Republican Cuts Kill

 Posted by at 12:20 am  Politics
Oct 152014

For many years I have referred to the Republican Party as the Pro Death Party, because they have blood on their hands from the many people they have killed by slashing the funding for the services people need to stay alive.  In fact I originally made the graphic I am using below on March 8, 2011.  I’m thoroughly pleased that someone big is finally telling it like it is.


The Agenda Project Action Fund has come up with the most brutal, direct political ad I think I've ever seen.  It ties the Republican budget-cut mantra directly to the disastrous slashing of CDC and NIH funds, and then ties that directly to the Ebola crisis and needless human death.  Have a look…

…Apparently this is showing on TV in key Senate battleground states right now.  Seems to be what the Doctor ordered.

Between you and me, I would like to see Mr. Obama going around the country linking conservative government to all of these problems, every week, in appearance after appearance, making the message slowly sink in…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Here’s the ad:

I fully agree with this author. and Kudos to the Agenda Project.  This is the first I’ve hears of them, but they rate watching.


  13 Responses to “Republican Cuts Kill”

  1. Good heavens, is that what passes for "brutal" and "direct" these days?  To me it's just pointing out the blindingly obvious.  Well, if there are people who can't make such connections themselves, let's hope the ad will help them along.

  2. There are too many people who listen to the Reich Wing Nuts and accept their pronouncements as gospel. They don't realize how much they are hurting themselves when they vote TeapublicanT. I agree with the author that Pres. Obama needs to get out there and tell the people the truth about all these "cuts" they are so fond of. One of the problems with that scenario is most don't believe a word he says. I hope they show this ad all over the country as much as possible. Do you think it will air on FAUX?

  3. NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins:

    “NIH has been working on Ebola vaccines since 2001. It’s not like we suddenly woke up and thought, ‘Oh my gosh, we should have something ready here.

    "Frankly, if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone through clinical trials and would have been ready.”

  4. Except for the fact that those might have been pictures of the unfortunate victims of Ebola not actors, I must agree with Nameless, I don't feel that AP video was hard-hitting.  The news today says that 77 people in Texas are being monitored as they may have Ebola – please God that they do not. 

    Do you know that Nigeria (who had people infected by Patrick Sawyer earlier this year) have managed to contain their outbreak and out of 20 suspected cases had a mortality of 8 – and have been free of Ebola since (long may they remain so).   This is largely due to the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Fund set up to deal with and try and eradicate polio there – but which was used to stop the Ebola outbreak from spreading.

    The World Health Organisation have said today that actually the Ebola death rate is 70% – we must help those in West Africa!

    "The Ebola outbreak could grow to 10,000 new cases a week within two months, the World Health Organisation warned on Tuesday as the death toll from the virus reached 4,447 people, nearly all of them in west Africa.

    "Dr Bruce Aylward, the WHO assistant director-general, told a news conference in Geneva that the number of new cases was likely to be between 5,000 and 10,000 a week by early December."

    God bless and protect all the utterly wonderful and marvellous doctors, nurses and support staff who are volunteering to go out to West Africa to help there – there is an AVAAZ page so people can record encouraging messages for them.

    (I have heard that Mark Zuckerberg has given 25 million to help the outbreak; whilst this is a good thing – as I understand it his personal fortune is around 30 billion – that seems rather like one of us giving a few pence/cents.).



  5. Infidel, not only is this 'what passes for "brutal" and "direct" these days,' but read the first comment at Daily Kos:

    "I think a GOP Operative probably came up with this.  This will backfire in a huge way.  American's don't care for these sort of politics, and its not as if the Democratic administration has handled this problem in a blameless manner.  Also, its immoral and monstrous."

    In all the comments no one attacks the truth of the ad – because it is of course 100% true and that is not sugject to debate – but there is a very livey discussion about the potential political effectiveness of running it.  Lively on both sides.

    I just hope it does work.

  6. Just for truth’s sake, let’s be real. If the TeapublicanTs had confirmed the nominee for Surgeon General, we would have a better handle on this dreadful disease, maybe. Heck, the person that was nominated may have screwed it up royally, but safe to say, it couldn’t have gotten much worse! The way they handled the first case was ABYSMAL!!! That man should have been treated SOONER!
    On the ad, I hope that the repubes are happy with their CUT, CUT, CUT, ad nauseum!!!

  7. The main purpose of Republican policy for the past 30 years has been to set the stage for premature death on a mass scale. Everything Republicans say and do are clues to their intent. The militarization of police forces nationwide are proof of their intent. For what purpose this apparent madness? Let me put it this way: If you had to deal with many crises at the same time, including global warming, environmental degradation, climate change, resource depletion, ecological stresses, economic stagnation, and overpopulation, what course of action would allow you to simultaneously solve all of these problems in the shortest possible time?

  8. The ad many not have been hard hitting enough but it still tells the truth, and its brevity might bemore of an inducement to watch. I shared it on Facebook with my Red friends.

  9. Personally, I like the ad because it uses the rapid fire of recognisable Republicanus/Teabagger politicians saying "cut" which plants the source of cuts and then ties it to ebola at a time when people (think Elizabeth Hasselbeck) are freaking out.  As to brutal, well that I suppose depends on your own definition of brutal as seen in advertising.  I really hope it works.  There are cuts, and then there are cuts.  This is just like Benghazi in that budgets were cut and the unthinkable happened. Republicanus/Teabaggers have cut, cut, cut so that nothing is as it should be.

  10. Thanks all.  Posting and going back to bed.

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