Election Night With the Cat

 Posted by at 12:12 am  Plus, Politics
Nov 052014


The time has come.  All the coolest cats have voted or are voting and not it’s time for the results.  I’m trying something unusual.  As the night progresses I’ll be adding to this article with news, observations and expressions of joy and/or grief.  I’ll update the articles time with each iteration, and I’ll try to answer any comments that may be left.  It should work, but I’m pushing the limits of my system.  Here we go.


Terrible news.  Bought Bitch Mitch won.


Republican Shelly Moore Capito picked up a Senate seat in WV, but that was already a given.

Democrat Tom Wolfe defeated Tom Corbett to become PA Governor.  Beating that racist Bagger is huge.


More bad news.  Republican Tom Cotton picked up Mark Pryor’s Senate seat in AR.  The Republicans also picked up the governorship there.

To date Republicans are +3 in the Senate and even in the state houses.


I have more bad news.  Republican Steve Dains and Corey Gardner picked u Senate seats in Montana anc Colorado.  Republicans are +5.  One more and it’s theirs.


More bad news.  Fitzwalkerstan still has a Fartfuhrer.  Republicans have taken the Senate and Joni Pig Nuts out them over the top.  There is no good news.  I’m going to sign off now.  I need to go throw up.  Good night.


  25 Responses to “Election Night With the Cat”

  1. ALL the coolest cats?  I didn't vote but you know it would be straight Democrat if I could vote!  They should let some Canadians vote.

    I have heard up here that the Republicanus/Teabaggers have picked up 3 Senate seats but they didn't say what the 3rd one was.

  2. The news looks awful – oh poor America! 

  3. Wellll seems as this would be a good time to bail out of the USA .Belize, here I come. God only knows what is going to happen now that the Republicans/Teabaggers are in control.  What in hell are people thinking? Knew it was not going to be good but this is a bloodbath.   And all in the name of RACISM–that is the way it has been and that is the way it is.  RACISM.  This president has been hated since the day he took office not because he wasn't smart, but because he is black (although he is white too).

  4. It seems that all the smartest people live in Oregon. The rest of the Nation was duped by FUX NOISE and the Rethugs.

    NY kept our semi-Dem as Gov and other top stops but they are really Dinos.

  5. They say people get the government they deserve.  We've reelected the same robber barons, the same bigots, the same obstructionists, the same warmongers so I guess we will get the government we deserve….we surely got the one the most money can buy.  Rand Paul (known in this house thanks to TC as Idiot, son of Idiot, named after Idiot) got a note from his father  which basically said, "now we'll handle Syria and Iraq as we should have – boots on the ground!"

    So we can expect to lose more civil liberties, watch the poor get poorer, see the environment suffer more, and prepare for more wars.

    Completely and thoroughly disgusted.

  6. I'm trying to keep things in perspective.  Obama is still president and still has the veto.  The Republicans had every advantage this year; in 2016 all the advantages will be on our side, plus the Republicans will have had two years to parade their insanities before the country.  The demographic changes which are inexorably moving the country in our direction won't stop


    This was basically another case of the midterm low-turnout problem like in 2010.  The party has got to focus on more effective GOTV strategies.  Unfortunately "vote for us even if we're not perfect, because the other guys are insane" isn't a very compelling message to some people, even though it's the truth.

  7. Lets see if I get this right more American people vote for the polices that Obama and the Democrats stand for.  But when push comes to shove the GOP wins by blaming Obama.  Was it because majority of democrats did the same thing  McConnell and the rest of the republican party has done for the last 6yrs "push Obama to the side of the road because he never won?"  In my humble opinion if the democrats had of taken this opportunity to tell the American people how hard they and Obama have been working hard for the American people against all odds.  We would at least go down with pride.  I do agree a few days off is what the doctor ordered.(it beats saying the things that will do nothing but give the  propaganda nuts a voice)  

  8. The DEMs who ran for Senate on truly progressive platforms like Merkley won; those who did not and seemed the same on Wall Street issues as their opponent lost.  Koch and Boehner major money in House races in CA at most will have affected 50% of their targets (the one supported in San Diego surrounded by allegations of masturbation in front of others in men's rooms is one that seems to have won)–a couple still are too close to call this morning.  That money did not fully do it in So. AZ either.  Most LGBTQ incumbants were reelected, too. 

    With last night, every state now has an out LGBTQ person in elected office according to the Victory Project.

    In CA all statewide went DEM and the candidate with the allegations related to private charter schools did not win.  Major insurance money defeated the proposition that would have added accountability related to non-group health premiums, but the one for better criminal justice policies passed.

    Locally developers won big time on all the things I had related to them on my ballot–and they spent big to do it.  The three grassroots initiatives that had qualified for the ballot was a historic precedent–never before had grassroots efforts ever qualified more than one here.

    Polls called many more races close than proved to be close throughout the country–far less accurate than usual.

    Mitch had one of the cases Citizens United was modeled after that money is speech in politics–he's long pushed for that one.

    I am concerned about the malfunctioning voting machines and other widespread irregularities reported before the polls closed and wonder if Crist had prevailed on keeping the polls open later FL would have had a new governor.  Tallahasee did succeed in passing their increased accountability act related to money in politics.

    This morning the GMO labeling in OR was still too close to call despite the megamoney there.

    A few silver linings to counter the major gloom.  And there are two elected who may have trials before Jan. for special elections or appointees providing an opportunity to alter the numbers some.

    • Do you know which office was won in Ky by lgbtq person?  The only one I know of has been mayor of a small town in SE Ky for several years.  I would love to know if we have another one, that would show at least some parts of the state are progressing.

  9. With all the insane garbage coming out of Republicans, they won, easily. One has to consider that this is what the country wants. Veto power is no satisfaction and certainly not a form of power politics. The people have had plenty of time making up their minds about Republican politics. The only thing new is the level of their insanity, which I thought hit high in the 2012 elections. Americans seem fine with Republican idiocy. No difference fo me. Since 1980 any Democratic political victories were slim and I have learned to live most of my life under Republicfan idiocy. I include the almost 7 years Nixon was president. History will record whose party offered the last budget that almost was allowed to begat surpluses, but that was ruined by Bush (II) as was most things in the last 14 years. I hope you are one doing better than most, otherwise it's going to be a slim next couple of years. Obama gets no credit for saving the country from previous idiotic Republican policies and the country just gave Republicans the votes to fuck up the country more.

  10. Nothing to say.  Sob.

  11. Only a few words.


    Perhaps Andy's explanation is valid (Exit Poll Shocker 04/11/14) which I trust is part of tomorrow's Short Takes. Sure makes sense to me.

    I too wondered about voting machines and other irregularities . . . particulary voter suppression tactics.

    God have mercy on the US because I think it will be needed.  The Dems need to do a major regrouping now in preparation for 2016.

  12. So we got beat in an election where the rules were rigged!

    Tell President Obama: Here are the ten things you have to do immediately now that Tea Party Republicans control both the House and the Senate.

    Here are 10 things President Obama needs to do immediately — and 10 things that aren’t likely to happen if we don’t make him do it.


    Here are 10 things President Obama needs to do immediately — and 10 things that aren’t likely to happen if we don’t make him do it.

    1. No deals on cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
    2. Strengthen the power plant carbon rule to make it your boldest action yet on climate.
    3. Immediately suspend deportations of millions of aspiring Americans until comprehensive immigration reform can be passed.
    4. Don’t commit ground troops to Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria.
    5. Reject Keystone XL, and apply the climate test to all federal decision making.
    6. Save the Internet by making Net Neutrality the law of the land.
    7. Empower your Federal Election Commission to enforce election laws and limit money in politics.
    8. Fill all federal judicial vacancies before the end of this Congress.
    9. Fight back against the Republican war on women with NO compromises.
    10. Use federal powers to end abusive, militarized and biased policing targeting African Americans and Latinos.

    • Thanks Jim!  Signed!

      I don't know how much veto power he will have, but that is a sorry way to run the country for the people. But then the Republicanus/Teabaggers don't give a rat's ass about the people . . . only corporations and the 1%.

      Up here, the news is all awash with the Keystone XL and how the price has ballooned to $8 billion, double the original estimates.  Of course Harper likes that the Keystone will go ahead, Conservative nut case that he is.

      I suspect that net neutrality will be done in because the big communications companies want to make more money with fast lanes.

      Yesterday I posted a Huff Post link:


      There are 116 slides etc to go with it.  Not all is about slang, despite the title . . . also covers history, political topics like marriage equality, election finance, and of course food!  It has some in there about campaign finance and some of the differences between Canadian and American systems.  Although I have not looked into it, I suspect our lobbying rules are fairly different . . . perhaps only because our economy is smaller and we are seemingly "less important".

      One thing that we are running into right now is Kinder Morgan, who wants to twin their transmountain pipeline to carry bitumen, suing groups of protesters who are protesting the pipeline.  Protesters are going to Burnaby Mountain (right here in Metro Vancouver) and protesting the surveying of the park and areas by Kinder Morgan.  The law suit is an infringement on free speech but they are pushing it in the provincial courts.  I am afraid that the Republicanus/Teabagger win yesterday will embolden companies like Kinder Morgan to push their agendas no matter what.

    • Thanks, Jim.  I signed the petition and shared it on facebook with my few Blue friends.  We are blue in more ways than one here in Ky. now.

  13. It was definitely a bad and sad night for the Democrats. While there were some good wins, the losses outnumbered them. I think a big problem is voter apathy. I just read that only 38% of registered voted; that's crazy. If those people had voted, perhaps we would have people in Congress to move America forward and not backwards which is our new direction. I think voters should be required to vote just like you are required to do your civic duty by participating on a jury.

    I don't have high hopes that President Obama is going to fight Congress on the terrible things they have planned for America. I hope he doesn't cave; he doesn't have to since he is a lame duck; this could be his payback to them. In any event, it's going to be a bumpy ride the next 2 years.


  14. Today was the worst day that I have had in a very long time. I cannot believe that so many people stayed at home, instead of going to the polls and casting a vote for the country’s sanity, if not for the middle class.
    I am asking something of the people here. Isn’t there a way that if the President vetoes a bill, the congress can override it by a super-majority? Isn’t that a possibility? That would be the nail in the nation’s coffin, right there!!
    I am so disgusted with the lazy people that didn’t vote, I could chew nails and spit tacks!!
    Arrrrrgggg!!! The people that didn’t vote will be sorry they didn’t by the time the 2016 election cycle rolls around, if there is anything left of the nation by then!!

  15. I am trying to fight off a major depression.  It was bad enough that Mitch won, but getting the six seats they needed to make him the majority leader finished me off.   Most of my closest friends are on Social Security and Medicare.  I hope they are happy that they either did not vote, or voted Repug when they start getting their benefits cut.  We all know that is a Republican desire.  I hope the President uses his veto power full force for the next two years and does everything the CREDO petition that Jim shared asks.

    Try not to get too depressed, TC.  We need our fearless leader.

  16. Thanks everyone.  It's been a bad day.  I'm running way late, becaause I finally fell asleep, and then I overslept.  After working so hard foer so many years, I just need a day or two for anger to overcome despair.. 🙁

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