Nov 102021

Yesterday, I received the package with the black rayon crochet thread I ordered through etsy ti knit (probably) or crochet (maybe) a barbie-sized Justice’s robe. It came all the way from Bulgaria, where it was made.  Rayon thread is quite thin, so I may use it doubled. I have no deadline, so there’s plenty of time to think about it (and thinking usually gets the best results.) Yes, I’ll manage pictures somehow, when the time comes.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

GWN – Snow plow driver shortage could lead to winter problems for U.S. motorists
Quote – “It’s not just for the traveling public, but it’s also for emergency services, ambulances, police and firefighters and all that,” said Mark Geib, administrator of the management operations division. transportation systems at the Michigan Department of Transportation. “We need to keep the roads clear so people can move around, especially in emergency situations.”
Click through for the states (one of which is mine). Not a lot of material here, but it’s nice to know the state is thinking of my safety.

NPR – The U.S. Navy has christened a ship named after slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk
Quote – Naming the ship after an icon of the LGBTQ rights movement represents a symbolic milestone for the military following a long history in which gay service members were unable to serve openly. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro said it helps right the wrongs of the past and shows a commitment to current and future LGBTQ service members. It’s estimated that 100,000 veterans have been discharged from military service because of their sexual orientation.
Click through for story. Just in time for Veterans’ Day. (sniffle.)

The New Yorker (Borowitz) – Oscar the Grouch Cuts Ties with Ted Cruz
Quote – “Don’t get me wrong—I can’t stand Big Bird,” he said. “His relentless sunniness, to me, is intolerable. But that’s no excuse for Ted Cruz to go off like an asshat.
Click through for more. The video which offended Cruz, and the one showing Cruz offending everyone else, were both in yesterday’s video thread.

Food for Thought –

Today is also Pat’s birthday, although she is considerably younger.
