Bill Maher from 3/9

 Posted by at 1:14 pm  Politics
Mar 102018

It’s that time of week again, and I’m happy to share five fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Rocket Man and Rain Man


I disagree with Bill’s thoughts on the meeting. Since Kim’s Army of Beauties will also be attending, the conference should be called the Conference of the Yellow Rain. Stormy’s dick pics of Trump are on microfilm.

Kathy Griffin: Laugh Your Head Off


I saw the trick photo of a decapitated Donald Trump.  It is certainly gross, but what this women went through is way overboard for satire in bad taste.

Bari Weiss: The Age of the Digital Stain


Damning people like Bari is why the lock-step goose-stepping lunacy of the regressive left is so harmful to the resistance.

White House Motivational Posters


The second is the Fuhrer’s favorite.

New Rule: Third Rails


Thoughts and prayers are not opposite. When I pray, I am including God in my thoughts. Enforced piety is not part of Christianity. It’s part of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity. Bill’s problem here is that he lumps authentic Christians together with pseudo-Christians, because of his own need to shove his own evangelical atheist religion down others’ throats.  Authentic atheists coexist.  Only to evangelical atheists like Bill act like pseudo-Christians.

In spite of Bill’s religious prejudice, I love and respect his work.



  4 Responses to “Bill Maher from 3/9”

  1. Bill – Monologue – Rocket Man and Rain Man is PERFECT! And he had me ROTFL with the Stormy jokes.

    Kathy Griffin – Good for Bill to bring this out. Bari Weiss too. Almost the same thing, just from different sides.

    Bari Weiss – I’m not sure what planet she lives on where people in real life apologize …

    Posters – These are even funnier than the generic satires, and I thought those were unbeatable. 

    New Rule – “It’s an amendment, not a commandment.” Oh, yeah.

    I couldn’t find the Trae segment on YouTube, but I was able to hear enough in the platform Raw Story and AlterNet had it in to get this gem:
    “Watching these two guys debate on what to do about the nuclear situation in North Korea is like two hammered drunk bricklayers talk about what to do with a brain tumor.” Once again, Trae nails it!

  2. Thanks for Bill. 
    Still watching!

  3. If if wasn’t tRump going over to North Korea – “Fat Man and Little Boy” would be one helluva lot funnier if not for the sinister meta-message – I might have some hope. So stupid it might work? Hope springs eternal in the human heart – and in the minds of fools.

  4. Thanks all.  Pooped Hugs! ?

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