Jun 032015

Yesterday my helper friend called and told me she can’t make it until today. so today I have heave cleaning, a grocery delivery day, and a medical technician visiting to do my annual tests to prove to the insurance company that I need O2.  In addition to everything else, today, she’ll have me climbing stairs with no O2.  Under the circumstances, I trust you’ll understand that there is nothing left for research and writing today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:51 (average 5:47).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  24 Responses to “Personal Update–6/3/2015”

  1. YIKES!

    To make you feel a bit better, here are two humorous – and TRUE – Tweets.  One from Cher (on the difference between Bush, Cheney, Hastert & convicts), and the other from John Fugelsang (on Bernie Sanders, American Voters and a Socialist Jew)



    • Cher nailed it!

      Love John Fugelsang!

    • Hi, Nameless.  Power failure?  (I had one last night and had to reset my computer's internal clock and revise my boot order AGAIN.)  Fugelsang is one of my role models.  Technically, not all prisons use orange jumpsuits.  Some use olive drab or grey.  Some even use two-piece (but if so you'd by G*d better tuck the top in before you go into the visitation room.)  Otherwise tewtally accurate.

    • Thanks for these links. Cher has always been savvy, Fugelsang is on the mark, too.

    • Thanks for the tweets, both Cher and Fugelsang right on the mark.

    • Excellent tweets – I have always loved John Fugelsang, and he is right again.  I remember years ago having a discussion with a Catholic nurse, who insisted that Jesus was a Catholic – at which I collapsed giggling and said that he wasn't technically a Christian, he was an observant Jew, Christianity was invented afterwards to commemorate his life and example and sayings… which we should all follow everyday, and so few do.

    • Amen to both, Named one!

      At Oregpn State Penitentiary, prisoners wear blue, so volunteers and visitors may noy wear anything blue.

  2. The poster of the "degenerated music" (Entartete Musik) exhibition (1938).

    This exhibition gave start to a series of art events in Germany of that time, and occurred to be a very powerful way of leading the overall opinion. The Nazis were good psychologists: instead of simply destroying the art works they thought inappropriate, they chose to do it publicly, in order not to create martyrs, so dearly loved by the people. In the way they did it, it worked, and the art of 1930s was labeled by the contemporaries as "incomprehensible and elitist".

    More info: http://www.germanculture.com.ua/library/weekly/aa072599.htm

  3. 3:00 I was afraid to go into the Bouncy Castle first. They keep flying away. You test it out first.

  4. You have a very busy day. We will survive without a more involved blog today.You need some rest.

    Cartoon ~ Our homegrown Nazis (TeaPublicanTs) are very effective at fear-mongering. They both used "Blacks" to instil fear into the "Whites".

  5. 4:14 average 5:47.  Looks like great fun if you don't get motion-sickness. 

    Cartoon – I didn't know the Nazis were smart enough to know that Ethiopian Jews existed.  Amazing.

    BTW, here's another cheerer-upper:  http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/3885708

    • Of maybe Sammy Davis, Jr.  (although I don't think he played the saxophone).

  6. Man, TC! You have a day that is going to be BUSY!!!
    Take your time and don’t overexert! You have been thru the wringer in the last couple of weeks!!! Take care of yourself and keep HEALTHY!

  7. Take care of yourself, we need you back here when you are rested.

  8. I have said many times that if the US doesn't want Bernie Sanders as POTUS, Canada would gladly take him as Prime Minister.  There are other Canucks, not just me, who recognise a kindred spirit when we see one.

    "Bernie Sanders has all kinds of other wacky positions like breaking up the giant Wall Street financial institutions that have endangered the American economy. Like revising trade policies to avoid the ongoing loss of jobs to overseas markets. Like growing the trade union movement by removing barriers to labor organizing.

    After reviewing the Sanders platform, I'm no longer making fun of the Vermont senator. The more you read about this guy, the more he makes sense, at least to us Canadians. …"


    Cartoon — Degenerate = Republicanus/Teabaggerum

    noun — an immoral or corrupt person.

    adjective — having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.

    Puddy Tat, be kind to youself on such a busy day!

  9. Sorry to see my prediction of your friend's attendance was correct, leaving you with just too much on your plate today, TomCat. I hope the cleaning an storing groceries won't put you out of breath so much that you won't even need to walk the stairs without oxygen for the test. Please be careful and don't go up those stairs if your saturation level is already very low.

  10. I really don't like the fact that you are made to climb stairs without oxygen every year by your insurance – that smacks of a odd combination of sadism and stupidity to me – do they really think that COPD is going to magically not need oxygen anymore?  Bizarre!


    • Yeah, that seemed bizarre to me, too.

      Do you at least have a pulse oximeter on when you do the test to keep you monitored?

    • It seems bizarre to me too, but every year I have to demonstrate that my blood O2 drops brlow 90% during exertion.  I do wear a pulse oxymeter at5 all times.  This year, all it took was a half a dozen deep knee bends.  It dropped to 86% and the test was over.

  11. Thanks everyone.  I'm exhausted.  Hugs.

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