Bill Maher from 1/25

 Posted by at 12:04 pm  Politics
Jan 262019

It’s that time of week again, so here are three video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Yippee Ki-Yay, Pussygrabber


Bill’s right. Nancy does have bigger balls!

Ann Coulter: The Coulter Veto

Barf Bag Alert!!


I have disliked the Coultergeist since the 1990s, because she lies so effortlessly. I hope she, her Fuhrer, and her Republican Reich go the way of the Whigs.

New Rule: Grow Up


I tend to agree with Bill, but there are so many issues that are more important, covering this wastes his talent.

Bill has certainly had better shows, but it was still funny.



  11 Responses to “Bill Maher from 1/25”

  1. Monologue – Some real ouches in this one.

    Coultergeist – “You’re kind of like Wonder Woman, if Wonder Woman was the villain.” Oh, my. Well, that sums it up, doesn’t it. I don’t think I can take eleven and a half minutes of this. Her voice is not as awful as Jeanine Pirro’s, but it is at least as bad as Teresa May’s.

    New Rules – Hmmm. If the things you like when you are ten years old are truth, justice, and peace, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. And there are people who aren’t capable of reading Melville or Shakespeare or James Baldwin. Is it really that bad to reach them through comics? I might also ask whether his structures apply to graphic novels? I guess I just think there are more important things to crusade about.

  2. Monologue: Like his comments re: R. Stone. lol 

    Coulter: Well, I gritted my teeth to watch this…she’s all that, and a bag of chips, isn’t she? Can’t stand her. Does she ever stop talking? Bill handled the conversation well, better than I would have. ugh!

  3. Monologue: Pure gold!
    Bill #2: “How are you?” is all I can take.
    New Rule: That’s why I love me some Bill!

  4. Monologue: Fantastic!

    Coulter: I watched it to see how Bill handled her. Considering that she never stops talking, he did pretty well.

    New Rules: I read all kinds of books and occasionally graphic novels. I loved Stan Lee. Some adults have a very low reading level but they can read graphic novels and comic books. At least they are reading. There are so many other things he could have concentrated on that are more important.

  5. Ann Coulter is the base? She is base. Her laughter doesn’t fool anybody – it’s the nervous guffawing of the schmuck who has been exposed. Yes, we’ve been lied to, but especially by right-wingers, and by Hitler’s Harlot.

  6. Thanks for posting, TomCat. Great closure to my weekend when we watch it tonight.

  7. Coultergeist – what was that? ?

    Bill awesome as always but a bit more ‘out there’! Loved it!! ?

  8. Did watch Bill last night. Great show, Could of passed see AnnC. Loved every single word he spoke about the idiot and also sTone. 

  9. Thanks and busy Hugs! 26

  10. Bill is on shaky grounds when he has to start using Bible quotes to make his point; but those who oppose Bill’s position are on shaky grounds when they falsely claim literary giants like Shakespeare had there writings called childish. 

    Bill and Ann are good buddies, go figure, but it always effects their debates.  

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