Feb 252013

Yesterday evening I was finally able to keep some food down.  I’m way behind on sleep, but I am clearly on the mend, so this should be my last one-article day.  I’m current with replies.  Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:42 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: A Revealing In-Person Demonstration Of What 32 Shots In 16 Seconds Means


I have nothing to add.

From NY Times: OF the many injustices that permeate America’s byzantine tax code, few are as outrageous as the tax rate on “carried interest” — the profits made by private equity and hedge fund managers, as well as venture capitalists and partners in real estate investment trusts. This huge tax benefit enriches an already privileged sliver of financiers and violates basic standards of fairness and common sense.

President Obama recently suggested that he would ask Congress to close this loophole. Eliminating the carried-interest tax rate should be an easy sell. It should play to Republicans’ supposed hatred of government handouts and to Democrats’ commitment to social justice.

It does play to almost all Democrats, but to almost no Republicans. The reason for that should be obvious.

From CNN: Most of the 10 poorest states in the country are Republican.

Mississippi is the poorest… followed by Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Louisiana, Montana, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama and North Carolina.

And the list doesn’t even include Texas, where Rick Perry is governor and one in five people lives in poverty.

This proves two things. First, a Republican Regime is the punishment for voting Republican.  Second, every Republican in office is one Republican too many!



I exercise my 16th Amendment rights too. Sick smile


  17 Responses to “Open Thread–2/25/2013”

  1. 5:09 It seems that you and I march to the beat of a slow drummer, Tom. We both are a bit sluggish.

  2. Good grief TC, you have been suffering greatly!  Poor pussycat!  I agree with you about the tax gifts to the 1% – and am horrified to hear that 1 in 5 in Texas live in poverty – yet they still vote Repuglicon!

    • Thanks Pat.  Getting people to vote against their own self-interest without knowing it is the ultimate deception.

      • The same thing is happening here, we keep electing politicians who consider themselves elite, and act only for the wealthy. Kentucky is one of the poorest states, too.  Currently, our government is supporting Big Coal while they are destroying the mountains of Kentucky, and warning us that we will all be destitute if we don't support Big Coal, too.

  3. Hope you feel better! I'm really surprised to see that Illinois on the list of those broke states. I added your blog to my bookmarks. I had it in wrong before when I added it to my blogger, I had your old one!

  4. Puzzle — 4:39 I march to my own drum, well at least sometimes!

    MoveOn — 32 shots in 16 seconds!  That is assinine!  I agree, assault clips and assault weapons should be banned, as should grenade launchers and other military weapons.  The guy I saw come out of a Seattle gun shop with a grenade launcher was probably a farmer going gopher hunting in his fields — take out the entire colony with one shot!  BTW, the http://www.BanAssaultClips.com is not a real web site, well at least not attached to the Brady Campaign.  What I got was all in Chinese or a similar language.

    NY Times — "It should play to Republicans’ supposed hatred of government handouts and to Democrats’ commitment to social justice. "  There is a fool loose who does not know the Republican/Teabaggers (or is one and saying what he thinks Americans want to hear!) and who knows the Democrats.  The only time that Republican/Teabaggers hate government handouts is when they are to anyone but the 1% and corporations.  They are all for corporate welfare!

    CNN — If these 10 are the poorest and Texas is not included even though 20% of its citizens are classified as living in poverty, then either there is a very large and deep divide between rich and poor in Texas (bigger than most) and/or the poverty level in these 10 poorest states is really, really high.  And the US is the land of opportunity? . . . apparently only if you are wealthy to start with.

    Cartoon — "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

    Now, would they please do so consistently and fairly!

    • See above.

      It is on the Brady Campaugn's YouTube Channel.  I'm guessing that they let the ownershop of the web address lapse.

      That is why I contradicted the article.



  5. This proves two things. First, a Republican Regime is the punishment for voting Republican. Second, every Republican in office is one Republican too many!

    This is the way that I see it… 🙂

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