Oh Those Invented Scandals!

 Posted by at 12:27 am  Politics
Jul 102014

The closer to an election we get, the greater the likelihood that the Republican bubble machine will invent an eleventh hour scandal.  More often than not, Republicans just invent the lies that they present as news.  However, in 2012, it’s possible that a foreign government may have used the Republican bubble machine to propagate a lie that almost cost an innocent Senator his job.


Sen. Robert Menendez is asking the Justice Department to pursue evidence obtained by U.S. investigators that the Cuban government concocted an elaborate plot to smear him with allegations that he cavorted with underage prostitutes, according to people familiar with the discussions.

In a letter sent to Justice Department officials, the senator’s attorney asserts that the plot was timed to derail the ­political rise of Menendez (D-N.J.), one of Washington’s most ardent critics of the Castro regime. At the time, Menendez was running for reelection and was preparing to assume the powerful chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

According to a former U.S. official with firsthand knowledge of government intelligence, the CIA had obtained credible evidence, including Internet protocol addresses, linking Cuban agents to the prostitution claims and to efforts to plant the story in U.S. and Latin American media… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow provided in depth coverage of the history of political hooker scandals, focusing on the hypocrisy of Republicans, and demonstrating how Republicans create news.


Internationals, for whom MSNBC video is blocked, can see this clip on YouTube.

It’s a shame I lost content on Blogger prior to 2010, because I had some great fun with the Jeff Gannon incident.  A couple old timers might remember me saying that perhaps he gave Cheney poo fun times in an undisclosed location.  Prior to this family-values Republican being outed, Ann Coulter, the Coultergeist, had gone on about how hot he is.

The hypocrisy of Tucker Carlson’s transformation between Diaper Dave Vitter and Menendez is a perfect example of hypocrisy the Republican Party personifies.  And consider this.  If that “former US official” cited in the Post article is a Republican, I consider it quite probable that this source was just trying to deflect blame to Cuba for what was just another Republican attempt to steal an election with an invented eleventh-hour scandal.


  8 Responses to “Oh Those Invented Scandals!”

  1. It seems that "sex, drugs and rock n' roll" is what feeds the salacious tastes of Republicanus/Teabagger politicians as they try to win the ideological war any way they can.  For the Republicanus/Teabaggers, it isn't how you play the game (ethically etc), it is ALL about winning any way they can.

  2. It's typical "Do as I say, not as I do." And, it's okay when we do it but terrible when you do. The Never-Ending Story, TeapulicanT version.

  3. Good grief – the hypocrisy and the appalling things these politicians and their ilk do – whilst railing at others for lesser things, renders me temporarily speechless!  (Enjoy it while you can, folks!).



  4. I know the scandals are invented, and on that basis funny, but I still worry about them, because people believe them, and these people vote.  Roughly five years ago, maybe a little less, I received a chain email about projected increases in Medicare premiums based on, who knows what, but undoubtedly something Obama is supposed to have done.  Well, my husband had just gone onto Medicare at the time, and I as the one with the checkbook was paying the premiums and getting the actual information, and I knew the reality, and put it into as brief form as I could (what with there being certain low income situations where a projected increase did NOT go into effect for some people though it did for most, so with me going on board later, there would be a period when he and I would not be paying the same).  Then I replied, using "reply all," and copied "Break the Chain," which no longer exists, but at the time was able to send the information another step back.

    Guess what – I no longer receive "information" from this source.  Who is actually a nice person claiming he wants to know facts.  He even replied something of the sort, like "I knew you would have the real story."  But he has never sent me an email again except in reply to a personal email from me.  Go figure. Oh – not only does he vote – he is a Republican District chair.

  5. It never ceases to amaze me at what depth the rethuglican/teabaggers will go to to plant some kind of “serious scandal” that would have six-year olds rolling their eyes at how lame they are!! But, also the idiots that believe this crap and vote for these dumbasses!!!

  6. Yet another example of the hypocrosy of the Republicans, if one of them is guilty, there is a good reason for his actions. If a dem is guilty, there is no greater crime.  Looking back, it is hard to understand why Tucker was even on MSNBC.  He always fit better with faux news.

  7. Thanks all.  Extreme rush mode!

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