The Masked Avenger

 Posted by at 10:04 pm  Plus, Politics
May 052020

Of course COVID-19 has consumed the news cycle for some time. Of late, we have seen protestors against lockdowns in Lansing, Michigan brandishing assault rifles. We have seen various marches against various aspects of what I will call ‘common sense’ proceedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. One of my university professors challenged me on the use of the term because there is no such thing as ‘common sense’. If sense were common, we would not have the troubles we have now.

Below is a clip from Trevor Noah talking about wearing masks. And he is funny as usual. I have to confess that for years, pre-pandemic times, I have questioned the need to wear a mask during the flu season. I thought people looked strange wearing a mask. Now, I wonder why it took me so long to realise that wearing a mask out in public (as well as when I clean the cat box) is a good policy. Now you won’t see me in public without my mask and gloves. Enjoy Trevor Noah, the masked avenger!
