The Return of Death Panel BS

 Posted by at 1:04 am  Politics
Aug 122013

In 2009, Republicans and pretended to want health care reform, they were stalling to tie it up in committee long enough to get to their summer town hall meetings and turn on the lies.  Chief among those lies originated from Mooseolini, who claimed that ObamaCare had death panels to kill senior citizens by withholding needed care.  See based it on the provision to cover end of life counseling coverage included in the bill.  It had been placed there at the request of a Republican.  Well, albeit slightly modified, the death panel BS is back.

12Reince-PriebusOn Sunday, CNN’s State of the Union invited Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to offer what turned out to be little more than a dump of Republican talking points opposing the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare is “European, socialist style-type health care,” Priebus told CNN. He even claimed that Republicans — who have now voted to repeal Obamacare’s protections for people with preexisting conditions 40 different times — are the true defenders of people who are unable to obtain health insurance without health reform. And then he dropped the death panels line — “what people don’t want are government panels deciding whether something’s medically necessary.”…

GOPDeathFlame…Priebus’ decision to drop this line without any context whatsoever represents an innovation in Republican messaging against providing health care to millions of Americans. The “death panel” smear originally emerged on former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) Facebook page [Mooseolini delinked], and was widely viewed at the time as an attack on a bipartisan proposal to enable Medicare to cover voluntary end-of-life counseling. After that proposal was dropped from the bill that ultimately became the Affordable Care Act, several Republicans — including Palin once again — retconned the term “death panels” to refer to a cost-cutting measure known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board or IPAB.

Although the IPAB is empowered to take some measures to bring down Medicare costs if those costs grow faster than a certain rate, it is expressly forbidden to take any action that might qualify as rationing care

Inserted from <Think Progress>

The ObamaCare deal panel rumor was thoroughly debunked years ago, but Republicans love to use projection to blame Democrats for what Republicans and those they represent do.  How many times have  you heard about people dying because they could get no coverage or because Big Insurance death panels decides a completely unrelated preexisting condition was a good enough excuse not to provide care?  There are other death panels, consisting of Republican politicians.  People are dying, because Republicans, at the state level have refused federal money to expand Medicaid.  Before the Brewerstan Death Angel, Jan Brewer caned in on Medicaid expansion, she cut the program to give a tax cut to millionaires.  In so doing, she cut at least two people, already scheduled for life-saving transplants, who subsequently died.  Now how many times have you heard about lives being saved, because ObamaCare outlawed those Big Insurance abuses?  Lots, I bet!RepubliCare, not ObamaCare, is the health policy with the built in death benefit: Pay or Die!


  26 Responses to “The Return of Death Panel BS”

  1. I have found that it is pointless to talk to my friends about the RepubliCONs or FAUX NOISE. They are totally brainwashed and simply refuse to listen. The "Death Panels" came up yesterday. I stopped talking. I don't need my blood pressure raised.

    • I can totally relate to what you said.  I have friends who have so much mush in their brains about this topic that I have given up talking to them and just delete their e mails.  No hope for them until the program goes into effect and proves they were wrong.

    • Instead of stopping, you should have told them they are incorrect.  If thdey ever do come around, they will remember you were right. Also, sinc e they take silence as tacit agreement, saying nothing strengthens their false belief.

      • They have already realized that it is pointless to argue with me because I won't back down (and my blood pressure goes up). It is by mutual agreement that we do not argue politics anymore because they know about my health problems. They know I do not agree with them.

      • What Patty said is what I have done, too.  Some of these people have been friends since grade school, they know they will never change my mind and I won't be able to change theirs.

      • Cool, jist so they don't think they win.

  2. Take care of your blood pressure Patty – we need you!  I know how you feel though – they are entrenched in their views and will never admit they could have been misled – so sad! 

    You are right TC, ObamaCare has saved many lives, it is the Repuglicons that are cutting services and killing people – and as always blaming their own evil actions on others.  They have got it down to a fine art by now – probably by studying the third reich!


    • LOL!

      The parallel between GOP truth and  Nazi truth is uncanny.  Of course in the US, the 0.1% mistly supported Hitler, but switched after the war started, except for Prescott Bush and a few others.

  3. Random observation:  If you remove all the vowels from Reince Priebus's name, you're left with RNC PR BS.

  4. Priebus: "People know what Obamacare is.  It's European socialist style type healthcare and people don't want it."

    It's not that people don't want it.  It is that Republicanus/Teabaggers don't want it because it will cut into the profits, illicit gains if you ask me, of the for profit medical sytem and the insurance companies.  Unfortunately they have managed to fire up the low information citizens by lying and misrepresenting Obamacare to them.

    As far as death panels go, Mr Obama has said many times that medical decisions are between a patient and his doctor.  There is no government committee ruling on such things.

    And as far as Priebus referring to doctors not accepting patients because they don't get paid enough, the only doctors that would do that are Republicanus/Teabaggers.  Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath which says in part "to do no harm.".  By failing to treat a patient, they are doing harm and not unholding their oath.  It is ever so clear that Republicanus/Teabaggers only respect money — profits — the more the better.

    • All true, Lynn.  Bear in mind that wheb it came to renewing the Doc Fix, the provision of Medicare that pays doctors enough, Republicans blicked it until public pressure forced a c hange for their electoral health.

      If most Americans understood what European style socialiozed health care is, they's want it.

  5. I agree with Lynn.  The Affordable care Act us going to cut into profits, the bottom line for the Republicans.  I am the chauffer for medical visits for most of my family these days, probably at least fifteen different doctors, and not one of them has said they won't see patients due to this act.  The only complaints I have heard is from clerical staff who hate the paper work.  Don't we all?

  6. By simultaneously killing the economy and killing people, Republicans are doing more to mitigate global warming than any other group. They're also doing more to exacerbate global warming than any other group. Go figure!

  7. Good story here in Florida where Republican/Tea-Bags in Medicare Thief Governor Rick Scott are purposely feeding citizens to the for profit insurance industry… Sad indeed.

    Death Panels – Health Insurance Company Claims Review Committees… :mrgreen:

  8. Republicans had no qualms about their own death panel for living baby Sun Hudson who was deliberately killed by Rick Perry's administration, against the mother's wishes, because the baby was an inconvenience to the state.

  9. Nice piece, but your spelling sucks – quite a distraction.

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