Poll Results–10/1/2014

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Blog News, Politics
Oct 012014

Here are the results of our Obama on ISIL poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are often both accurate and indicative of the nation’s view.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 17 of 7.

Posted by Patty  September 18, 2014 at 2:10 am.  


It’s a much better plan than the ones the TeapublicanTs are proposing. MccConJob and "I have the vapors" Graham both want full-scale war. The Saudis are really leaning on them for that.


Posted by Gwendolyn H. Barry  September 17, 2014 at 5:10 am.  


I had forgotten you did these! The U.S. has evolved into a perpetual war machine. The costs of these ugly choices could remedy so much social malfunction. I was Bin Laden who exclaimed that if they wished to bring the U.S. to it’s knees, simply hoist a flag anywhere / i.e. beheadings, attacks, suicide events / and the U.S. "leadership" would react. And it’s true. No longer able to grasp other E.U. nations to follow along, we are now a reactionary govt without full support of U.N. nations. Here at home, social ills bloat and exhaust communities going un-noticed by the larger audience because the MSM is simply a tool for the MIC and corp purchasing agenda. The truth is buried in indy, alternative media that struggles to expose the corruption that our govt has become disabled in. imo. respectfully, Tom. Good to see you!


Posted by Edie  September 16, 2014 at 5:38 pm.  


I think this is all he can do right now. Few Americans would support another full blown war right now, with the exception of McCain, Graham, and Cheney. The Arab world needs to step up and show some accountability for their region, maybe this plan will force them to do it.


Posted by mamabear  September 16, 2014 at 5:09 pm.  


A good plan. Getting everyone to work together is a sign of of great leadership and one that most would not even have guts to try. Yes a hard choice but it a wise one.


Posted by Yvonne White  September 16, 2014 at 10:25 am.  


There was an answer lacking: Ineffective. I don’t think Anything will change if the people at risk don’t or can’t help themselves.

The people of Iraq didn’t overthrow Sadam, and when WE did it "for them", well, we see how that works (or NOT)..:(


Posted by gene jacobson  September 16, 2014 at 5:57 am.  


I don’t like any of what is happening there and believe the nations of that region should be the ones standing up and demanding an end to the outlaw bands terrorizing the people. Given that they are not, that they prefer things the way they are that they might maintain the dispute between Shia and Sunni Islam, what the President is doing and proposing is probably the best we can do, no one in this country with sense (which excludes the Dick Cheneys of the country) is willing to go beyond this plan.


Posted by Joanne D  September 16, 2014 at 5:00 am.  


Since he is getting so much criticism from all sides, it has to be at least good. Universal criticism generally only goes to perfection, but I can’t bring myself to say it is perfect. I have concerns, not the least of which is stimulated by Jon Soltz of Vote Vets, who fears we may be throwing interpreters who have worked faithfully for us under the bus.

I was split on this one.  The idealist in me wanted to vote Disastrous or Poorly conceived, because I wonder if it can possibly be effective and I worry about the slippery slope.  But the realist in me won out.  For Obama to do nothing would be political suicide for the Democratic Party, and a Republican takeover here would be far more devastating than the worst imaginable effects of his plan, the best available.


  10 Responses to “Poll Results–10/1/2014”

  1. I say poorly conceived based on "taking boots off the ground". A large portion of the American public is already supporting boots on the ground. A few more beheadings, mass murders and rapes and the public will demand we go in and exterminate this vermin. Obama/advisors should have recognized the moods of the public in reaction to these atrocities. Instead they boxed themselves and look ineffectual.

  2. I felt very much as you did and tried to imply so.  Political reality can be a real b***h, can't it?

  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/09/us/as-obama-makes-case-congress-is-divided-on-campaign-against-militants.html?ref=politics&_r=0     This is a good article about the whole situation. This is an excerpt and tells all about the TeapublicanT strategy.

    "A lot of people would like to stay on the sideline and say, ‘Just bomb the place and tell us about it later,’ ” said Representative Jack Kingston, Republican of Georgia, who supports having an authorization vote. “It’s an election year. A lot of Democrats don’t know how it would play in their party, and Republicans don’t want to change anything. We like the path we’re on now. We can denounce it if it goes bad, and praise it if it goes well and ask what took him so long.”

    • Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont said a vote must be held if any ground troops are committed.

      Thank goodness for Senator Sanders… πŸ™„

  4. Thanks all.  Pit Stop.  Exactly Joanne.

  5. It is probably the best possible solution for now, but I believe that other countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt etc need to "belly up to the bar" for the security of their countries and the region.  They need to demonstrate that ISIL's actions are truly terrorist and not Islamic, but that of course would mean putting aside the differences between Sunni and Shia.  If the Iraq of a few years back is any indicator, a coöperation between the sects is not likely to happen easily.

    From an American political perspective, it doesn't matter what Obama does, the Republicanus/Teabaggers will find fault and Issa will head another useless, partisan investigation to stir up a scandal.

  6. According to some journalists on Dateline London last week, they feel that America would do well arming the countries round about ISIL and letting them deal with the problem.  

    I felt that this sounded a good idea – if we could only stop doing what every Western country has done in the past – to arm someone who sounds good and makes all the right noises, but then who turns round and uses the weapons in an extremist way and against the West!


  7. Sorry for the absense, service connected illness physical and mental. I have just one thing to say in this thread, I agree with President Obama my Commander and Chief. No Boots On the Ground. Thanks πŸ˜†

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