Sep 172013

Writing for tomorrow, day 95, I’m about to leave for my medical appointment.  My Podiatrist will cut a recurring growth from my left foot.  It’s not as bad as it sounds, hurting no more than it now does to walk.  Afterwards, I’ll have relief from the pain for another few weeks.  Because of the time, this is today’s only article.

Jig Zone:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Truthdig: Nina Davuluri [Miss America] isn’t just American, she’s from New York, the country’s front door, but her brown skin has inspired some reprehensible tweets, including one from a Fox Newser.

“The liberal Miss America judges won’t say this,” wrote Fox News and Commentary host Todd Starnes, “but Miss Kansas lost because she actually represented American values.”

To which @TaePhoenix replied, “Values like being white and blonde?”


Kudos To @TaePhoenix for putting that racist Republican host from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, in his place! I think she’s gorgeous.

From Crooks and Liars: An ABC News panel on Sunday could not contain their laughter at a Republican congressman’s straight-faced assertion that his party would be doing President Barack Obama a "favor" if it was successful in delaying the ability of millions of Americans to receive healthcare through the Affordable Care Act.

ABC host George Stephanopolous told Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) that the president had indicated he was not willing to let Republicans hold the debt ceiling hostage in order to defund his health care reform law.


And the KKK with nooses were doing black folks a favor too! Do Republicans a favor!! Give them nice permanent vacations!!!

From Alternet: Something to cheer about, people! If you’ve been concerned about the power of big banks, the need for financial reform and the blight of crony capitalism, you can breathe a sigh of relief: Larry Summers will not be your next Fed chair. The man who helped bring you the last financial crisis will not get his hands on one of the country’s two most powerful economic levers.

On Sunday, the former White House economic adviser and Treasury secretary officially withdrew his name as a candidate, according to the Washington Post

…Senator Warren deserves full props for not backing down under White House pressure. She had good reason to remain firm: Not only does Summers represent a bank-centic worldview, he actively lobbied to prevent Warren from heading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, her brainchild.

President Obama now has the opportunity to make history by nominating Janet Yellen as the first-ever female head of the Federal Reserve. She has always been the most qualified person for the job, known for her attention to the unemployment crisis, her cool head, her collaborative talent, and her foresight on the economy. Unlike Summers, Janet Yellen was not a cheerleader for the deregulation that helped cause the 2007-’08 financial crisis.

Major kudos to Elizabeth Warren and Oregon’s own Jeff Merkley, who had her back all the way. Now, lets start yellin’ for Yellen!



This is the kind of project Americans must do together.


  25 Responses to “Open Thread–9/17/2012”

  1. I'm sure our thoughts and prayers are with those touched by the latest mass shooting at the Navy Yard.

    It will take a couple of days until it's sorted out – but I'm equally sure that until it is, Rethuglicans and the pundits of the MSM will blame it on Pres. Obama … they always do.


  2. 3:01  Time to go sailing.  Did I beat the girls onto the water?

  3. I would say that Nina Davuluri is a great representation of real American values!

  4. Jig zone: Not even going to mention my time – I have this thing about embarrassing myself in public.

    Short takes: The reply by @TaePhoenix was priceless. Those right-wing-nutcase bigots don't even realize the irony in the time, effort and money spent by their white-skinned 'real american values' girls at tanning salons and on the beach in an effort to duplicate what a Hispanic acquaintance of mine laughingly calls her "factory installed tan."

    Summers withdrawal: We sure got a couple of good ones when Warren and Merkley were elected. Let's make sure we keep them in office.

    Cartoon: Can you imagine what the price for hydro-electric power would be if Hoover and Bonneville dams had been built by private industry?

  5. Rest your tootsies and take it easy today on Day 95.

    TruthDig ~ Nina Davuluri is a Med student fromyracuse, NY.  In response to negative tweets connecting her to terrorism and 9-11, she said, "I have to rise above that. I always viewed myself as first and foremost American." Besides being beautiful, she has class.

    Crooks and Liars ~ I wish we could laugh them all out of office.

    Alternet ~ Such good news that Larry Summers backed out. Elizabeth Warren gets my Kudos for standing firm against him.

    Cartoon ~ We don't need no steenking infrastructure improvements!





    • I did.  I was stucj waiting for an Oxygen delivery that stood me up.

      Something Republicvans lack.


      Mine too, but, unless I dreamed this, he picked Boles.

      We need them.  Theyre just blacksliding.

  6. How did you do? 4:25

    Is Obamacare up for negotiation?

    No and neither is the debt ceiling…!

  7. Nina Davuluri is gorgeous, TC. She kinda reminds me of Salma Hayek, who also happens to be gorgeous. The thing I can't wrap my brain around is why bigotted white guys who routinely slur women like Nina routinely court white women who routinely court shin cancer in pursuit of darker skin. I just don't get it. Racial envy, perhaps?


    • I hadn't thought od Sandra, but you're right.  Only Republicans ,ake skin corer and issue, and I have seen more than one rhine maiden sunbathing with Republican swastika tatoos.

  8. The main problem these sheeple have with the new Miss America is that she isn't blonde and white.  They have a hard time accepting anyone who doesn't fit their image.

    Crooks and Liars:  So glad the Republicans are doing the President a favor.  I had a discussion today with a woman in the doctor's office where I took my mother.  She was bemoaning Obamacare because it was costing us so much. When I told her how much it had all ready helped my sister, with a pre existing condition for her husband, and being able to keep her 20 year old son, whohas Krohn's disease on her insurance, the lady was shocked.  She knew none of this, guessing she watches Fox.

    Yay for Warren and Merkely.

    Cartoon"  Will this country ever be so united again"  I doubt it.

  9. On the subject of Obamacare and how much Americans pay on health services compared to the rest of the world there was a wonderful 7 min exposition on Upworthy in the last few days – well worth watching.  God bless you Edie for putting that lady right in the waiting room – sounds as if she was like so many people just trotting out other people's predigested opinions and not actually engaging her brain at all until you made her think!

    I agree TC – Nina Davuluri is gorgeous – wish I looked more like her and less like me!  Everyone start praying for Janet Yellen to be the next Head of the Federal Reserve – and I thank God for Bernie Sanders, for Elizabeth Warren, and for Jeff Merkley – three honest principled people in a nest of thieves and robbers!




    • Pat, I like you just the way you are!  That has nothing to do with Ms Davuluri because I have not met her.  But it has everything to do with you because you are wonderful the way you are.  Meow, meow and woof, woof to Tabsie and MolPol!

    • Great libk Pat.  After seeing two of hir offerungs, I put myseld on their list.  Thanks.

      You would make a great Miss Politics Plus UK, if we had a pic of you in a bikini to post. 🙂

  10. Puzzle — 3:09  My rope got caught in the cleat so I am still at the dock!

    Truthdig — Hmmm . . . seems that Emma Lazarus' sonnet that is done in bronze at the Statue of Liberty needs a caveat if the racist pundits and citizens are to be satisfied.

     "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    . . . but only if they are blonde, blue eyed and fair skinned!

    Ms Davuluri is American born, and from what I can see, represents what America professes to value. Congratulations to Nina Davuluri, and a pox on all the houses who have twisted the meaning of "American values" to a state of FUBAR!

    Crooks and Liars — Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) is doing nothing but rehashe Republicanus/Teabagger talking points which are based on lies and selective information.  Mr Obama can NOT delay Obamacare by a year, not because it would be giving Republicanus/Teabaggers leverage for the next battle (and it would!), but because the American people need Obamacare.  It may not be perfect, nothing is, but it does provide millions upon millions of Americans with medical coverage.  The naysayers are such idiots — once people come into the realisation of preventative care, which is certainly not the case now unless one is wealthy, then the long term healthcare outlook should improve.

    "Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MA) chuckled. "… I think the president is right that we can't negotiate over the debt ceiling. And we can't be irresponsible in shutting down the government.""

    Republicanus/Teabaggers do not negotiate and have no honour.  They are ideologues that will do anything and everything, like spoiled two year olds in the midst of a temper tantrum, just to get their way.

    Alternet — Even though Summers withdrew, the pressure put on him effectively kicked him to the curb to be taken out with yesterday's trash.  Yellin' for Yellen!

    Cartoon — Wikipedia has an interesting piece on the Hoover Dam

    "Not included in the official fatalities number were deaths that were recorded as pneumonia. Workers alleged that this diagnosis was a cover for death from carbon monoxide poisoning, brought on by the use of gasoline-fueled vehicles in the diversion tunnels, and a classification used by Six Companies to avoid paying compensation claims. The site's diversion tunnels frequently reached 140 °F(60 °C), enveloped in thick plumes of vehicle exhaust gases. A total of 42 workers were recorded as having died from pneumonia; none were listed as having died from carbon monoxide poisoning. No deaths of non-workers from pneumonia were recorded in Boulder City during the construction period."

    Seems corporations haven't changed at all . . . still as profit over people as before.

    • Actually, Mashed into the dock.



      Amen again! 

      I didn't know that!  I'll say!  At the time, the US was in the Great Depression, caused by the Republican response to the greed od corporate criminals.


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