Aug 172018

I’m running late.  I fell asleep this morning and slept through lunch hour, so I’m way behind.  Tomorrow is the online draft for our fantasy football league.  I expect to publish normally.  The sun has hit the wall, and the CatBox heated right up.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:58 (average 5:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): Part 2 of CONFOUNDS THE SCIENCE (SEQUEL)

On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high)… 50! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Trump’s Trade Wars

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. And even the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, knows better than this, but the Republican Reich is too cowardly to risk a tantrum from Putin’s Piddle Puppet. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From USA Today: Georgia police are defending an officer’s decision to use a taser on a 87-year-old elderly woman using a knife to cut dandelions.

Law enforcement officials say the woman, Martha Al-Bishara, should have followed orders. But Al-Bishara does not speak English and did not understand the officer’s request, her family says.

Clearly the Republican Party controls Georgia police policy. Do we need Stacey Abrams there or what? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/17/2018”

  1. PPC: Word. Very, very Sad, and very well sung!!!

    RR: Yep. We’re screwed. ugh!!

    USA: An 87 year old woman tazed. w.t.H?? Why in the sam tarnation couldn’t they just let her be? She wasn’t doing anything except clipping dandelions for food. c’mon….police tazing this elderly matriach? Unreal.

    Lordy, it’s hot here, I just mowed the back 40. Hot all over, by the looks of it. C’mon Fall. Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    Cartoon: Of course! 

    *I saw that video, Patricia, it was FANtastic!!! 

  2. 6:17 And after all that, it’s empty.

    Don – Also chemicals we wear. Even coated sales receipts – well, i’m way past childbearing age but – they include endocrine disruptors which can affect a fetus in utero years before it is even conceived.

    Robert – Soybeans! They’re getting killed! But they won’t give up on him until their stash runs out.

    USA Today – Their ws plenty of information in the call to suggest a taser would NOT be the best idea:

    According to an incident report and a 911 call, officers were sent to the Boys and Girls Club on Friday at about 4:28 p.m. when an employee called and told an operator, “This lady is walking on the bike trail, she has a knife and she won’t leave. She doesn’t speak English.”

    No children were outside when the caller contacted 911.

    Etheridge said from the time of the 911 call to the time of Al-Bishara being Tased was less than 10 minutes. The 911 call lasted a little more than three minutes.

    “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but,” the employee said. “Looks like she’s walking around looking for something, like, vegetation to cut down or something. There’s a bag, too.”

    When the operator asked if the woman “came at someone with a knife …” the employee said, “No, she just bringed the knife onto the property in her hand. She didn’t try to attack anybody or anything. We haven’t closed in our fence in the back yet and she walked through there.”

    I suppose all that was too much for the officers’ attention spans.

    Cartoon – Yeah. Long ago.

  3. PP: Don is quick with yet another razor-sharp text in an easy-on-the-ear Confound the Science sequel to lay bare the terrible things Monsanto/Bayer is trying to cover up about the carcinogenic properties of their Roundup (glyphosate) and the toxic properties of neonicotinoids that kill bees all over the world. Of course it is all denied by Republicans all over the world too. Full marks to you, Don.

    Robert Reich: These tariffs Drumpf seems to come up with when he’s lost another nights sleep over how to hurt some enemy his paranoia makes him think is out there. Again the question is Drumpf can do this all on his own, without running it past Congress or some other institution first. Every time Drumpf does this without challenge from the House or Senate, he sets a precedent and draws more power to himself. I just can’t imagine Republicans, and certainly not their masters, are happy with a situation where they have absolutely no control left over emperor Drumpf. They also know they’re going to lose big time in November, so standing up to Drumpf in this tariff war could actually work in their favor, but the cowards rather hang on to what they believe is a strong Drumpf following and hope for the best.

    USAT: In her mugshot Martha Al-Bishara looks exactly like what she is: a very old woman from “the old country” as they would say here, who lived on a farm most of her life without much education and who obviously learned no other language than her nati. “Peasant” would describe her best, had that word not have gotten such a bad connotation. Add to this the very adequate description of her harmlessness the employee of the club gave of her and it is then hard to believe that the investigating officer saw her as a threat in need of tasering to be subdued. Tasering that could easily killed the woman at her age.
    Stories like this makes me wonder of some police forces only recruit new officers who completely lack in people-skills and thinks all people in the world behave the same way. Shame on Georgia police for defending the officer and charging Al-Bishara with criminal trespass and obstructing an officer. Idiots.

    Cartoon: He IS the Russian Tea Party.

  4. Magic vid of Aretha Franklin, RIP….  Carole King ‘going off’ & President Obama wiping a tear, LOVELY!

  5. Puzzle — 4:04  I need a bigger bottle!

    Parody Project — Excellent as usual!!!

    Robert Reich — I was just reading about some micro breweries in New Brunswick that are already feeling the effects of Diaper Don’s aluminium tariffs.  In some cases, there are double tariffs — going and coming!  On top of that, there is a shortage of cans because some companies have stockpiled leaving the smaller producers without.  Everything that I have read so far has panned the tariffs.

    USA Today — Unconscionable!!!  What a load of Republican crap!  If this is what passes for good policework in Georgia, it is a wonder that the state has not been sued out of existence!

    Who on earth set the FF draft time at an ungodly 900 hours?  I was so afraid of missing it that I barely slept last night.  Time for a long nap!  The smoke haze is thicker than ever this morning, the sky being almost a muddy yellow!  I can even smell the smoke.

  6. Thanks and hugs! 23

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