Jan 102015

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 66.  My trip to the podiatrist went well, and although my foot is sore, I’m in far less pain from it than I was yesterday.  However the trip took most of the day and tired me out, so the best I can do is a puzzle and a reposted cartoon from the same date in 2013.  Tomorrow and Sunday are High Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, so a lot of my weekend will be spent in religious meditation.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  26 Responses to “Personal Update–1/10/2015”

  1. Happy your foot feels better! Yep football all weekend in my house too.

    Cartoon: If only the Republicans would have faded into obscurity like Lorena and John Bobbit.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. 5:31 average unchanged.  I had a cat once who did eat tomatoes (and lettuce) but that's a long story.

    But if every Republican had a Bobbitt, wouldn't most of them have trouble finding the part that needed bobbing?

    A news anchor here lost her job telling a Lorena joke – that Lorena was trying to exit the freeway but some dick cut her off.

  3. Wiki indicates that Lorena's Bobbitt eventually publicly acknowledged how badly he treated her and that he was convicted in other courts of similar treatment of other women.

  4. The name itself, Bobbitt, generates a thought in our memory banks for those of us old enough to remember the case. 

    The name Bobbitt eventually became synonymous with penis removal. The terms "Bobbittised punishment" and "Bobbitt Procedure" gained social recognition.  The term "bobbittize" also entered medical literature.

    The Bobbitt case brought attention to the issue of domestic violence.

    After seven hours of deliberation, the jury found Lorena not guilty due to insanity causing an irresistible impulse to sexually wound John. As a result, she could not be held liable for her actions. Under state law, the judge ordered her to undergo a 45-day evaluation period at Central State Hospital, located in Petersburg, Virginia, after which she would be released.

    For complete details of the Bobbitts, read this LINK: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Lorena_Bobbitt

  5. Looks like this might be a slow day in C2 of PP aside from the Bobbitts. Out of curiosity, I'm interested in reading what C2 and PP people feel and say about this issue. 

    Compulsory Voting – An Idea 

    After Abysmal Turnout At the Polls, Is America Ready for Compulsory Voting? 


    I am in favor of compulsory voting and making the voting days a National Holiday.

    • Yes, a National Holiday. πŸ˜†

    • I am not comfortable with compulsory voting, we have too many government intrusions all ready. I am in favor of educating our children so that they understand their civic duties and are more willing to vote. 

    • Like Edie, compursarzy voting doesn't work for me.  Make election day a three day holiday or institute Oregon's vote by mail elections nationally.

    • As I'm sure you already know, some countries like Australia have compulsory voting – and it doesn't improve matters – look at the much despised Abbott down there – doing everything he can to wreck the country!  (Even his own party largely loathe him – but they can't get their act together to mount a leadership challenge).


    • Compulsory voting doesn't work for me either.  But neither does a holiday – there are many of us who would find it a hardship to get to a polling place, holiday or no holiday.  To me, all mail is the way to go.  I don't know about Oregon's sytem, but in Colorado we voters pay the postage.  I would eliminate that and have the return envelopes franked.  I want to be sure both the poor and the disabled are enfranchised.  Especially since so many disabled have gotten that way in the service of their country.

  6. 3:33  TomCat stepped on my tomatoes.

  7. Every Republican should have a Bobbit cartoon. This would take care of their preoccupation with birth control. πŸ˜†

  8. Lorena Bobbitt has moved on and according to The MailOnline, has been in a good relationship for 16 years and has an 8 year old daughter.

    John Wayne Bobbitt on the otherhand has also moved on but still has problems.  He ended up in porno films, braggs about bedding 70 women, was jailed for 15 days for assault in 1994, married twice, accused of assault again, and divorced twice after Lorena.

    I'd say he better be careful or he could be like Humpty Dumpty with all the king's horses and all the king's men unable to put him together again.

    As to Republicanus/Teabaggers, the politicians have their goldplated health care for the repair work, but ordinary Republicanus/Teabaggers would have the Republican Death Benefit.

  9. I like Rixar13's suggestion.  That would keep them too busy to demolish what is left of our country. 

  10. Thanks all.  I hope all your Repubglicans are Bobbitted. 😈

  11. Hope your foot feels better TC. I was fascinated to hear Lorena Bobbitt has successfully remarried – but I do wonder which way she and her ex-husband voted (he sounds like a definite Repuglicon)!

  12. Hi TC. Have missed a lot of the "thread." My computer soon to be haeded for the window1.

    Just a few thoughts.

    1,The congressand senate of the USA.Add a  population too apathetic to vote,

    conclusion" No signs of intelligent LIFE FOUND HERE! (GOHMERT FOR SPEAKER!!!)

    Boehner,man or mouse,? I fear the latter! The clown car expanding. Romney threatening to run!!!

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