Mar 172018

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  The wheels for my chair arrives.  Hopefully they will go on without difficulty.  Keep your fingers crossed, please. Tomorrow, I may have no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread.  WWWendy planned to celebrate TC day with me, and we’ll have to spend quite a bit of time on the wheels.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:17 (average 4:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Trump Shows Disturbing Pattern With Officials Critical Of Russia (22 min.)

I said that I thought Tillerson was fired, because he criticized Trump’s owner. Has Rachel developed that hypothesis, or what? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Oregonian Channel): How to make a DIY Shamrock Shake

That one is Oregon High Test!! Republicans give us all a reason to drink! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Hours after an armed teacher in a Northern California classroom fired a gun and injured a student, the head of the National Rifle Association proposed placing a second armed teacher in every classroom, to shoot the first armed teacher before he or she can do harm.

“Had there been a second armed teacher in the classroom to shoot the first armed teacher, this regrettable incident would never have occurred,” Wayne LaPierre said. “The only thing that stops a bad teacher with a gun is a good teacher with a gun.”

The N.R.A. executive vice-president said, “In a perfect world, you would have a third armed teacher, in case the second one messes up, but right now I’d settle for two.”

Dang Andy! I believe it. Does Wayne LaMerde call the spare the designated Ammosexual? RESIST!!




  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/17/2018”

  1. 3:51 Brrrr!

    The only Russian I know outside of proper names is “Da” and “Nyet.” But some nice person posted the Russian for “Move along” so if one comes up agains a Russian troll in a thread one can cut and paste: двигаться вперед

    MSNBC – I’m sure he will get rid of anyone who criticizes Russia … but that may not always be the only reason. It was pretty well accepted that Tillerson had been Purin’s pick. Criticizing Russia made Putin give Donny Two Scoops permission to fire him outright.

    Shamrock – Not Irish whiskey? Hmmmmph.

    TNY – In other news, a high school in San Leandro, CA, had made all kinds of plans to protest, supported by teachers and staff. Then a shooring threat note found in a restroom made it necessary to lock down the entire school just as the protest would have begun. There was no shooting, just the threat, all are safe, but my heaven, how PETTY.

    Cartoon – Unfortunately, some of those are named things like Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy and Mitchell McConnell, and they came HERE. Can we send them back?

  2. If only some saint (or whoever) would drive all the Rethuglicans out of North America.

  3. MSNBC: This is very telling. Trump is so thick in the mud with his master, Putin, it’s sickening!! He won’t say anything negative about Russia. It shows his collusion & guilt in this whole mess too, imho.

    YT: Word to your comment, Tom. lol.

    NYer: Sheet, this is insane, isn’t it? But….I can see it happening. For real. thx, Andy!

    Cartoon: Lead the way, St. Patrick! Please! I pray for all Republicons to fall over a cliff. Amen.

    Best to you and Wendy getting your wheels back on, and lined up. Have a good evening, and a great day tomorrow!! Thanks, Tom.

  4. MSNBC: How about “President Trump shows disturbing pattern,” period!  His behavior does not even come up to the level of a third grade playground!
    U-Tube: Damn!  Can I be Irish?
    New Yorker: I’m afraid that what i want to say here, in response to this all to real scene, would get me in trouble.

  5. Rachel Maddow: Kudos to Rachel for doing all that research and leaving no doubt that the theory voiced here by many is correct: Drumpf not only fires people who disagree with him, but even more quickly those that go against the puppet-master in Russia.

    Oregonian: Hmmm, reminded me of the dentist appointment on Tuesday I have for the repair of a broken tooth + root canal job.

    TNY: Considering the ‘bad’ teacher was a reservist police man, trained in using guns, I wonder what the NRA has in mind for the ‘good’ teacher, Andy. A SWAT member?

    Cartoon: Ireland never had any snakes to start with, but Republicans are ingrained in US politics, so Saint Patrick will have a really hard time living up to his myth.

  6. Thanks all.  Rushing Hugs! 26

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