SCROTUS Rules for Racism

 Posted by at 1:36 am  Politics
Apr 242014

Republicans are doing everything within their power to return the us to the racist Jim Crow era, and the Fascist Five Injustices as SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD) are in the forefront of the burning cross set with their most recent affirmative action decision.  It’s not enough to keep minorities from voting.  They decided to help keep them ignorant.

0424JimCrowIn a fractured decision that revealed deep divisions over what role the judiciary should play in protecting racial and ethnic minorities, the Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a Michigan constitutional amendment that bans affirmative action in admissions to the state’s public universities.

The 6-to-2 ruling effectively endorsed similar measures in seven other states. It may also encourage more states to enact measures banning the use of race in admissions or to consider race-neutral alternatives to ensure diversity.

States that forbid affirmative action in higher education, like Florida and California, as well as Michigan, have seen a significant drop in the enrollment of black and Hispanic students in their most selective colleges and universities.

But Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in the longest, most passionate and most significant dissent of her career, said the Constitution required special vigilance in light of the history of slavery, Jim Crow and “recent examples of discriminatory changes to state voting laws.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

I was surprised to see Justice Breyer vote with the goose-steppers, but his rationale was different.  He passed it on will of the voters, and even though we call him one of the liberals, he’s really a centrist, which just seems liberal when compared to the Fascist Five.

Michigan’s Reichfuhrer Snyder is getting his way.  Since enactment of this injurious policy, minority enrollment at Michigan’s public universities had dropped 25%.


  9 Responses to “SCROTUS Rules for Racism”

  1. "Michigan’s Reichfuhrer Snyder is getting his way.  Since enactment of this injurious policy, minority enrollment at Michigan’s public universities had dropped 25%." That horrifies me, TC – if people are brought up to be racist and don't have any contact with people of other races, then they have no chance to see that they are wrong – it is awful. 

    That reminds me of a discussion I was having recently with a dear friend about DNA – and the wonderful effec that knowing your ancestry can have on people…. I was watching a documentary on the subject and half a dozen people had been chosen to have their ancestry mapped, and I remember the effect it had on people so clearly – several embraced and called each other 'cousin' – they were linked in ancestry around 40,000 years ago.  It was really wonderful – we know we all descended from one woman around 180,000 years ago – we are all cousins in reality – but no doubt the Far Right don't believe in DNA any more than they believe in any of the sciences that show the world is older than 4004 BC – they are snow-white elitists!!


    • Not so, Justice Sonia Sotomayor responded, in a stinging 58-page dissent. “Our Constitution places limits on what a majority of the people may do,” she wrote, such as when they pass laws that oppress minorities.

      Very Sad indeed… 😥

  2. I want to address a couple of Care2 posters which I guess not everyone who reads Politics Plus can see without the right link (if anyone cares, that is for this story).

    pam w says "JMHO–we need to rethink ''minorities.'' In the next few years, ''whites'' will become a minority here in California and Hispanics" will become a majority. Meanwhile, State universities are seeing an overwhelming number of Asian students.  —  Who should get the break from ''Affirmative Action?"  Pam, don't get hung up on the word "minority."  That has never been what it was about, although the issue was obscured because at the time Civil Rights became an issue white people were firmly in the majority.  But that's not the point.  The point is privilege.  It always has been.  The point is for every child to get an equal chance.  Which they are obviously not getting now.  Achieving higher numbers in a group will not automatically make it privileged, particularly if law and custom are against it.  We don't need to re-think minorities.  But we do need to start re-phrasing to make privilege the defining factor.

    This ties into what Margaret says, "My conversations with people of color reveal them to be very sophisticated and knowledgeable about what's really going on, often more so than Caucasians."  But this is to be expected.  It is so easy to be blinded by privilege!  Race isn't even necessarily a factor.  Look at all the billionaires who think they work so hard and the rest of us are lazy, regardless of color.

  3. Justice Sotomayor was so upset about her fellow inJustices' decision in re Affirmative Action she delivered a 58 page dissent, some of which she read to them aloud. Here it is in its entirety:

  4. I'm late but I did make it here.  I think we all got a bit too apologetic too quickly when saying that republicans are not racist.  A very good indication of the depth of that racism is not just in the Supreme's decision.  Rather in the strong and open support of the bum mooching off Federal lands, and ranting about how much happier slaves were than today's free black men and women.  People that according to this racist, are lay abouts, sucking off that fat government teat.  I know, I know….he's an ignorant buffoon, that the few that do get any government help are elderly and children, with the preponderance of single women raising children alone are now white.  I doubt that facts ever get in the way of bigots and their notions.  Who are the republicans and their "talk machines" siding with?  That loud buffoon of course.  This is a replay of the duck idiot.  I guess we all need a laugh at the expense of the loud mouthed ignorant twits.  That duck idiot did come in handy, few paid attention to what the Senate was doing while the Duck was the distraction.  

    We allowed so many years of gross inequality, was that 50 years suppose to make all the past history just go away?  Apparently, for some.  We have a fractured Supreme Court, not just over partisan politics but over those who seem to actually acknowledge the constitution is not just there to be used to fill their own personal agenda.

    Thanks TC

  5. I don't expect anything from this Scrotus that will benefit poor, middle class, or minority people.  I lived in Michigan for seven years and found the area I lived in to be far more prejudiced than any other place I have lived, and that includes Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Ohio, and Kentucky.  

  6. Thanks all Amen!  Good trip! Good night! 🙂

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