Sep 032012

I have increasingly been hearing the claim that Barack Obama should have done much more, because he had a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate at the same time Democrats controlled the House.  Chris Wallace at the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, Fox, actually claimed that Obama had it for two full years.  You can use that to fertilize your veggies!

filibuzzardsFox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday made the false claim that the Democratic Party had a 60-vote majority for two years after President Barack Obama took office…

…As Talking Points Memo observed, Sen. Ted Kennedy’s (D-MA) temporary replacement wasn’t sworn in until Sept. 24 of 2009, giving Democrats a filibuster-proof majority for four months and one week until Republican Scott Brown filled Kennedy’s seat after a special election.

"The claim that Obama ruled like a monarch over Congress for two years — endlessly intoned as a talking point by Republicans — is more than just a misremembering of recent history or excited overstatement," the Chicago Tribune’s Eric Zorn wrote. "It’s a lie."

"It’s meant to represent that Obama’s had his chance to try out his ideas, and to obscure and deny the relentless GOP obstructionism and Democratic factionalism he’s encountered since Day One," he explained. "They seem to figure if they repeat this often enough, you’ll believe it." [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video:

It’s rare that a well spoken Democrat is allowed on Faux Noise.

There is one more factor that the article did not cover.  Even during the 4+ months that Obama had a filibuster-proof majority, he never actually had one in reality.  There were two Senators in that majority that were Republicans in disguise: Benedict Arnold Nelson (NE) and Traitor Joe LIEberman (CT).  This enabled Republicans to block literally hundreds of bills.

So the next time a Republican, or a lefty that would foolishly dilute the vote, tells you Obama had a valid opportunity to enact his agenda, you will know that the former is either lying or brainwashed, and the latter is uninformed.


  28 Responses to “About Obama’s Filibuster-proof Majority”

  1. The problem is that whenever one of these goofballs says something like that the base goes crazy. It's the base of the party that's steering and the apathetic are just falling in line.

  2. It is just mind-blowing how the lies keep going–

  3. The republicans have no choice but to lie.  The truth is too painful for them.

  4. I love that picture of McConnell getting a wedgie from those two behind him!  And damn, I think he is enjoying it!
    Republicans know nothing but lies and distortions, from the top on down.  If they didn't lie and distort, they'd have nothing, absolutely nothing to say!

  5. Not much surprises me anymore, however, must say that all the lies that the Republicans and Tea Party are putting out surprises me and more so that some people "seem" to believe these lies.  These good Christians or Mormons should go back and read the Bible once again.
    What about "Thou shalt take no other Gods before me" for the Mormons———-now I know Mormons—some in my family—and have been in the Mormon church several times—-it saddened me to realize that all they really talked about was 'The Book of Mormon"—-and if you wanted—IF YOU WANTED—-you could go to study the BIBLE—for approximate 45 minutes—-but the emphasis was on The Book of Mormon.    In my Bible, it says —thou shalt not add or take away from the Bible.
    Also—–what about the commandmant that says—–Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour—ALL THE REPUBLICANS KNOW ARE LIES LIES AND MORE LIES.
    And to finish —what about the good old boys that are screwing around?????  Thou shalt not commit adultery.

    • Gypsy, the Mormons have the same God as other Christians, note the name of the church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day  Saints". They use the Book of Mormon as a supplement to the Bible.  Don't know what church you visited, but it doesn't sound like any I have been to.:

      • Edith, it was the Mormon church or as you say "The Church of  Jesus Christ of the  Latter Day Saints".  And they put two hours in for The Book of Mormon and 40 minutes of The Bible.  Also, have visited other "Mormon" churches and they did approximately the same.
        The point I was trying to make was this—-if the Mormons believe in the Bible and what it contains (although they do say it is good as far as it goes) what are they doing telling all the lies?
        I was not making comments about the church just off my head—-part of my family belongs to the Mormon church and part of my family belongs to the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints.

    • Gypsy, I tend to be more accepting with people whose faith differs from mine,as long as they don't try to force it down my throat.

      That said, there is nothing Christian about Republican policy.

      • Tom, I could care less of which faith people are or what church they belong to or attend.  I was trying to get the point across that Romney and Ryan seem to be God fearing and church going people.  I was just trying to get my mind around their touting their church/faith values and yet they are breaking a commandment telling all the lies.  And you have to admit ,  they do lie a lot. 
        It is very unusual for me to say anything about anyones values or faith or anything else, because we all have our rights.  However. this has been pushed down our throats by the Republicans/teabaggers.

    • And what about the shellfish thing?  I never got that one.

  6. I keep hearing that argument from my conservative friends.  I don't know where they get this poor information, Fox news, I guess.

  7. I get this drivel from the RepublicanTs and Tea baggers I know too. It is so frustrating to try and get the truth across to them. They all turn a deaf ear to me.

  8. If you have to lie to get your point across, then the truth is too hard for you to bear.  These are the people who are easily swayed from one party to another party.

  9. "So the next time a Republican, or a lefty that would foolishly dilute the vote, tells you Obama had a valid opportunity to enact his agenda, you will know that the former is either lying or brainwashed, and the latter is uninformed."

    A Rare Event… :mrgreen:

    "It’s rare that a well spoken Democrat is allowed on Faux Noise."

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