Conway a Better Choice

 Posted by at 2:02 am  Politics
May 202010

Now that Rand β€˜son of Tin Foil Hat’ Paul has won the Republican primary in Kentucky, his views and policies are coming under scrutiny.

Conway_Jack The day after Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway secured the Democratic Senate nomination he took direct aim at his Republican opponent, Rand Paul, calling the tea party favorite outside the mainstream.

Conway pointed to several positions Paul has publicly taken — including support for repealing the American With Disabilities Act and abolishing the Department of Education — and suggested he’s going to run hard against the way Paul has rallied the tea partiers.

"I understand there’s frustration in the country. I understand there’s frustration in Kentucky," Conway said when I asked him about Paul’s tea party base. "But my question is, how do we use that passion? Metaphorically, do we want to heat the building or do we want to burn it down?"

Conway said Paul’s approach was "destructive rather than constructive" and would hurt him in the end. "These are not the views of mainstream Kentuckians," he said.

As for himself, Conway pushed back on Republican claims that he’s a liberal. Conway was billed as the progressive choice in the primary — earning endorsements from MoveOn and DailyKos — but he told me today he doesn’t apply the label to himself.

"I call myself moderate, always have," Conway said… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <TPM>

I don’t see Conway as an ideal candidate, because he is far more moderate than progressive, but Genghis Khan is more liberal than anything the GOP has in that state. 

Son of Tinfoil submitted to an interview by Rachel Maddow.

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Rachel had to ask him the same thing ten times, and he still would not come clean.  He vehemently claims that he is not a racist.  Assuming that he told the truth, he is so corporatist that his policies are racist whether he is or not.  His view that government has no right to tell businesses that individual bigotry may not determine who they hire and who they serve is an open invitation for racists, sexists, theocons, and homophobes to ignore the hard won civil rights of minorities.

I understand he also wants to abolish all corporate taxes.


  6 Responses to “Conway a Better Choice”

  1. Wow, that was an interesting interview. Businesses should be able to decide who shops in their stores and restaurants should be able to decide whom they serve? WTF? But that’s the Repubs, always trying to take us back to the 19th Century or further. And the guns issue is NOT the same as civil rights – duh. And guns are a free speech act? Luckily, the Teabaggers are only 20% but this is Kentucky. Holy crap.

  2. “Great Minds” again. That’s what I just posted on, Rand Paul wanting to turn the clock back to the good old days when Nigras and cripples knew their place. If Kentucky voters actually elect that F$%&!#$!, that won’t say anything good about that state.

  3. Rand’s history of racism is documented as far back as 2002:

    In a May 30, 2002, letter to the Bowling Green Daily News, Paul’s hometown newspaper, he criticized the paper for endorsing the Fair Housing Act, and explained that “a free society will abide unofficial, private discrimination, even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin.”


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