Dec 212014

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 46.  I survived my meeting, but there was no way to stay dry  (see below).  At least it was not a cold day.  I took a steamy shower as soon as I returned.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but my Broncos have the Monday night service with the Bengals, so I can see it and the damn Seachickens cannot interfere.  I’ll have at least an Open Thread for Monday, maybe more.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:28: (average 5:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




  19 Responses to “Personal Update–12/21/2014”

  1. Heading up to Illinois as soon as I can corral the cat.  He's fine once he's in his cage (I finally got a dog catch so he can actually walk around a bit) – but GETTING him IN THE CAGE is a real challenge.  First I got to find him – I don't know how all my cats know when they're going on a trip, but they do.


  2. 5:41 average unchanged.  The snowman is awfully bloody cheery for morning.  (I can identify better wuth your look, TC, which I would describe as "bedraggled" more than anything else.)  I am not a morning person.  I am using a traveling coffee mug – when I have to travel – that says, "I'm up.  If you want bright eyed and bushy tailed, go catch a frickin' squirrel.."

  3. 3:13  I''m hot in the scarf, wool hat, and gloves.

  4. Poor kitty–even MN has changed to rain for feeling wet.  May the orb hit its desired targets.

  5. No time today. I just finished 4 days of cookie baking and now I have to get ready for the Solstice Bonfire in the meadow next door. Company is coming for snacks at 4. I have 18 minutes. Have a great Solstice, everyone!

  6. I am on my way to spend  holiday with my son.  Showed my husband the cat. Pic, said to tell you he is sure he would enjoy meeting you!

  7. Puzzle → 4:44

    Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year as well….

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