Koch Suckers: Defund the EPA!

 Posted by at 12:01 am  Politics
Nov 062011

While the Obama Administration seems to be giving the environment back seat to jobs creation, Republican environmental policy is a complete disaster.  Under normal circumstances, they couch their position in lies, claiming that they are “protecting” the EPA by gutting it, but when they are actively sucking Koch, some actually tell the truth about their intent, probably forgetting that someone else is listening.

6epaThe Koch brothers and the foundation they fund, Americans for Prosperity, are among the biggest backers of the right’s anti-environment movement, pushing for the repeal of environmental laws and regulations on both the state and federal level. Those efforts continued at AFP’s annual Defending the American Dream Summit this weekend, as attacks on the EPA came from seemingly every prominent speaker and in multiple panels.

Former pizza magnate Herman Cain (R) drew some of his largest cheers when he declared that the EPA “needs an attitude adjustment,” while former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA) decried the burden of federal regulations on job creation. But while Romney has insisted in the past that Republicans aren’t “anti-regulation” and other conservatives have insisted that the party doesn’t want to defund the EPA, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) — the Congressman from Koch — made it clear during an environmental panel that that was exactly his goal…

…Watch it:


Pompeo is hardly the only Republican to state plainly that defunding the EPA is one of the GOP’s primary goals. In July, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) said the EPA “would be discontinued” if the GOP gained control of the Senate and the White House… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

If Republicans have their way, views like the one pictured above will become a distant memory.  The alternative to voting them out is global catastrophe.


  16 Responses to “Koch Suckers: Defund the EPA!”

  1. Who in hell was in the audience at an environmental panel applauded this jerk?

    I guess they don’t care about the future, only their bank accounts.

  2. Having been around before the EPA came into existence : All I can ask is  ; ARE THEY CRAZY ???

  3. They’d kill the environment AND the arts…Without street art we’d have nothing to remember.

  4. Those there were the hoidy toidy rich bastards that care only for their bank accounts. Wonder what they will think when they too can no longer breathe the air, drink the water or eat the food…..  Hope they can consume oil and natural gas because that’s what they are all full of.

    • Terrie, there will be plenty of fresh air and water in their gated, possibly domed, and heavily guarded communities.

      It’s the 99% who will be stuck.

  5. What a perverted group of people who belong to this group!

  6. In a related matter, repubicans have introduced a bill designed to open up ONE MILLION ACRES around our GRAND CANYON to uranium mining. 

    No surprise there, but it turns out that at a Congressional Hearing on that matter last Thursday the witness that the repubicans called to testify (who thought “It’d be a great idea [my paraphrase]”conceded she stands to make $225,000.00 from uranium shares she just HAPPENS to own in that area if that bill became law.

  7. If those backward thinking Republicans gain control all I can say is “stop the world I want to get off.”

  8. In the news I saw a short article aboutnumerous earthquakes in I believe Oklahoma which is known for tornados, not earthquakes.  My firth thought was fracking!  As I recall, this was one of the areas with fracking.

    The EPA was holding up things on Arctic Ocean oil drilling for Shell because of concerns, and wasn’t doing too badly until they finally caved.

    Didn’t the Kochs have water and air contamination issues from a mill in Arkansas that had increased the cancer rate substantially and tests show it relates to the pollution?

    Didn’t the Kochs have c127 harges relating to pollution by Georgia Pacific in Corpus Christi — Baby Bush, their good ol’ boy bought and paid for, negotiated the charges down from about 127 to just 1 and a $20 million fine?

    How many more stories like this exist in the ‘naked country’?

    If the EPA is shut down, there will be no protection at all.  Fat lot of good that David Koch cancer centre will do — the number of dying will far outstrip their ability to deal with it.  Oh, but wait, nobody will have access to medical care because the US won’t have any unless you get it as part of your employment.  But wait again, the numbers of unemployed will be skyrocketing because the 1% are outsourcing overseas!

    Oh crap!

    Say NO to the GOP and vote them out!  Save the country and the planet for the future generations!

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