Jan 082015


Here is the sixty-sixth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Frederick County Councilman Kirby Delauter. He is so honored for a truly Republican level of stupidity.

0108DelauterThe Frederick County, Maryland, council member recently threatened his local paper, the News-Post, with a lawsuit if it printed his name without permission. The dispute was the result of what Mr Delauter says was unfair coverage by Bethany Rodgers, one of the paper’s reporters.

"Shame on Bethany Rodgers for an unauthorised use of my name and my reference in her article today," he wrote on his Facebook page.

"Bethany, please understand, when you do a hit piece, you need to know who you’re dealing with," he continued.

Ms Rodgers responded, in part: "It is not just our right but our responsibility to report on people like you, who occupy positions of trust in our government, and I make no apologies for doing that." At which point, Mr Delauter replied that if her paper used his name again, "you’ll be paying for an attorney. Your rights stop where mine start."…

Inserted from <BBC>

Rachel Maddow had the story.

What an idiot!!

Republicans, you can run, but you can’t hide! Your parade is on the way!


  21 Responses to “Republicans on Parade–1/8/2014”

  1. Thanks TC, what an excellent article!  It is a relief to see people standing up to bullies and threats – what a relief – hooray for Ms Rodgers!

    From the article – "Ms Rodgers responded, in part: "It is not just our right but our responsibility to report on people like you, who occupy positions of trust in our government, and I make no apologies for doing that." At which point, Mr Delauter replied that if her paper used his name again, "you'll be paying for an attorney. Your rights stop where mine start." "


  2. Kirby DeLauter sings:

    "I could while away the hours
    Conferrin' with the flowers
    Consultin' with the rain

    And my head, I'd be scratchin'
    While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
    If I only had a brain

    I'd unravel every riddle
    For any individual
    In trouble or in pain

    With the thoughts you'll be thinkin'
    You could be another Lincoln
    If you only had a brain

    Oh, I could tell you why the ocean's near the shore
    I could think of things I never thunk before
    And then I'd sit and think some more

    I would not be just a nothin'
    My head all full of stuffin'
    My heart all full of pain

    I would dance and be merry
    Life would be a ding-a-derry
    If I only had a brain

    Gosh, it would be awful pleasin'
    To reason out the reason
    For things I can't explain

    Then perhaps I'll deserve your
    And be even worthy of your
    If I only had a brain"

    Thank you to songwriter  Harold Arlen;e.y. Harburg

  3. Kirby Delauter is an idiot.  Kirby Delauter is a big baby.  Kirby Delauter is a nincompoop.  Kirby Delauter is a Rethuglican (OK – THAT one is no surprise)

    Want a piece of me Kirby?  I'm in the phonebook – I double-dog dare you to give me a call.

    (I think he's just pissed because his parents named him after a vacuum cleaner.  Could have been worse – they could have named him Hoover.)

    If you want to be entertained, read the editorial in the paper that Kirby threatened to sue because they published his name.  Not only is it a hoot, but note that the first letter in each paragraph combines to spell out K-I-R-B-Y D-E-L-A-U-T-E-R


    • I wonder if you are the only one who noticed that!  You seem to be the only one who mentioned it.  Kudos to both the writer and you.  Lewis Carroll would be proud.

    • Just came across two funny limericks about Kirby Delauter.  The first one was before Kirby apologized – and the second one was after he apologized.  They're both really good – and just consider them as formatted in blockquote.

      I'm only going to give the link for the apology one, because it contains the link for the first one.  (Volokh Conspiracy is a legal blog w/ strong libertarian and Conservative postings.  The Comments used to be great wen it was on its own – but then they moved to the Washington Post and now get a bunch of yahoos.  Plus they're now behind a paywall – but work arounds for that are easy.)

      There once was a fool named Delauter, 
      Who got in some very hot water 
      By threatening the press 
      (On Facebook, no less!). 
      The Internet led him to slaughter. 

      … And after the apology …

      After three days as Internet fodder 
      A suitably chastened Delauter 
      Said “OK, I give in — 
      Beth gets the win. 
      I guess I should never have fought her.” 



    • Clever! The paper has some very good writers working for the News-Post

    • Quite a piece!

    • But the vacuum cleaner company  may need to change it's name.

  4. Good grief–is this the bottom of the barrel to find someone willing to run for office?

  5. It's spooky how much he sounds like Michael Grimm, minus the reference to defenestration (is there such a word as debalconyzation?)  Twins separated at birth?

  6. Rachel gave an excellent account on this "doozy" elected public official, Kirby Delauter, over parking spaces in Maryland. It is hilarious in the way he responded and threatened the reporter, Ms Rodgers, for using his name. The paper responded back quite well and backed their reporter. Kirby has now become the laughing stock  on the east coast. Late night comedy shows are going to have fun with "Kirby Delauter". See the video above.  

    Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter. Kirby Delauter.

    Sorry, I repeat myself about Kirby the Deluded Delauter.

    Update News:
    Maryland Republican ‘allows’ reporters to use his name after becoming media punchline


    If Kirby has such a temper, maybe he should not be a public figure. Kirby should resign and find a suitable "parking space" elsewhere. Walking is a good exercise.  lol.

  7. Wow! That takes the cake! He really thinks that he can stop her? They just get weirder and weirder!

  8. Rachel Maddow is right . . . Kirby Delauter took actions that only made things worse.  And in one place, Kirby Delauter acknowledged that he should have waited 24 hours before firing off.  Back late in 1974, I learned an expression that has stood the test of time "Load brain, fire mouth!"  Kirby Delauter "fired mouth then loaded his brain (maybe)".  Shall we call "fire mouth, load brain" a Kirby Delauterism, an unwise action?

    BTW, Rachel's dramatic reading skills were humourous.  Even the Maddow Show staff were laughing off camera.

  9. This fool has ruined his career, probably that is good for his constituents.  He is like so many politicians, once they get in office, they think they are king.  I hope everyone continues to mock Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter.

  10. Thanks all.  Rushing mode.

  11. Kirby DeLauter, Kirby DeLauter, Kirby DeLauter, Kirby DeLauter, Kirby DeLauter and thumbs up to the Portland Press Herald… πŸ˜†

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