Everyday Erinyes #127

 Posted by at 9:50 am  Politics
Jul 072018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

It really is a mystery why the story of seven Republican Senators and one Republican Congresswoman (who decided the best place to spend their Fourth of July was an Moscow) was not the biggest story of the week. Yes, there was a terrible human tragedy in Thailand – but the United States has never cared about foreign children (at least in the sense of them being news – I don’t mean to belittle the millions of American who have hearts and DO care), and this seems like an odd time to start.

There are many reasons why this event looks, for lack of a better word, fishy. For one thing, the stated purpose of the event (as far as it can be determined from the vagueness of various statements by the participants) was to “improve relations.” That is called “diplomacy.” It is constitutionally the function of the Exectutive branch, not the Legislative branch. Specifically, it comes under the purview of the State Department. Not that Mike Pompeo could possibly ever dot he best job of it – but Congress is supposed to be doing their own jobs, not other people’s.

For a second thing (random order), not one of these Senators is running for reelection in 2018 (the Representative is, because every representative is, every two years), which leads to the speculation that they may be hoping this little trip may be forgotten by 2020 – a good bet, if Democrats don’t aggressively continue to bring it up, especially since the reporting was so underwhelming.

In connection with the above, one person (“Space Butler”) commenting at Daily Kos points out that

Also hate to double comment, but have you noticed where some of these Senators come from? Montana, where Tester is up for reelection, ND where Heitkamp is up for reelection, AL where Doug Jones will be up in 2020, a Rep from Texas where Cruz is up for reelection, Kansas is headed towards a close fought gubernatorial race this year likely, Wisconsin where we have Baldwin running this year, and Louisana apparently Kennedy is looking to challenge JBE for governor in the next election there.

(The thing about Daily Kos is that the article authors and those making comments are all in the same pool. Any member can write either without prior approval; though there is moderation, it’s not applied to matters of fact: those are policed by the whole community with counter-comments. So it is good to be aware of just who is writing and what is their reputation for accuracy, and how hard is it to check. In the case of the above comment it’s not hard at all.)

Thirdly, certainly legislators do like to get out of DC at every opportunity, but why Russia? Why now? Well, one thought is, and some have even admitted this openly as a general principle, they always have time for their donors.

Fourthly, the results of the trip, at least for the United States, appear to be questionable at best. In fact, even before the trip, Russia appeared to be more amused than engaged.

“What trouble did we cause?” one Russian TV analyst said last week, before the senators arrived. “We just elected Trump, that’s all.”

And afterwards:

Duma member Vyacheslav Nikonov.. said he had met with many American lawmakers in years past and that this meeting “was one of the easiest ones in my life.” The question of election interference, he said, was resolved quickly because “the question was raised in a general form… One shouldn’t interfere in elections — well, we don’t interfere.”

I personally can’t help wondering, as a taxpayer, wouldn’t it have been cheaper to put up a huge billboard on Capitol Hill:

Dear America, we don’t really care what you think, we are a fully owned subsidiary of Russia, and our allegiance is there. /s/ The GOP

It would have sent the same message for less money.

Dear Furies, apparently we Democrats, particularly our party leaders, need some training in your techniques, specifically in rubbing the guilt of the guilty in their faces without mercy until they break down. And not stopping until the breakdown is complete. Whether you should concentrate on Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the present DNC, or work at helping us put in new leadership with more Erynical skills, or a combination of the two, I will leave to you. But we certainly need something,

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


  9 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #127”

  1. Russians don’t interfere in elections, nor do they interfere in Brexit referendums (anew a very hot topic in Britain), nor do they poison “traitors” gone over to Britain with novichok (an even hotter topic now an innocent couple appears to have come in contact with some residue and are dying in hospital) and the Russians certainly do not shoot passenger planes out of the sky over Ukraine (investigators now even know the name of the man responsible for the order). And seven Republicans just wanted to see some World Cup soccer in Russia. Right!

    Why don’t the Furies start some crowd funding together with the Democrats and get that huge billboard up on Capitol Hill with that perfect message in neon-letters on it? Make it happen before November 7 and I’ll be glad to chip in.

    Thanks for another great article on a subject that should have gotten so much more covering, Joanne. The media should know by now that if Drumpf acts like he’s losing it, his administration or the GOP is up to no good when the media’s attention has let itself be lured away from them.

    • LOL!  They didn’t go to the World Cup – they went to the ballet.  I didn’t make a big thing of that because I know too much about ballet and am sure all the dancers are more physically fit and tougher than the soccer players … but I suspect Orange Judas’s base will be horrified if they find out.

  2. Good grief ! Instead of ‘celebrating’ with their constituents in their home state, on the 4th of July, they get on a plane and go to Russia. W.T.H.???? Do they not care about us, and the US?!? guess not. At taxpayers expense too, I might add. It’s not a ‘cupcakes and tea’ session, Russia is NOT our friend, or of democracy, and they work against our American values overtly. Guess they (the ids who went), forgot about that, eh? smdh!!! and ugh!!

    Great post, Joanne, (and Furies), Thanks!

  3. Thanks JD.  I wanted to cover this, but never got to it.  For a slow, holiday week, it’s been two pounds of ? in a one pound bag.  Great job! 04

    I think they were an advance negotiation team to see what concessions Putin wants in exchange for the White House and an additional supply of hookers with full bladders.

  4. Maybe a pithier billboard – something along this style:

    And how about a new flag to go with it – something like this …

    After all, you can’t spell Russia without the rUsSiA

  5. Why should Russia be engaged, they did their job, and all they have to do now is watch as Dumpy unravels the country, bit by tiny, or not so tiny, bit.  After all he’s got the “Business Acumen” with which to do it?  and, let’s not forget that he’s going to be meeting with his boss, Putin, soon, for more marching orders.  
    On July 4th, no less!  Or is it , as my now corrected typo put it July $th, in rubles.?  This would commemorate the source of Dumpy’s financial backers for some decades now.

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