Jun 172015

I’m feeling quite tired after last night’s meeting, although I did sleep well.  Today is a grocery delivery day, and tomorrow, I have my first appointment with an Orthopedist to treat my rotator cuff.  I will be gone for at least five hours, so expect no more than a Personal Update, please.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:46).  To do it. click here.  Hoe did you do?

Fantasy Football Recruiting:

We still need two new players for Lefty Blog Friends, our fantasy football league.  How about you?  For more information, click here.

Short Takes:

From NPR: This afternoon, the U.S. House voted 236 to 189 to give itself six more weeks to sort out tangled legislation involving trade.

The House Republican leaders prodded their members to approve a rule change that extends time for a second vote on one part of a trade package. This portion, called Trade Adjustment Assistance, failed on Friday.

That outcome tripped up the entire package, which also would have granted Trade Promotion Authority to the president. Now lawmakers have until July 30 — just before the August recess — to try to find compromises to pass the entire package and get it to President Obama for his signature.

When that second vote might happen is far from clear at this point. Democrats were virtually united in opposing the six-week extension to reconsider the matter, even though that’s what Obama wanted. [emphasis added]

This is a bad development. It gives Republicans six more weeks to figure out how to pass Trade Adjustment Assistance, while assuring their rabid InsaniTEA base that they will actually assist billionaires only.

From Daily Kos: Did I say advocate? I meant nutjob.

An Iowa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

– – –

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her.

So he shoots her 3 times in the back.

She was 20 years old.

Another day, another Republican Ammosexual.

From The New Yorker: A spokesman for ISIS said on Tuesday that its leaders were “genuinely confused” by the abundant hotel analogies in Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s announcement speech, acknowledging that they were having a difficult time understanding how his colorful anecdotes about running a hotel empire translated into a strategy to defeat the terror group.

In a prepared statement, the ISIS spokesman said that Trump’s pronouncements about such hotel-industry concerns as air-conditioning and renting the proper-sized ballroom were creating confusion within ISIS, as the group’s leaders struggled to determine how any of the examples applied to them.

“We’re having a very hard time making sense of the speech,” the ISIS spokesman said. “He talked about defeating us, but it seemed like what he was saying was pretty specific to hotels.”

Minutes after the statement was released, Trump responded that the fact that he had confused ISIS “means I’m already winning the war against it.”

Somehow I think Andy knows better. I’m sure Hairball will offer ISIS leaders a suite in the Trump Towers. I want to see his birth certificate. It’s not about where he was born. It’s about whether he was born.



How little things change, in some ways.


  19 Responses to “Open Thread–6/17/2014”

  1. my comment disappeared as I was posting–will try to return to replace it

  2. 4:47 average 5:46.  Since this regards bovines, now might be a good time for me to say that in rushing yesterday to get a post up, I used an accurate but less familiar Greek word in my construction,  Upon reflections, I prefer "boustrokoprology."  File it with "proctocephaly" (adjective "proctocephalic") among words to describe Republicans (which they likely will not understand).

    NPR:  A bad development indeed.  We need to stay on top of the Dems of course.  Petitions, emails, phone calls, visits if one lives near enough and is mobile enough.

    DKos – He was only 22 himself, not an excuse – and he was married – did he think he needed and deserved a harem?

    New Yorker – He says he's going to be the "best jobs President ever."  Here's how that would go down:  just as everyone gets 15 minutes of fame, everyone would get 15 minutes of job.  And then – "You're fired!"

    Cartoon – That of course was a few months before FDR was elected.  But when he was elected, he had to step lightly and do things gradually and less definitively than he wanted.  (PBS has been re-running Ken Burns' "The Roosevelts" and I've been re-watching.)  It wasn't JUST Republicans.  In his day the Dems had liberals and southern racists and the Repubs had moderates and a few reformers.  But of course all the people who then opposed him would be Republicans today.

  3. I saw clips of "The Donald" spittle-drooling announcement of his presidential nomination campaign.  A word of advice:

    Folks with vermin nesting on their heads (and BTW, has that thing had its rabies shots?), should NOT throw combs.

    What I want to see from "The Donald" is

    [1] His long-form Birth Certificate

    [2] His college transcripts

    [3] His last ten years of Income Tax Returns.

    … THEN he can talk

  4. 3:08  What does a prize winning cow win?  Freedom from being eaten?

    • Do you have beef with this puzzle?  Do you think it was a misteak – or are you just trying to steer us in the wrong direction?

      I've herd of people like you, always trying to horn in and make udderly ridiculous complaints.

      You make think my observations are all bulloney – but it could be all the calfeine I've been drinking.  In which case I'm veally, veally sorry if I herd your feelings. 

      Maybe it's time you just put me out to pasture – but please don't slaughter me, or send me to Istanbull as my punishment!  It's better if I just sit here and stew over all the offal puns I've posted here, because even I admit they're not Grade A Prime.

      Please realize I've just been ribbing you.  I'll just be mooving along now, before I have to hide my face in udder shame.

    • 3:22  Well that was no blue ribbon time in the bullpen!

  5. NPR: No doubt there will be enough arm twisting of the Democrats who voted no for them to get the votes to pass the bill.  I am totally disappointed in Mr. Obama.

    Daily Kos:  Someone that seriously mentally ill had no business with a gun, much less with a job where he was allowed to carry it.  Surely some of his supervisors should have realized he was dangerous.

    The New Yorker:  Andy is voicing what we all ready know, Trump is a joke.

    Cartoon:  Too true, they will defeat anything that benefits the working class.

  6. "Somehow I think Andy knows better. I’m sure Hairball will offer ISIS leaders a suite in the Trump Towers. I want to see his birth certificate. It’s not about where he was born. It’s about whether he was born." –  LOL!!  Thanks so much for that TC!

    Daily Kos – read with disbelief and horror – God rest her brave soul and God comfort those who mourn her, and all like her.  I do hope he gets a life sentence – he is a danger to most of the population.

    NPR – God help us all if this gets through. 



  7. NPR ~ Agent Orange is not happy about the way things are going. http://patdollard.com/2015/06/boehner-goes-on-warpath-against-reps-who-voted-against-obamatrade-berates-them-in-meeting-fires-3-from-whip-team/

    Daily Kos ~ He probably figured that would teach her to report him for being a sexist pig. May he be sentenced to a lifetime of being Bubba's bitch.

    New Yorker ~ Maybe Andy's right. He will just confuse them in to surrendering because they want to stay in one of his magnificent Trump Towers. Is that anything like the Tower of London???   

    Interesting tidbit about Neil Young's disapproval of Trump using one of his songs for his campaign. Trump's spokesman said they paid for the rights to use "Rockin' in the Free World". I hope he enjoys all the lyrics. Just a taste: "He's just a rich old man / He never cared for anyone / He likes to count his possessions / He's been a miser from penny one." Describes the Donald to a T as in Trump.

    Cartoon ~ They just can't stop the hatred of those less fortunate.

    On a more pleasant note, it is the Anniversary of Lady Liberty's arrival in the USA on June 17, 1885. http://time.com/3910750/statue-liberty-pictures/


  8. Don't tire yourself out too much, TomCat, and save some energy for your appointment with the orthopedist tomorrow. You know how much energy these events drain from your body.

    NPR: Well, this was in the air from the start, despite Democrats almost unanimously being against it. You've got to hand it to those Republican Tricksters, they really know how to play the game and still come out a winner.

    Daily Kos: That poor woman. I suppose she wasn't very much impressed with his ammosexual attentions and dared to stand up to him and report his sexual harassment. And the nut job felt slighted for his ammosexuality, his rights to open carry weapons and harass women as he pleases, and shot her in the back, showing how brave these nut jobs really are. When he get's to prison he'll probably get cheered by the other nut jobs who have done the same thing.

    The New Yorker: I suppose Andy was just as confused as we all were by Trump's announcement speech, and probably thought that the leaders of the Da'esh would be too, while in fact they're still laughing at the thought that this man deems himself fit to become the next president. No confusion there, just derision, something he should be treated to in America too.  My mother had a weird saying about people like Trump, or any of the other GOP candidates: they weren't born, a donkey lost them in full gallop. So no birth certificate for you, TomCat.

  9. Puzzle — 3:22  Well that was no blue ribbon time in the bullpen!

    NPR — Nothing good can come from this.  "It gives Republicans six more weeks to figure out how to …" screw the people. 

    Daily Kos — Another "dead between the ears" Republicanus/Teabaggerum ammosexual who should spend the rest of his life in prison with no parole.

    The New Yorker — Trump probably thinks he can ride his rug into the Levant and conquer ISIL with his sharp tongue.

    Cartoon — . . . and they're still trying!

  10. Thanks all.  Hugs.  Exhausted,

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