Aug 062021

From the same grifter that last month offered “autographed” photos of himself for $45, Herr Drumpf this week asked his Trumpkins to vote for their favorite design from four offerings to then become the “Offical” [sic] Trump membership card.   Trump’s Save America PAC, according to Insider, sent out at least two emails with the four selections of red-and gold cards, similar to credit cards.

“The card you select will be carried by Patriots all around the Country,” the first email said. “They will be a sign of your dedicated support to our movement to SAVE AMERICA, and I’m putting my full trust in you.”

The Trump team said in a follow-up email, “We’re about to launch our Official Trump Cards, which will be reserved for President Trump’s STRONGEST supporters.”

“We recently met with the President in his Florida office and showed him four designs,” the email continued. “Originally we were planning on releasing just one design, but when President Trump saw the cards on his desk, he said, ‘These are BEAUTIFUL. We should let the American People decide – they ALWAYS know best!'”

[EDITOR’S NOTE: “They ALWAYS know best!”  He’s right – both Hillary and Biden beat him with landslide votes!]

But two glaring oddities were immediately noticed:

[1] He misspelled “Official” as “Offical”

It’s not all that surprising.  After all, we knew they were Nazis – but obviously they’re not GRAMMAR Nazis.

Even more understandable when you meet the proofreading team for the membership card:

[2] Donnie is no longer even trying to hide his true feelings.  He brazenly included the official symbol of the Nazis that was first used in 1920s Germany.  So it’s not a bit difficult to believe that The Former Guy (TFG) would go with the Third Reich’s official symbol – the Iron Eagle!

As you knew would happen, the Twitterverse pounced!

The Nazi’s Iron Eagle quickly became a favorite topic.



And it’s not the first time TFG has used the Third Reich’s Iron Eagle.  Remember the Trump/Pence “America First” T-shirts?


And since request for an armband was raised, I decided to go ahead and design one for them myself:

Word on the street is the card will be well worth having.  If your Visa or Discover card is declined at Starbucks, you can use it to at least buy a cup of covfefe.  It probably won’t be long before we see TFG borrowing Capital One’s credit card slogan: “What’s in Your Wallet?”  I can see it now:

Of course there will be other perks (but only if those Trump businesses still exist)


Rep. Eric Swalwell was kind enough to add a disclaimer for the card:


I think this is a good Bottom Line summary of TFG membership card grift:


