Sep 132013

I’m writing for tomorrow, day 91, and this is tomorrow’s only article.  The temperature at my desk will top 100° today, tomorrow and Saturday, so color me miserable.  Tomorrow id Friday, the 13th, so although I am Caucasian, I will still be your honorary black cat.


Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:09 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) was harshly critical today of President Obama’s nationally televised address about Syria this week, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “The President’s decision to think before attacking another country flies in the face of American foreign policy.”

“The United States of America has been involved in countless armed conflicts since this great nation was founded,” Mr. McCain said. “Many of those would never have happened if we’d stopped to think about them first. Sadly, the President seems not to have learned this lesson of history.”

Calling the President “an Ivy League law professor who never met a thought he didn’t like,” Mr. McCain said that he was urging Mr. Obama “to please take thinking off the table.”…

Andy’s satire has captured McConJob’s very soul!

From MSNBC: Rachel Maddow on complexity of Mideast problems.


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As complex as the problems are, Republican solutions are simple. Whatever Obama is for, they are against it, even when they said they were for it yesterday. That is not governance. It is sabotage and sedition. Crowley made a lot of sense.

From Right Wing Watch: American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer yesterday tied together the closure of an Oregon bakery that refused to serve gay customers who were trying to find a wedding cake and the rapidly-collapsing story of an Air Force officer who insists he was punished by a superior over his views on gay marriage. Fischer said that the two accounts were proof of growing anti-Christian persecution in Obama’s America.

I can say for a fact that he’s lying about the bakery. The proprietors refused to make a wedding cake for a gay couple. Political activists organized a boycott and reported them to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI). The Oregon Equality Act of 2007 guarantees that people can not be denied service at a public business, based on sexual orientation. (Oregon leads the way!) BOLI launched an investigation, and the bakery shut down voluntarily to avoid criminal charges. Their hateful discrimination was more important to them than their business. All they had to do is to obey the law, and the problem would have vaporized.  Also, LGBT folk don’t shout “Homo Akbar”.  That lie is a World Net Daily meme.



Contrary to Republican lies, Democrats did NOT invent the national debt.


  24 Responses to “Open Thread–9/13/2013”

  1. 3:02 I'm better at ship-building than ship sailing. Will My ship be stomped on by some Size 9s or crunched by a Critter?

  2. Thanks for being our official Black Cat for the day, TC! I'm enjoying a brisk 57 degrees right now. It's rainy though.

    New Yorker ~ Andy has done it again. I have read numerous blogs on the Daily Kos website which are satirical as well and Jon Stewart did a good job of poking fun at CNN's Blitzer.

    To add to the ridiculous, Rand Paul actually suggested in a speech yesterday that our President was siding with Al Quaeda against Assad. Nobody could make that up. Read on: This is not a satire! It's Rand being Rand.

    MSNBC ~ I'm a RepubliCon and I reserve the right to change my mind whenever that Black, Musim President agrees to do what I want. I will no longer want that to happen. Amazing!

    Right Wing Watch ~ They are sinking to the depths of the Marianas Trench with their hateful accusations. Bryan Fischer is OD'ing on Insani-Tea.

    Cartoon ~ Oh no! Was this the start of our sinking into debt to foreign countries? No, because they taxed people accordingly to pay off our debt.


    • YVW! 🙂

      What else would you expect from Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot?



      Bit the 0.1% don't think they should have to pay taxes.

  3. I forgot to include this in the above comment but think it important enough to share for the sakes of our
    Canadian friends like Lynn. Nestle is stealing from the Canadian people. Help stop them. Petitions DO work.

    • Thanks Patty!  This has been on the news a lot lately.  Unfortunately, it is also happening elsewhere.  But maybe action in BC can spur on action elsewhere.  I think I previously signed but signed again.

      The BC legislature won't sit again until the spring — apparently they didn't have the confidence of winning the last election so didn't have a legislative agenda ready.  But the opposition is on their case about it. The provincial legislature sat for 36 days in 2013 (assuming the premier doesn't change her mind about a fall sitting).  Totally disgusting!  We have too many Republicanus politicians here!  BTW, don't confuse the BC Liberals with the federal Liberal Party of Canada.  They are not the same animal — the BC Libs are more like the Harper Conservatives.

    • Signed and twitted!

    • Thanks for the link Patty – signed!  I don't know why SumOfUs don't contact me with petitions to sign – I sign so many there but worry I may have missed one – they are all worthwhile…

  4. How did you do? 5:38

    Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) – “The President’s decision to think before attacking another country flies in the face of American foreign policy.”

    Hey McCain, STFU…!

    American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer speaks that the two accounts were proof of growing anti-Christian persecution in Obama’s America.

    The law is legal prededent, end of story.

    The Oregon Equality Act of 2007 guarantees that people can not be denied service at a public business, based on sexual orientation. (Oregon leads the way!)


  5. Karl Rove now says the very action that he recommended is now an unmitigated disaster. Karl Rove, "This is Amature hour at the White House." I so dispise this man… :mrgreen:

  6. Puzzle — 3:02  I always liked creating with my hands!  Doing it collaboratively is even better!

    Black cat — With the exception of a tiny white mustache along his upper lip, oh and white whiskers aside his nose, this could be Primo.  For those who would like to see pictures of my kids, here is a link .  Just click on Album: My Kids

    The New Yorker — McCon Job really knows his projection techniques doesn't he?!  It is also amusing that on one hand McCon Job refers to Mr Obama as an "Ivy League law professor", and on the other hand, he and his Republicanus/Teabaggers say Mr Obama doesn't know squat about the law, constitutional law in particular.  AB has captured the essence of this dithering Republicanus/Teabagger!

    MSNBC — Listening to the likes of Rove, Cornyn and Inhofe, you know that they are all about the Republicanus/Teabagger strategy of obstruction and obfuscation, even when it means that they have to eat their own words from previous pronouncements.  I have always felt that the real solution lies within the international community.  There is no doubt in my mind that Russia is being more "open" to action because this action could alsoo affect their southern area, the Caucuses, a largely Muslim area. 

    Right Wing Watch — Bryan Fischer is the spawn of Satan, manipulating facts, or perhaps bastardising facts to give his lies some semblance of credence.  He is no more Christian than Osama bin Laden's big toe!

    Cartoon — . . . and it hasn't looked back since!  The Republicanus/Teabaggers really need a lesson in history, badly!

    • Almost, but crunched!

      Cousen Primo would have done a fine job.


       Solution on Obama's watch is the LAST thing they want.

      O's say Osama's toe is clearlt more Christian.

      For sure!



  7. To all those who will be observing Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) at sunset today, Tsom Kal.  (May your fast be easy.)

  8. McCain — “The President’s decision to think before attacking another country flies in the face of American foreign policy.”

    McCain left out one very imortant word.  He should have said,

    “The President’s decision to think before attacking another country flies in the face of REPUBLICAN American foreign policy.”

    Democrats think first.

  9. Thanks TC – I agree with everyone but am soo exhausted I just can't think of anything relevant – sorry!

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