May 152012

Yesterday was even hotter, and I’m wrung out.  Today should be cooler, but the heat from the last three days is still radiating from my walls.  I did manage to research a couple articles, and I should be able to sleep tonight and put them together tomorrow. I’m current with replies.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:58 (average 5:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: The #1 Reason Barack Obama Is Different From Mitt Romney


A woman voting for Romney is the functional equivalent of Smokey the Bear voting for fire.

From YouTube: Romney Economics: Bankruptcy and Bailouts at GST Steel


If elected, Romney will do to America what he did to GST Steel.

From NY Times: Fed up and rueful, Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, made a startling admission on Thursday: he should have reined in the filibuster rule last year, when he had a chance. As Republicans engaged in yet another of their endless filibusters on what should have been a routine matter — reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank — Mr. Reid took to the floor and praised two senators for being right last year when he was wrong.

Tom Udall of New Mexico and Jeff Merkley of Oregon were prophetic in wanting to change Senate rules, he said. “The rest of us were wrong, or most of us, anyway,” he added. “What a shame.”

Since 2007, Democrats have been forced to try to break Republican filibusters 360 times — by far the highest rate in Congressional history. Ending them requires Democrats to get over a 60-vote hurdle. If Mr. Reid helped enact the proposal of the two senators, he would instantly make Congress more efficient and more democratic.

Do ya think so Harry!  Scheesch!!  Stupid ASSHOLE!  Every progressive in the country screamed and screamed when Harry Reid, the Nevada Leg Hound, humped Republican legs, whined, rolled over, and played dead in return for a Republican promise that they would play nice from then on.  Ha!! Assuming that Democrats hold the Senate, we need to pick a new Majority Leader and nuke the filibastards on the first day of the new term in January 2013!


deleted at image owners request.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread–5/15/2012”

  1. 4:48  This one may belong to Patty.

  2. In response to Obama’s excellent ad, Rmoney put out his own YouTube video touting his leading Bain to save another manufacturer – Steel Dynamics. 

    Of course what Rmoney fails to tell us in his ad is the fact that Bain was only one of EIGHT companies involved.  AND that the “Big Bad Government” kicked in over $37 MILLION of subsidies and grants to save Steel Dynamics.

    Rmoney and Bain were hardly the “Lone White Knight” he’s trying to portray.  Then again, catching Rmoney in another lie is hardly anything new.

    • RMoney will be a white knight only to take credit for what we pay for, and then, only if he can’t find a way to pocket our money.

    • Excellent info Nameless!  Isn’t it amazing what a can of white paint will do!

  3. MoveOn — “A woman voting for Romney is the functional equivalent of Smokey the Bear voting for fire.” — AMEN TC!

    GST Steel — Excellent video which also explains Rmoney’s process in plain laymen’s terms by guys that got to experience it up front and personal.  I feel for the steelworkers’ negotiator who had to go back and forth deal with Bain’s tactics.  If Rmoney gets in, I think there will be a lot more large corporations shifting jobs overseas and robbing pension plans just because they can make a bigger profit doing so.  There are no ethics, no morality in big business any more.

    Vote Democrat in 2012!!!!!  Vote Obama/Biden 2012!!!!!

    The fillibuster rule — “Mr. Reid took to the floor and praised two senators for being right last year when he was wrong. … Tom Udall of New Mexico and Jeff Merkley of Oregon were prophetic in wanting to change Senate rules, he said. “The rest of us were wrong, or most of us, anyway,” he added. “What a shame.””

    I will give him credit for finally coming to his senses, albeit a bit late!  Let’s hope that the balance of power in the Senate changes dramatically in the Senate in favour of the Democrats so that they can make a stupid wrong, right!  For that matter, let’s hope that the whole Congress is made more efficient by the removal of every Republican/Teabagger in 2012 and 2014!

    Cartoon — Yep!  Full blown war on women!

  4. I have nothing to say except Re-elect Obama & Biden in 2012!

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