Mar 272011

After I got the blog up yesterday, I spent a couple hours troubleshooting an IE9 problem and fixing a Firefox 4 problem.  At around Noon, I crawled back into bed and that was it until got up at Midnight to begin my research.  After two late nights of volunteer work this week, I obviously needed the sleep.  Today I have errands and chores to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:42 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces retreated from this strategic city on Saturday, running for dozens of miles back along the coast with Libyan rebels in pursuit in their first major victory since American and European airstrikes began a week ago.

That’s progress.  I hope Libya dumps Daffy soon.

From Common Dreams: Some day soon, when pro-democracy campaigners have their cellphones confiscated by police, they’ll be able to hit the "panic button" — a special app that will both wipe out the phone’s address book and emit emergency alerts to other activists.

Egyptians charging their cell phones at Tahrir Square (credit: Samir Eshra) The panic are button is one of the new technologies the U.S. State Department is promoting to equip pro-democracy activists in countries ranging from the Middle East to China with the tools to fight back against repressive governments.

Egypt?  China?? Hell! When is the US model coming out?!!?  They are desperately needed in Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Arizona, New Jersey, Florida, Texas and elsewhere!

From Think Progress: For years, former UN Ambassador John Bolton has been on a one-man mission to open up a new war in Iran. Last fall, he called for an immediate attack on Iran “in the next eight days.” When that didn’t happen, Bolton pointed to the downfall of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak this winter as a reason to “speed that timetable up” on an Iranian attack.

ThinkProgress spoke with Bolton, who is weighing a run for the Republican presidential nomination, at the Conservative Principles Conference in Iowa. Despite current military engagements in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Bolton urged the United States to also keep its focus on “the great risk” of Iran. When asked whether our bombing of Libya means we’re shifting focus away from Iran, Bolton argued for attacking both, declaring “I think a president’s got to walk and chew gum at the same time”.

If McConJob runs again, this clown would fit him perfectly.


Chris Britt

Pray for deliverance from the pseudo-Christian followers of Republican Supply-side Jesus (not the real one).


  10 Responses to “Open Thread–3/27/2011”

  1. LOVE the cartoon. Misguided right-wingers are so focused on scapegoating Planned Parenthood and public media that they’re neglecting pressing problems.

  2. What a beautiful cartoon! Says it all!

  3. 4:24 Not even close. 27 out of 86 (314).

  4. The republicans concentrate on hot-button issues rather than the real things that need fixing. The concentrate on power rather than helping.

  5. As I’m sure most of us noted, last Friday was the sad 100th anniversary marking the tragedy of the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory where 146 women and girls were burned to death as a result of overcrowding, locked fire exits, and narrow escape routes. It so outraged New Yorkers, led by the International Ladies Garment Workers Union that they fought for – and obtained – crucial regulations that continue to protect working folks to this day.
    SEIU union put up a neat interactive infographic showing how Unions have labored to make the workplace safer for everyone:
    SEIU union put up a neat interactive infographic showing how Unions have labored to make the workplace safer for everyone:

    • Thanks, Nameless. I considered doing a piece on it, but figured many others would. I try to avoid the crowd when I can and cover things you won’t see everywhere,

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