Mar 222012

Lately Republican politicians and pundits have tried to insert their dogma between the legs of every woman in America.  But women and the men who honor them have fought back.  Republicans have realized that the space between their own legs is no longer empty.  They have their tails between their legs.

22SurrenderThe end of winter is bringing signs that leading Republicans fear a chill in support by women after controversies over contraception in health coverage, the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s effort to defund Planned Parenthood, and outrageous remarks by Rusk [sic] Limbaugh.

The result is an effort to change the subject, and retreat from particularly egregious proposals by some GOP politicians.  Examples:

–Romney:  GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said last week he would “get rid of” Planned Parenthood, an apparent promise to halt federal money going to non-abortion health services (such as breast cancer testing) provided at PP clinics.

A few days later, in Illinois, wife Ann Romney took the stage with an appeal to her gender:  “Women are talking about jobs.  Women are talking about deficit spending.  Thank you women.  We need you.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Seattle PI>

Rachel Maddow provides lots of examples with Chris Hayes.

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Don’t be fooled.  What Republicans want has not changed one iota.  They have just come to the realization that they have been caught in the midst of overreaching.  Their white flag is only temporary.  They will retreat and concentrate on their primary goal to establish a permanent Republican regime of one party rule, in which elections do not matter, because only their supporters have voting rights and money to support campaigns. If they succeed, the United States of America is over.  Our job is not done.


  12 Responses to “Their Tails Between Their Legs”

  1. They will try what Chimpy did in both 2000 and 2004-which is, to portray themselves as reasonable and rational during the election campaign. And then, if elected, they will do…. what Chimpy did in 2000 and 2004.

    I question the sanity, and the intelligence, of anyone who votes Rushpubliscum, and that includes rich people. What good is having 5 billion dollars if you’re living in a septic tank?

  2. I wish the Republicans would just shut the f * c k up and stop focusing so much on all the things they’re against, like labor unions to create fair wages for workers, contraceptives for family planning, women’s reproductive rights, and virtually anything the President does, and start focusing on IMPORTANT, BENEFICIAL things like good paying jobs for all, infrastucture repair, ending the deficit by taxing the rich at a higher rate like every other civilized country does, and pushing for elections without corporate money. I guess, though, when your only real aim is to make the richest 1% even richer, all you can focus on is attacking the 99% below them and preventing any and all tax hikes. The choice for voters should be clear this year: NO MORE REPUBLICANS!

    • Jack, if they focused on what’s good for America, they would accomplish only exposing how everything they have done is the opposite.


  3. Knit a Uterus for Your repubican Congress Critter
    There’s a creative group (Government Free VJJ – and no, I don’t know what the VJJ stands for)  that’s been busy knitting “uteri” as a reminder to repubicans that they should STOP the War on Women.

    The project’s website includes knitting patterns for a Womb, Felt Cervix, Vulva, Happy Uterus and more!

  4. During the bygone era of bra-burning and such, the meme against women was “they have penis envy…”

    So now are the RepublicanTs experiencing uterus envy?

  5. These Greedy Old Pharts are doing nothing but play games!  It appears they tried the war games tact only to have it explode in their faces, so now they are back pedalling, hoping to feint the progressives out of position on the war against women.  At an auspicious time when the GOP figure the progressives are no longer watching the war against women, they will relaunch with a vengence — a shock and awe against women.  I say to the Greedy Old Pharts, be careful what you do because ‘we are women and we do ROAR!’

    You know I was just thinking, if the GOP are cancelling out breast examination and mammograms, there will be a lot of special xray machines not being used.  We could convert them for prostate exams — put junior on the slab and squeeze tight!  Greedy Old Pharts first!

    • Thanks Lynn, but an awful lot of men are on your side.

      • I know!  That’s why I said GOP first.  And I sincerely thank the men that are on the side of women when it comes to this stuff.  To me, those are real men.

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