Oct 132014

Every week, Republicans join a competition to see who can say the most outlandish things, and in the process, every week they push the envelope on just how outrageous InsaniTEA can become.  I trust that you will believe it, when I tell you that last week was no exception.

Phyllis Schlafly: Obama wants America to be just like Africa, Ebola and all.

1013PhyllisSchlaflyPhyllis Schlafly is working hard to be the most hateful woman on the planet well into her dotage. In the last few weeks, the 90-year-old Eagle Forum founder has said some real doozies, from advising young women to get married to avoid being raped, to attributing the Secret Service mess-ups to the fact that an overweight woman was leading the agency.  Now she is turning that lightning intellect to the scourge of ebola, which she says Obama is trying to spread around America.

To be fair, she thinks he’s also trying to spread other diseases. That’s why he let those kids from Central America in.

“Out of all the things he’s done,” Schlafly told WorldNetDaily in an interview this week, “I think this thing of letting these diseased people into this country to infect our own people is just the most outrageous of all.”

These diseased people. Let’s just contemplate the hatefulness in that.

The problem, Schlafly says, is that Obama wants America to be as awful as other places. Especially Africa, because he rejects American exceptionalism. And because he’s black, of course. And because he’s living in the White House with his family while black.

“Obama doesn’t want America to believe that we’re exceptional," Phyllis whined. "He wants us to be just like everybody else, and if Africa is suffering from Ebola, we ought to join the group and be suffering from it, too. That’s his attitude.”

Oh, ugh. Can’t someone get her to shut up? She is spreading the disease of hatred and ignorance every time she opens her mouth. Talk about a public health threat…

Inserted from <AlterNet>

Seldom will y6ou see a more typical example of Republican hatred, and this is only one of five Republican outrages from last week alone.  Click through for the other four.


  20 Responses to “Last Week’s Republican Outrages”

  1. !. Phil Robertson must have had Biblically incorrect sex because I do believe he has advanced stage sypphylis. You can tell because his brain is so addled.

    2. Phyllis Schlafly and Chicken Hawk Cheney must share the same artificial heart.

    3. I think we shoud eliminate the holiday completely. He stumbled upon America and abused the Natives.

    4. I have no words for this poor excuse for a man.

    5. Money doesn't influence his thinking at all!


  2. I am aghast.  Because of course I am.  Random thoughts:

    1.  …"Heterosexual, monogamous, and maybe just a tad boring."  I'm afraid if your sex is boring, you have no one and nothing to blame but yourself.  The most important organ in sex is the brain.

    2.  I believe Mexico and the rest of Latin America have higher vaccination rates than the US does.

    3.  "Christopher Columbus was the kind of Spanish immigrant that Fox & Friends likes."  Funny, I could have sworn he was Italian.  I'm sure all those Italian-Americans who turn out for the Columbus Day parade believe he was Italian.

    4.  Petition at http://act.weareultraviolet.org/sign/microsoft_fire_nadella/?t=2&akid=1331.270686.kmHZCl just ICYMI.

    5.  Sometimes I think some of the deniers are deliberately stalling until it is too late for anything we can do to have any effect just so they can say, "See!  Humans couldn't fix it – so humans COULDN'T POSSIBLY have caused it!"

  3. Schlafly is just so vile she is beyond description!

  4.   I think they must be scared with the propaganda news going around.  Even Romney thinks he can beat Clinton in 2016.  Well just in a few weeks to go.  The fear, the sick minded are on the lose Oh My

  5. This has been one the worst, or best, weeks to be examining the rethuglicans’ outrage du jeur(sp). I can’t think of a time when one woman has had this much to say about things, at ninety years of age, that make her look any more stupid! Ms. Schlafly must be getting quite daft in her old age!

  6. Poor Phyllis Schlafly should be helped to an Old Folks Home as quickly as possible. She's still living in the Roaring 20's..;)

  7. There is a song written in 1973 by Stephen Sondheim that is rather prophetic of 2014 Republicanus/Teabaggers called "Send in the Clowns".  And in this case, it was a very accurate prophesy!

    1. Phil Robertson: You can't get STDs from having "biblically correct" sex. — Phil Robertson is one of those diseases that Phyllis Schlafly drones on about!

    2. Phyllis Schlafly: Obama wants America to be just like Africa, Ebola and all. — Now that I think about it more, Phyllis Schlafly herself is a deadly (to impressionable minds) virus that needs to be eradicated now.

    3. Fox & Friends freaks out about assault on Columbus Day. — First of all, Columbus was an Italian who, common for his day, moved around to wherever he could get financial support for his explorations.  Secondly, "… As Peter Johnson, Jr. … declaimed: “It’s a social and political statement that says Christopher Columbus was a violator of indigenous people. …"  Well guess what Peter, if you'd stop trying rewrite history, you'd realise that Columbus WAS a real bastard!

    "On 22 November [1493], Columbus returned to Hispaniola, where he intended to visit the fort of La Navidad, … Columbus found the fort in ruins, destroyed by the native Taino people. Among the ruins were the corpses of 11 of the 39 Spaniards who had stayed behind as the first colonists in the New World.

    In retaliation for the attack on La Navidad, Columbus demanded that each Taino over 14 years of age deliver a hawk's bell full of gold powder every three months or, when this was lacking, twenty-five pounds of spun cotton. If this tribute was not delivered, the Taínos had their hands cut off and were left to bleed to death.

    Now THAT is history!

    4. Microsoft CEO: Women should not ask for raises. They should trust the system, their super-powers and karma. — I would love for Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to meet Sarah Silverman.  She just might change his views.  If you didn't check her video, here it is but it comes with a warning: Viewer Discretion Advised.  Mature Subject Matter.".  Personally, I find it humourous and I am a Silverman fan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz3khtAdwXo

    5. Michigan Republican: I am a scientist. And a climate-change denier to boot. — Rep. Dan Benishek (R – Michigan) is claiming he is a scientist.  But just because this idiot is a doctor does not make him a scientist capable of understanding climate science.  That is like someone drinking wine thinking there are 2 kinds of wine . . . red and white . . . but saying that he is a sommelier.  I am certainly glad he isn't my surgeon, and I am especially glad he isn't the sommelier in the restaurants that I go to!

  8. I think Shafely hates everyone.  I know she hates women. I cannot believe she is still getting air time, she came up with the most absurd, ridiculous ideas in the seventies and eighties when women were fighting for their rights.

    I clicked through for the rest. Their ignorance resounds, especially, Phil, the DuckDynasty guy.  He is laughing all the way to the bank because the more outrageous he is, the more fans he gets for his redneck show.


  9. Thanks all.  I celebrated Columbus day the patriotic way.  I did not mention the father of illegal immigration. 😉

    Republican outrrages of the week, require two ingredients.  The Republican Party and any week.

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