Jul 272011

From a recent article I did on getting a voter ID, some got the impression that I am against all voter ID plans.  That is not so, I have  no problem with plans that ease the way for poor people, people without transportation, and disabled people to obtain an ID, so that such conditions do not keep them from their right to vote. I do object to the Republican voter ID plans that are designed intentionally to keep people who are more likely to vote for Democrats from voting.  The Plutocratic Dictatorship of Fitzwalkerstan, formerly Wisconsin, is a perfect example, but that’s not the end of Republican efforts to keep legal voters from voting.


In May, Gov. Scott Walker (R) signed a Voter ID bill that could disenfranchise tens of thousands of students, seniors, poor and minority Wisconsin voters who don’t have drivers’ licenses or state-issued photo IDs.

Now it appears as if the Walker administration is going a step further to keep voters who aren’t likely to be Walker supporters (see list below) away from the polls.  He’s closing 10 Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices where residents can obtain the photo IDs they will need before they are allowed to vote. Supposedly, the move is to free up DMV employees to staff offices that will have expanded hours to provide ID services.

But state Rep. Andy Jorgensen (D) says it appears the decisions were based on politics, with the department targeting offices for closure in Democratic areas and expanding hours for those in Republican districts… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <AFL-CIO>

Both Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann reported on not only this subject, but also Republican efforts to disenfranchise voters, especially Black and Latino voters, everywhere they can.

First Ed:

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Next Keith:

There can be no doubt that keeping voters from exercising their most important right, is not just a matter of isolated cases.  It is part of the overall Republican strategy, and it is a crime.  I know of only one solution.

Every Republican in office is one Republican too many!


  33 Responses to “Voter Disenfranchisement in Fitzwalkerstan Plus”

  1. I’ve always been for Republican Zero Population Growth! The critters don’t like to work. Stealing is all they’re good at. 😈

  2. The only reason no one is hollering SEDITION is because this is the republicans doing this and the center and left still have to much fucking courtesy to say such a thing. I think maybe there was a little and maybe still too much pot smoking going on. Either that or people are afraid of these pricks.

  3. Rushpubliscums have about the same notion of “freedom” that Mussolini had. They just love elections-so long as the elections go exactly the way they want them to go.

  4. So Repubicans claim they want to prevent “voter fraud”? Bull $hit!
    A recent study by the Brennan Center for Justice found that only 44 one-millionths of one percent of votes are cast by people who commit voter fraud.

    Thought for sure you’d have the Colbert video explaining why voter ID laws are necessary to find and destroy that 44 ONE-MILLIONETH of one percent:

    • That’s amazing! That’s one more trick (voter fraud) they like to use on the “low information voter”, to channel their hate for Mexicans and anyone else they don’t like. Makes good T-party robots for them to use to do their dirty work. 👿

    • It’s very difficult to do voter fraud. We had a period here in Chicago that some dead people were voting, but that got stamped out pretty quickly and the people found doing it were severely punished.

    • OMG!! .00000044%?!!? 😯 It’s a crisis! 🙄

  5. If everyone had equal access to the voting booth, republicans would lose. They can’t win on ideas, so they win by rigging the system.

  6. It is so outrageous what the teabagging republicans are doing in Wisconsin the gestapo state.

  7. these guys have stolen elections before this way – success inspires redundance – what a lovely man the fitzshitz is!

  8. It makes me wonder how many nights’ sleep these jerks lost thinking up this latest scheme to destroy our country.

  9. How are they getting away with it !1 We all know what is going on , but it continues–How ? and Why–? The Repugs seem to be running hog wild over everything and everybody— I have no desire to go anywhere near Wisc—but is this only the start / It for sure will be if it is allowed to continue —

    • In Wisconsin, they have the State House, the House, the Senate and the Court. There’s nobody left to stop them, except the voters.

  10. In addition to closing the DMV offices in Dem districts (making people travel further to vote – and January in Wisconsin is cold and snowy) they are also shortening the time for early voting. This hurts the disenfranchised voters even worse – what if it snows 14″ and they can’t get it cleared for couple of days? Sorry, you’re SOL. 😡

  11. How many lessons do we need to motivate the American people to become a more civic minded, involved electorate?
    Get these Martians out of my government!

  12. Walker is a thug who will soon be thrown from office. KICK HIM OUT, WISCONSIN VOTERS, AND RECALL HIS CROOKED REPUBLICANS TOO!!!

  13. Be afraid if you’re a union member in Wisconsin and I’m talking about your union “leadership”. Gooch McGowan, a multimillionaire (from members’ union dues) union boss SUPPORTS WI Gov Walker. Wisconsin’s 9,000 member International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 139 union boss McGowan and his political staff supported Walker when he was campagning for governor in the Fall of 2010. In addition to publically supporting Walker, Boss McGowan has repeatedly told union members their local 139 is suppoting Walker. Boss McGowan has even spent thousands of local 139 member’s union dues dollars, sending those same members, a 4 page letter in February 2011 reiterating and justifying his support for Walker. In that letter he slams former Democratic Gov Doyle for sending road building money to support – wait for it – education. Union boss Gooch McGowan also supports TOLL ROADS for Wisconsin. All this while Walker supports private ROAD BUILDERS(some use union members) and union busting. When will we start seeing Walker support road builders’ efforts to dump McGowan’s union?

    • Welcome Fred. I do not know enough about the doings in that local to comment on your information, but thank you for sharing it.

  14. The Reich WIngers don’t like our term for them, but they are just as opposed to democracy as fascists were last century. They really are bringing us as closer to the era of American Fascism.

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