on the bright side. Bermie Sanders is at the University of Chicago to speak today!  

    When my favorite Uncle was in a nursing home it was stressful for the employees and the family. He forgot that he wasn't young any longer and that he was no longer a boxer. He hurt a lot of people. 

    I hope Tom Cat gets better soon! 

  11. A TPP petition related to the drug pricing expected problem if enacted:

  12. thanks everyone.  I've been on the run all day!

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