Mar 292011

The campaign by Wisconsin patriots recall Republican tyrants in the State Senate has Republicans on the run.  They apparently have enough signatures to trigger a recall vote on one.  The national party is now spending 2012 financial recourses to prevent the needed regime change, and even the Republican Ministry of Propaganda is getting involved.

Fox News is sounding the alarm bells in Wisconsin:


29wiscTheir fear is well-grounded. For example, some local organizers are now saying they have surpassed the number of recall petition signatures required against Republican state Senator Randy Hopper’s district:

Efforts to recall Republican State Senator Randy Hopper from Fon du Lac have reached another milestone, as organizers issue a call for volunteers to turn in any remaining petitions to be counted. Organizer Scott Dillman says he’s sure they have enough signatures to trigger the recall, but he can’t give exact figures yet. He says, processing all the information they’ve collected so far will take a week.

Meanwhile, your ad campaign against Randy Hopper is now live. Since 7 am, central time, Monday morning, it has recorded over 400,000 impressions in Randy Hopper’s district. There are only 175,000 people in Randy Hopper’s district. It will run until Monday, April 4th…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Act Blue is requesting $5 contributions for the Wisconsin recall effort.  While it is my policy not to request donations for this blog or for anyone else specifically, those who so choose may do so here.


  10 Responses to “Wisconsin: Republicans on the Run!”

  1. ..and the State of Indiana got a lot of what their Democrats crossed the State lines for….momentum is on the left!

  2. So they thought they could screw labor and get away with it? Hey they even lost Republicans on this one. Bad move. Counting down til 1/3/12 when the dictator-in-chief gets recalled.

  3. I think that if more of these cropped up they’d get a lot of support. I think american’s have forgot they have the power to recall politicians.

  4. Godspeed. I’m a teacher in Canada and I just donated $10. I’d give more if I could, and I will when I can. If it could happen there, it could happen here. Your fight inspires us all. You fight for us all. We can stop this dark march to tyranny. You are proving it. Workers everywhere will rise up. Thank you. Don’t stop!!!

  5. Hey, there was already 1 recall that went through involving a Republican and his stand on public sector unions and taxes! He was recalled by 87%! Now the rest of the story. As mayor of Miami, he gave into the public unions demands and raised property taxes to pay for the concessions!!! Now, they have a Tea Party-esque mayor who will stand up for the Taxpayer Union – local 1040!

    • Welcome Cliff. If my memory is correct, wasn’t there some other scandal going on regarding the corruption of that individual? If you believe the rest, you have my sincere condolences.

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