Jan 162015

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 72.  I’m getting a late start, because I slept late and I’ve been busy with other things, but I do have articles for you.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:42 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Mitch McConnell was full of promises last November about how things were going to be different in the Senate when he was in charge. Like how the Senate was going to start working on Fridays. That promise was broken last Thursday, the first week of the session. The other thing the Senate was going to do under his watch—open amendments. Republicans had grumbled incessantly over the last six years about how Harry Reid was a dictator who refused to allow them to offer up their amendments, almost all of which were poison pills that had little or nothing to do with the underlying legislation. Well, the worm has turned with Republicans now in power, and McConnell doesn’t like it one bit. In fact, he’s pretty whiny about it.

"Some of our colleagues on the other side continue to filibuster the motion to proceed to this bill. All senators should know that we will get on this bill today and begin the amendment process—either this afternoon by consent, or shortly after midnight without consent,” he said. […]

McConnell vowed he would not let Democrats use their ability to offer amendments to stretch out floor debates for weeks simply to burn up the calendar.

"We will conduct a fair and open amendment process but not an open-ended one," he said.

And so much for open amendments. That fair and open process apparently won’t include one proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) intended to put Republicans on the record about the connection between humans’ greenhouse gas emissions and global warming in the Keystone XL debate.

Speaking of greenhouse gas emissions, one of the biggest sources of methane in Washington, DC is Bought Bitch Mitch.

From The New Yorker: Citing what he called “security concerns,” House Speaker John Boehner said on Wednesday that he would do all of his drinking at the office for the foreseeable future.

Boehner said that he may have to stay at work later in order to get his drinking done, but added, “I’m doing it for the American people. They need to know that their Speaker is safe.”

I wonder if Andy equates “safe” with preserved by pickling.

From Media Matters: Fox News hosts have repeatedly denied that moderate Muslims denounce violent extremists following terror attacks, ignoring that on their very network, Muslim guests have condemned terrorism and defended their faith. Watch five Muslim guests make their case on Fox:

Barf Bag Alert!!


When a Muslim makes a good point, when Faux is live, we see it once only, and they hate it when anything like that slips through, as their reactions divulge.




  14 Responses to “Open Thread–1/16/2015”

  1. TY TC (well done Lynn for beating the C2 GlitchMonster) – I loved Andy, yet once again his satire is too close to the truth!

  2. 4:45 average still 5:17  Hope it's tasty and that you don't get into any trouble with Ceiling Cat for eating an angel(fish).

    Daily Kos – Promise broken, ho-hum, yawn.  It's McTurtle, what did you expect?

    New Yorker – Goodmess, what planet did this fall from?  Or is he afraid that if he leaves the bottle home, they'll make him drink tea?

    Media Matters – Well, but Fox and the terrorists want the ame thing, for slightly different reasons.  Fox and the terrorists both want ALL Muslims demonized in the West.  Fox wants it because it distracts their base and makes them easier to control.  Terrorists want it because if they can m=get more Muslims to feel alienated, they can enlarge their recruiting pool.  All of which makes Fox the prime instigator of recruiting BOTH white nationalist terrorists AND Muslim terrorists.  What it DOEN'T do is make Muslims or any other group inherently evil.  Even Fox hosts (although O'Reilly is).

    Cartoon – Ogden Nash once wrote about the similarity between tots and sots.  He shoud have included cats.

  3. 3:15 I spy a hungry TomCat!

  4. Daily Kos ~ I'm waiting for McTurtle to stop whining and start crying like his partner in the House.

    New Yorker ~ I thought he always drank at the office.

    Media Matters ~ Big Mouth Billy O is right. The world will never unite against the terrorists as long as extremists like him exist.

    Cartoon ~ Prohibition worked as well as the War on Drugs is working. Politicians back then seemed to learn faster than now.

  5. Many historians attribute prohibition as the primary why organized crime got a foothold in the US; also a prime reason why it got repealed.  Should've told us why the War on Drugs approach was doomed from the start.

    “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
    Søren Kierkegaard

    Andy makes me wonder who JB fears the most if he should venture out…

    Major kudos to Bernie for throwing down the gauntlet, testing how much anyone can trust Mitch's words, and ensuring the grounds for defeating the pipeline are the center of conversation and media reports.

  6. Cartoon: Prohibition Began → January 16, 1920 – Failure for approximately 13 years I believe. Underground Mafia booms with business and Politicians get wealthy.

    "The War on Weed" has failed for decades and medicinal value held from citizens and children… :mrgreen:

  7. Daily Kos:
    The tables have turned on Bought Bitch Mitch McConnell regarding amendments. Oh boo-hoo.

    New Yorker:
    "‘I’ll be back,’ ” is an Arnie (Arnold Schwarzenegger) line from his movies. In this case, Boehner should forget about coming back to Congress.

    Media Matters:
    Barf Bag Alert! Decided to pass on this bit of Faux Noise. Don't need to hear a shout down by Faux Noise propagandists. 

    And the war on Booze began. Wonder how Boehner could handle this. Maybe Bitch Mitch can declare a new war on booze as he has done with just about everything else.

  8. The big-mouthed Bought Bitch talks a lot, but does little to advance the rights and support of people that are not in the 1%. Orangeman needs to just stop drinking! He has liver disease or a very bad fake-tan! He looks like he spent too much time in the spray-tan booth!
    If ever there was a time for wholesale removal of senators and representatives, it would be NOW!

  9. I love your comment, yes Mitch is the greatest source of pollution we have.   He is so high right now, assumed he would be king once he became the majority leader.  I hope we have enough REAL democrats in the senate to show him that he is not royalty.

    The New Yorker:  so funny, but I bet Boehner drinks so he can face himself every day knowing he is selling out the human race.

    Media Matters:  We really needed the barf bag alert. O'Reilly seems afraid the man will make his point and continues to talk over him.  Fox news has its agenda and that is all their viewers will hear.  I have a brother in law who only listens to them.  We don't visit with him very often.

    cartoon:  love the cat!


  10. Puzzle — 3:06  Hungry?  I'd say ravenous!  He's been shutout the past few days!

    Daily Kos — Seems McTurtle doesn't like taking the medicine that he so regularly dished out to Democrats. A real oxymoron from McTurtle "We will conduct a fair and open amendment process …".  The idiot does not know the meaning of fair and open!  He has lied continually for the past 6 years and I fully expect it will continue.

    The New Yorker — "…preserved by pickling."  ROTFLMAO!!!

    Media Matters — Hannity and O'Lielly, in fact the whole of Faux Noise, are rabid dogs that should be put out of our misery!  They really don't like honest discussion, only the twisted indoctrination of the American masses will do, and served cold!

    Cartoon — 16 Jan 2015 Prohibition Begins . . . of the Republicanus/Teabagger Party that is!

  11. Thanks all.  I need to eat.  Back in a bit to pist/

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