May 162018

Here is the one hundred sixteenth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate Christopher Barnett. He is so honored for the way he showed typical Republican compassion for the disabled.

0516Chris_BarnettOklahoma Republican gubernatorial candidate Christopher Barnett apparently made repugnant comments over the weekend advocating euthanasia for poor and disabled people who are unable to support themselves — but he now argues that the remarks were fraudulently made in his name.

The issue first erupted when a series of posts and comments raised the disturbing ideas on Barnett’s campaign Facebook [pig delinked] page. The remarks have since been removed, but several outlets and others documented them before they were taken down.

The comments came in reply to an initial poll posted on the page asking: “Should a person be required to apply for 2 jobs a week if receiving Food stamps and take any job offered to them to gain employment and if they refuse, they lose their food stamps?”

In reply to some of the comments, Barnett’s account wrote, "The ones who are disabled and can’t work…why are we required to keep them up? Sorry but euthanasia is cheaper and doesn’t make everyone a slave to the Government.”…  [emphasis added]

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Barnett is completely worthy of a parade, because he has applied his party’s standard for health care to disability and hunger: the RepubliCare Death Benefit.  If you can’t pay, you get to die!



  8 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 5/16/2018”

  1. My crystal ball sees a disabling accident in his future, although probably not in the near enough future.

  2. Would he say this about his grandparents/parents or to one of his elderly relatives??? What a cold blooded basturd!!!

  3. Sounds like something I’ve heard from a certain Mr.Scrooge (“They have poor hoses, don’t they?”), from a certain PIG named Hitler, as well.

  4. “The ones who are disabled and can’t work…why are we required to keep them up? Sorry but euthanasia is cheaper and doesn’t make everyone a slave to the Government.”… 
    OMG he’s evil!!!!!!14

  5. Really all that is missing is this a$$hole’s “Welcoming” sign …

  6. So glad others have noticed as well that Christopher Barnett’s remark is straight from Hitler’s Nazi 101. His Republican mixture of fascist statements followed by cowardly denial, pointing to an imposter making them on his campaign Facebook page, makes him this weeks perfect candidate for today’s Parade.

  7. Thanks, hugs, and Amen to all! 07

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