Jan 312015


Here is the sixty-seventh article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Texas Republican State Representative Dan Flynn. He is so honored for the Republican way in which he wants to deal with unruly school children.

0131flynnTexas Republican State Representative Dan Flynn has introduced legislation that would allow teachers to shoot and kill students who they believe are threatening school property.

Flynn’s “Teacher’s Protection Act” would “allow educators to use force or deadly force if they feel they need to protect themselves against a student or anyone else on school grounds. It also allows teachers to use deadly force to protect school property, and to avoid prosecution ‘for injury or death that results from the educator’s use of deadly force.’”

Although the legislation is ostensibly designed to defend the rights of teachers and their schools, the state’s largest association of educators – the Association of Texas Professional Educators – does not support it… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Alternet>

There it is.  This pseudo-Christian Republican Ammosexual proposes a Second Amendment solution for children.  To keep them from destroying school property, he proposes killing them.  It’s hard to get more Republican than that.


  8 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–1/31/2015”

  1. He can introduce all he wants but aside from being just another nut on Parade how much the republican/tea party try the days of gun slinger is gone. If our country becomes a country of no freedom who will be responsible?

  2. Oh my, just when I thought they couldn't get any crazier.

  3. But you know he doesn't want them killing any white ones.  He'd spell that out in the bill, but the Dam Libruls would jump all over him.

  4. Texass republicans, notably Texas Republican State Representative Dan Flynn, have gone into the twilight zone with this ammosexual bill aiming to arm the teachers with guns in order to discipline unruly students and to protect school property. 

    This is so wrong on so many levels.

    Flynn’s “Teacher’s Protection Act” would allow teachers to avoid prosecution ‘for injury or death that results from the educator’s use of deadly force.’”

    Glad that the Association of Texas Professional Educators does not support it. There are many teachers that do not want to carry firearms in a school setting.

  5. What an idiot!

    Has anybody told students yet that carving their initials in their desk will now be a capital crime, and could be subject to the use of deadly force?

    I am certainly glad to hear that the Association of Texas Professional Educators doesn't support it.

  6. I take it that this pseudo-Christian has never heard the words of Jesus "Suffer the little children to come unto me…." – he appears to have read instead "shoot the b*******s!" – what a horrible, horrible, little man!


  7. and to avoid prosecution ‘for injury or death that results from the educator’s use of deadly force.’

    Interesting qustion here — can a state actually pass a law that legalizes the killing of certain categories of people?  Apparently Republicans think it can.  If a state passed a law stating that no one could be prosecuted for killing blacks or gays or atheists, surely the Constitutional problems would be obvious.  This is a bit murkier since the targeted class is mostly defined by behavior rather than identity, and states can certainly do things like make it explicitly legal to kill in self-defense, but how trivial does the grounds for legal killing have to be before Constitutional problems arise?  Could a state simply legalize murder?  I wonder if the issue has ever come up in court.

  8. Thanks all.  I'm hurrying.

    Infidel, condider this.  We already have a defacto situation in which police may murder lawbreakers with impunity, and that extends to black children they think miught be lawbreakers.  I suspect Republicans are thinking that this would extend that practice to schools and make teachers the police there.

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