Apr 142014

I’m writing for tomorrow early in the morning.  Because I’m swamped with prison volunteer Board Meeting preparations, this is today’s only article.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:43 (average 4:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Upworthy: Why Birth Control Needs To Be Covered By All Insurance Plans, In One Simple Graphic


In addition, nothing else prevents more abortions.

From Daily Kos: Rick Wiles is one of the more prominent talk show hosts on the right-wing fringe.  Among his guests in the past have been Tom Tancredo, John Fleming, Matt Barber, Harry Jackson and other big names on the far right.  They’ve continued to troop to his show even though he claims, among other things, that expanded rights for gays prompted North Korea to threaten nuclear war, that Columbine and Sandy Hook were carried out by "mind control assassins" and that North Korea threatened nuclear war with us because we’re moving toward expanded rights for gays.

Well, yesterday Wiles outdid himself even by his standards.  He called for President Obama to be thrown out of office by a military coup.  People for the American Way got a clip.

I warned in 2008 that Barack Obama’s mission is to instigate a second Civil War in America. His regime is deliberately ripping the country apart and if the US Military doesn’t take action soon to arrest Barack Obama and remove him and his regime from the White House, there will be no country left for the military to defend. We are on the edge of collapse as a nation. Jesus Christ is America’s only hope. Let us pray that Almighty God delivers us from this very real tyranny that seeks to persecute the saints of God.

If I had time, I’d give this seditionist Republican scumbag a "parade".  Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity is NOT Christian.  It is the opposite.

From Alternet: Detroit columnist Nolan Finley: Woman candidate is “milking the vagina business.”

Detroit News’ editorial page editor and columnist Nolan Finley displayed his ability to keep it real classy this week. Notoriously anti-Democratic and pro-corporate, he has long been using his perch to rabidly oppose the candidacy of Democrats, most recently Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mark Schnauer and his running mate, Lisa Brown. This week Finley wrote:

[Brown’s] confrontational style will give the ticket the spunk the colorless Schauer lacks, but won’t broaden his appeal. Brown could help bring in campaign cash, however. She’s still milking the vagina business, and is a minor celebrity among feminists.

Wait, there’s a vagina business that can be milked? How come we did not know that?

What that curious term means to Finley is that Lisa Brown favors reproductive rights for women, which in his world (roughly the 1950s) makes her an extreme left-wing liberal.

Milking the vagina business.

What will the Republican woman haters club come up with next?

This is just one of seven Republican absurdities from last week alone. Click through for the other six.  Thou shalt NOT commit TEAbuggery!!



Ben Franklin was its first President.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–4/14/2014”

  1. 2:57  That puddy tat runs too fast after that lizard for me to catch up!

  2. Puzzle — 2:57  That puddy tat runs too fast after that lizard for me to catch up!

    Upworthy — The evangelical right wing pseudo Christians say they want to ban abortions under any circumstances.  Yet they also want to make contraceptives unaffordable.  A strange dichotomy!  To be sure, if these grumpy old white men were the ones getting pregnant (boy would I love to see that!) there would be no question . . . free birth control!

    Daily Kos — I have to think that Wiles is on the Secret Service`s, and a few other agencies`, watch lists.  To openly call for the arrest of the president by the military, is sedition.  Not to mention that the US military, by law, cannot operate on home soil.  

    The only reason that the country is perceived as being on the verge of collapse is because of the pseudo Christians and their ungodly ways.  Shut him down!

    Alternet — Stupid is as stupid does, and one can`t fix stupid, especially when it comes from a Republicanus/Teabagger!

    Cartoon — Abolish Republicanus/Teabaggers . . . off to the permanent unemployment line!

  3. 4:25  Beautiful lizard.

    Upworthy – Oh, they're just jealous.  They can't make a baby, those that can obviously have special powers and must be feared.  We need to get them out of power though.  So normal human beings can live normal lives.

    Daily Kos – I hope Wiles is on the Secret Service's watch list, but they and the other rogue "security" agencies are so much better at watching activists and Occupy than they are at watching real seditionists.

    Alternet – Does this mean there's also a "penis business" that can be – oh, let's not go there.

    Schauer's opponents are running adds with weather clips showing the tail ends of rainstorms with the voiceover "The Schauer is over."  David Nor at Daily Kos Election  Digest said earlier this week that if he heard it one more time he might have to punch someone.  At least this is different.

    Cartoon – Sure, slavery is great unless you're one of the slaves.

  4. It would seem that Wiles worships the same "god" that Bob Marshall, a Virginia Repubican congressional candidate, does.

    Marshall's been  adding to his "I'm An Idiot" resume.  Not only is he against ALL abortions – including cases of incest because "incest can be voluntary sometimes" – he now claims that disabled children are God's "special punishment" for abortion.


    Now THERE'S a God we can all get behind.  [Insert favorite snark icon here]

    And I see where the Wisconsin Repubican Party, at their State Convention, is going to vote on a proposal endorsing their right to secede.

    Some days you wonder what it'd be like to be governed by actual adults, don't you?

    • PS – You think it'd change any Cheesehead votes if we told them that if they DID secede, the Packers would NEVER play in another Super Bowl?

      Besides, I thought we had this one solved back in 1865.

    • ~~"incest can be voluntary sometimes" – he now claims that disabled children are God's "special punishment" for abortion.

      Whoa, simply Nucking Futs… :mrgreen:


  5. Thanks all!  Totally pooped!

  6. Just dinking.  I did an Easter Bunny in MS Word – but it involves different font sizes and spacing, so I doubt it'll show up.  I'm trying it out here first:

    ( \_/ )


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